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Live from the Predator Expo

Started by FinsnFur, August 22, 2008, 06:35:39 PM

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Thanks Buker. :doh2:
Tell us about the 'fest after it's over.  :rolleye:

Don't do it next year.  I read they're moving the coyote expo so it'll be closer to the coyote hunters.  :iroll:   (Bet that ain't east.)  So I'd rather be at the 'fest looking at daggers then be w/ the GREAT coyote hunters of the west.   :innocentwhistle:


V V,

There are several states that have already been talked about some, two of them have been Columbus Ohio, and Harrisburg PA. Don't know for sure were this will end up next year, may end up being close to home you never know.



If its in Columbus Ohio I would be ther!! :yoyo:

R Buker

Dammit you guys....  I do my best to hijack this thread and you just get back on track....   :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:


Quote from: keekee on August 28, 2008, 10:31:55 AM
Columbus Ohio, and Harrisburg PA.
Columbus or Harrisburg?

Holy House of Hasenpfeffer! Dayum that would be too kewl! :yahoo:
I was a thinking demographicly that there's a lot more $ in the East w/ the number of predator hunters. It would make sense to me to have it more eastern. Now if they put in Columbus that would make it a little closer for the Western Predator Hunters.  :eyebrow:  :innocentwhistle:  :laf:

If it's in Ohio I get first dibbies on taking Rich, CCP, g'hoggen!  ;yes;  :thumb2:

Quote from: R Buker on August 28, 2008, 05:49:15 PM
Dammit you guys....  I do my best to hijack this thread and you just get back on track....   :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
:thumb2: I have to give ya two thumbs up fer your efferts Randy.  :eyebrownod:


QuoteIf it's in Ohio I get first dibbies on taking Rich, CCP, g'hoggen!

I will take that offer for I still have never killed a G-hog.

I heard FT Worth Texas. :confused:
