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Faux pro fury?

Started by browning204, August 23, 2008, 11:55:51 AM

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$600.00(six hundred dollars) -(minus) $0.05(nickle) =(equals) $599.95(the price of a Fury(newest call from Foxpro) at All Predator Calls)
So if $599.95 ($600 - $0.05) is cheaper then how much is the FX5? Which wasn't know at the time of my post. :iroll:


I knew how much a FX5 cost over a year ago. :confused:


Quote from: bootmud on August 27, 2008, 06:57:27 AM
Quote from: Semp on August 26, 2008, 10:04:34 PM
Quote from: bootmud on August 26, 2008, 12:01:43 PM

No....  The price of the FX5 is currently $679.95


AND Foxpro's site has the FURY listed for 599.95

My calculator shows that as being $80.00 less.


There is no question that the value of a FX5 dropped like a rock when the Fury was announced.   :readthis:   Sounds like Foxpro has infected the common sense of that PA site to me.  Going down the same road as PM maybe???   :shrug:   


I guess it'll make you feel better when your favorite Ecall maker comes out with a new model and the price is higher????

Yea, that makes lots of sense. :confused:

Like I said, Bitch, Bawl, Complain.    Waaaa :sleep:


I think you misunderstood what I was saying.  I never said the Fury wasn't a better call for cheaper money.  It probably is, I don't know 'cause I don't own one.

What I did say is that the value of a FX5 dropped off the map because of the introduction of the new Fury e-caller.    Now, IF, you had just bought the FX5 I think you might be a little ticked off at spending MORE money for less call that is NOT upgradeable.    I ain't bitchin, bawlin or complainin.   Just stating facts.


Same ole shit , just another day  :shrug:


Or do we need to start tagging ourselves with this ??  :shrug: :shrug:


I am going to go stay at a Holoday Inn Express then I will understand it all.......... :laf:LOL


you could not get one for the price i payed for my fx5.             freeeeeeeeeeeee :roflmao: :roflmao: :biggrin:



I hear ya Jeb.  :eyebrownod:

I wonder out of all these folks doing the whining who actually kills coyotes?  :confused: Just a thought.

When I first started out in coyote hunting I tried learning it by myself. It can be done, but it takes a long time. Didn't have much info then.

Then I was fortunate enough to hook up with a guy that has been killing coyotes here in Tennessee since 1973. Pretty much trumped all of my experience so I listened to everything that came out of his mouth and hunted with him constantly. I STILL DO!!

My partner and mentor is probably as good or better than anyone around when it comes to coyote hunting, so I reckon I'll keep on listening and learning from him.

George Ackley has literally killed hundreds of coyotes in the last twenty years or so in all kinds of terrain and states. All over the northeast, Texas, Arizona, etc. Why would folks bash him instead of trying to learn from him? Don't make sense.

I know George's ways can seem kinda rough, but dang boys this ain't knitting class. Who knows you might learn something from him.

I've done a lot of reading about you PA boys and it appears that few of you have more than a dozen coyotes or so. Now there's nothing wrong with that, because numbers isn't what it's all about anyway, BUT maybe George could help some.

Maybe I'm wrong and I'm just trying to help.

For what it's worth I've used the Foxpro myself and wasn't all that impressed, but there's nothing really wrong with it either. Decent call for sure. The preferential treatment they get from other places is what chaps my balls, so that alone will insure that I never own one.
Use what you like and like what you use.  :sneer:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: Semp on August 27, 2008, 02:41:45 PM

I think you misunderstood what I was saying.  I never said the Fury wasn't a better call for cheaper money.  It probably is, I don't know 'cause I don't own one.

What I did say is that the value of a FX5 dropped off the map because of the introduction of the new Fury e-caller.    Now, IF, you had just bought the FX5 I think you might be a little ticked off at spending MORE money for less call that is NOT upgradeable.    I ain't bitchin, bawlin or complainin.   Just stating facts.

I get it Semp,  but I did buy a FX5 last year and I could care less that the new model is less money.  Why is a digital game caller different from anything else.  I didn't buy it as an investment.  I bought it as a tool to hunt with.  I'm not gonna rush out  ditch the FX5 just cause a new caller came out and then complain about loosing money in the resale.

I darn sure betcha anyone that bought a new vehicle can relate that when they traded it in.

What would this topic be like if the Fury was $900?  Then everyone would be complaining that the price is to high.  You see all those folks here that have a problem with Foxpro gotta have something to complain about.  

I could stand to hear the complaining from someone that just bought the FX5 much easier than from someone that hasn't ever bought one.  You don't hear to many folks complaining about the price of rice in China.  Alot of those that have FX5's feel the same as I, some don't.  BUT  the price is cheaper for a more advanced caller.  Gee thought was good.  Ya know, cheaper is better.



Ok,   Uncle!  I give. You win.   :shrug:

And Jeb

If you don't like what's playing on this channel.  Change channels.   :doh2:


Quoteyou could not get one for the price i payed for my fx5.             freeeeeeeeeeeee

Got my 416B w/remote for the same price  :yoyo: 


anyway, I just rearranged the sounds on my MINASKA and printed a new sound list up. Fired up the wood stove for fun. Come on leaves, fall off!

Oh ya, and Mosquito's  DIE

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Dangit!! Someone give me one free!  :fingerx:


Geezus H. Champion, I got so confused reading this thread I just sold my FX3 for $5.00 and bought a Acme rabbit squealer call at Walmart for $479.00 !! :shrug:.....its even made in china, probably why it cost so much? :wo:


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Quote from: nastygunz on August 28, 2008, 09:51:36 PM
Geezus H. Champion, I got so confused reading this thread I just sold my FX3 for $5.00 and bought a Acme rabbit squealer call at Walmart for $479.00 !! :shrug:.....its even made in china, probably why it cost so much? :wo:

:roflmao:  Look at all the money you are going to save on batteries now!   :roflmao:


Your rabbit squealer was made in china? Probably made of lead then. If it don't CALL coyotes, you can always use it for a shotgun slug.  :innocentwhistle:

The new Fury probably won't be ready til October, but I have a Jack-in-the box decoy on the way. I need all the help I can get. There should be more coyotes for us to call this year, I mean with big George running for President and all.  :roflmao:
Foxpro Field staff


Ya got robbed for sure, I think that model was on the lead recall list that was circulating around  :eyebrownod:


My camo FX5 looks $80 better :wink:


I think calling it "The Fury"..... gives a bad image for hunting and ammo for the left winger antis....instead of "Fury" how bout....hmmmmmmmmmm.....Fire Up Roaming Yotes, or F.U.R.Y.,  :highclap:.....yupp...that looks damn good  :biggrin: