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Live from the Predator Expo

Started by FinsnFur, August 22, 2008, 06:35:39 PM

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Hawks Feather

Glad to hear that you made it back home safe and sound.  Oh, yea, and that you had a good time.


P.S.  I didn't ban anyone - that I know of.



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


...need sleep bad...I'm gonna have to finish catchin up tomorrow. :sleep:
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Quote...need sleep bad...I'm gonna have to finish catchin up tomorrow.  :sleep: :sleep:

Same here will post pics tomorrow.



Hope yall took care of DD he looked.............um.........Tired, yea thats it tired. :innocentwhistle:

Bills Custom Calls

Glad to see ya all had a good time
Hey fellers thanks for taking care of DD looks like he needed it

Congrats to JD and Brent  :yoyo: :highclap: :congrats:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

George Ackley

((Watson and I didnt go for lunch George...I was just saying he showed up at the expo for the event. ))

Na jimbo, read it again pal ,,, i said you got lunch for R.Black nothing about Watson :roflmao:

joking around guys just joking around ,,,,,
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Looks like everyone had a good time.  Congrats to Brent and JD.    :congrats:

I sure hope I can make the show next year. 


Glad everyone made it back safely.  Looks like it was a blast.


Cool pics jimbo...looks like everybody had a great time. Did teh attendance pick up a bit for teh rest of the show?



Wow....I am tired. I got home about 11:00 last night, and had a pretty rough day yesterday after my deabacle on Saturday.  :puke:

I'll try to post more later.


Pics , CCP , Pics, CCP, Pics, FNF, Pics ?????    :confused: :confused:


PICS?? jeb :doh2:  I posted 38 of em...At's all I got. :laf:
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Thanks for the Congrats guy's
I know I had a good time while out there. It was fun seeing alot of guy's again and meeting new guy's.

Now I have braggin rights on Mr. Cronk  :innocentwhistle:  :biggrin:

Joe, It was nice to meet you and thanks a ton for your time and help.  :yoyo:



Thanks guys for the congrads!

We sure had a good time!

Thanks to Joe for all the help and to Kelly, JRB and Randy as well. Thanks to everyone who helped out with putting this contest on. If it wasn't for Joe I wouldn't of even got to call in the howling! Thanks Joe!

All the judges did great the contests were all close! We had a three way tie for 2nd and Third in the distress!

The winners sheet were not wrong, we  just had some confusion with getting the call off confused with the final scores but it worked out!

JD made a hell of a showing there! finished 4th in the distress after a call off with two other callers, 1st in the howling and called Very strong! And 2nd in the world finals! Very cool! Hell of a job JD!



 Most of the pics I took did not turn out something wrong with my camera.

I had a great time but wish more people would have came.

Here is BigB and friends  (don't worry BigB I will photoshop later :biggrin:)

Joe and Aaron relaxing after setting up.

Our booth

Jim Champion Richard B. and Joe Bradshaw shootin the breeze.

Joe stealing candy!  :innocentwhistle:

I know why Jim's not married boots right on the bed. :laf:

Looks like the deer aint the only thing that seen the head lights. :roflmao:

  Jim and Securpro

Todd and Steve at the Minaska Booth

Brian Robinson and prostaff at the Western Rivers booth.

Kyle and some old man. :confused:

Rich Higgins and Dan Carey ( Both great guys)

Will try and find more and put up later.




Dffr in the headlights huh.  :wo:  Looked more like Jimbo was about to meet up with the big fredrog & didn't like it!!  :laf: :laf:

Cool pics!!

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I saw the old man reaching as the photo loaded and thought aww man why did I double dare him :nono: Thank god he did not.... I see way to much of that. :laf:
Thanks for the pics guys, I wanna go next year!


Oh the old man did :eyebrownod: but the photographer was too early on the shutter.
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