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Where to aim - Shotgun Coyotes

Started by KySongDog, August 18, 2008, 10:47:06 AM

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Time for another dumb question. 

I know that when hunting turkeys its best to aim at the head/neck.  But what about coyotes?  With today's tight chokes and high density loads you have to aim the shotgun when they get in close.

So do you aim for the head/neck?  Chest/lungs?  Front third of the body?  Or anywhere you can hit 'em cause they're running too dayum fast!   :wo:


I generally aim at the neck but then I use an old 10 gauge muzzle loader[built around 1836] with no choke.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Rib cage is where I aim. I only hold for the head when that is  only target offered at the time.  :biggrin:
Foxpro Field staff


I think that's a great guestion.  Something I've given some thought to.
There is no pat answer cause you have two main variables, distance & position.  One thing for sure though a pellet in the brain makes a dead coyote DRT.  :biggrin:
If they're in close were you aren't getting much of a pattern spread I would am for the head.  It won't make a pretty hero pix, but will save the rest of the hide if that's what ya want.
Now if it's further out & I can see the chest, neck, head area I want the center of my pattern on the neck. Giving a good chance pellets are going to hit vitals in one of the 3 areas.   It goes w/o saying if it's running away ....
Now the above pertains to pellets that are large enough to penitrate.  To those that are resticted to BB size shot & less you have to aim at the chest. Shot kills by shock & you're best going to shock 'em by slammin' them in the  chest area. I wouldn't want to try a headon shot  w/ shot if I have hope of a chest shot.

Please note I said "the center of my pattern."  :readthis:  As Coyotoe101 is finding out the center of your pattern isn't always were you are aiming.  :nofgr:   Ya need to take measures to correct this.


Quote from: vvarmitr on August 18, 2008, 11:34:00 AM
I think that's a great guestion.  Something I've given some thought to.
There is no pat answer cause you have two main variables, distance & position.  One thing for sure though a pellet in the brain makes a dead coyote DRT.  :biggrin:
If they're in close were you aren't getting much of a pattern spread I would am for the head.  It won't make a pretty hero pix, but will save the rest of the hide if that's what ya want.
Now if it's further out & I can see the chest, neck, head area I want the center of my pattern on the neck. Giving a good chance pellets are going to hit vitals in one of the 3 areas.   It goes w/o saying if it's running away ....
Now the above pertains to pellets that are large enough to penitrate.  To those that are resticted to BB size shot & less you have to aim at the chest. Shot kills by shock & you're best going to shock 'em by slammin' them in the  chest area. I wouldn't want to try a headon shot  w/ shot if I have hope of a chest shot.

Please note I said "the center of my pattern."  :readthis:  As Coyotoe101 is finding out the center of your pattern isn't always were you are aiming.  :nofgr:   Ya need to take measures to correct this.

Aint that what them Fancy Dan hunters call "patterning" your shotgun or some such thing?.. :confused:


Quote from: nastygunz on August 18, 2008, 09:09:39 PM

Aint that what them Fancy Dan hunters call "patterning" your shotgun or some such thing?.. :confused:

Not talking about patterning the gun.  Talking about where on the coyote to hit him to be most effective with the shot.  Assume the gun has been patterned to point of aim.


Maybe Mr. Warmitr could clear this up? From what I got out of it he was saying that your shotgun point of aim isnt always where the center of your shot pattern is hitting....in which case patterning your shotgun tells you where the center of the pattern is in relation to your point of aim, for instane it might shoot 2 inches low and 3 inches to the right from point of aim. I await your input Mr.Warmitr   :wo:

"Please note I said "the center of my pattern."    As Coyotoe101 is finding out the center of your pattern isn't always were you are aiming.     Ya need to take measures to correct this."


p.s. and he did say PLEASE NOTE!... :wink:


I usually aim over thier back at close range...........UUh a warning shot if you will......I dont recomend that at all.... :roflmao:


 :confused:   Ok Nasty, lemmee try to say this another way.   What I mean is when I pattern a shotgun, I adjust the point of aim to the center of the pattern.   So my question was that assuming the center of the pattern and the point of aim are the same,  where on the coyote do you try to put the most pellets.   

Does that make sense now?   :shrug:

And you are correct.  VV started talking about patterning the gun at the end of his post.  But patterning is not what I was trying to get at.    :eyebrownod:


Man, am I that hard to understand?  :confused:
I'd explain myself, but now I fear I would only make matters worse.  :sad:


I'm totally confused now too.   :confused:   In fact, I don't even remember what the thread was about or who started it.   :roflmao:

Let's just forget the whole dayum thing.  I'll think of another dumb question in a minute and start a thread on that.   :roflmao:   :roflmao:


two words boom headshot.  works for fox.  if it is out there your pattern should be opening up sightly and will also get body shots.  ever try to sell a hide that the shoulder is peppered because you shot at ten yds? not perty. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Bigben: "ever try to sell a hide that the shoulder is peppered because you shot at ten yds? not perty."

Josey Wales: "Hell with them fellers, buzzards gotta eat, same as worms"
Foxpro Field staff


I always tell folks I take turkey hunting........Ya ever notice a turkey target with the scoring rings on it?  You do not shoot a turkey in the head. :nono: you aim for his neck right where the feathers start. :eyebrownod:
Why?.........half your pattern will go over his head if you aim at the head.
your bead is the center of your pattern. :wink:


yea but these mysterious magical coyotes that roam the woods of pennsyltucky only show them selfs once in 500 stands.  when we finally do get one we want to keep it or sell it.  I know fox the furbuyer hates to see a shoulder peppered.  I aim for the head.  somtimes depending on how close he is I aim for the nose.  I pattern my shotgun and know exactly how it is gonna shoot and where.  the red dot is a big help. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Rib cage if he is sideways, running or standing. Dead center of his chest and neck if he is facing you.  I have never shot one with a shotgun further than 45 yds, but my Remington duplex shells put them down graveyard dead.  If you are concerned with the pelt, better stick to your rifle.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Jimmie in Ky

I aim center mass Hoss. That full chokes generally covers the whole critter at forty yards so I is bound to hit somethin'  :biggrin: Jimmie