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Tennessee Coyote Hunting Contests

Started by DirtyDog, August 29, 2008, 06:24:16 PM

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I wanted to let everyone know that Rprince and I are hosting the West TN Coyote contest again this year. We are also going to hold a youth hunt, and we just today decided that I am going to hold a Middle TN Coyote Contest. We have been busy asking for donations for months now, trying to set up the Tennessee Coyote Hunters Association, and get the logistics of all of it together. I may call on some of you at some point to see if you can help in some way shape or form.



If there is anyway ya think I might be able to help, just holler, Joe.   :wink:


Sounds exciting Joe.....Hope it's all a success!!



WoW Joe, I wish I were there I'd help ya out in a heartbeat....Sounds like fun :yoyo:

Bills Custom Calls

Joe I hope your hunt is very successful  :wink: :biggrin:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Last year was great. We had 100 people in the contest.

Here is some news. The West TN contest is on Feb 7th. which if my calander looks correct, would be the weekend of the LBL. So if some of you are going to be at the LBL anyways.....the check in is about 30 minutes from the LBL.  :eyebrow:


I'll be at the LBL, but I don't think I'll be in a contest. :noway: It's hard enough to find a coyote there without the added pressure of additional contest hunters being there the same time we are. Somebody should've checked the calendar when they scheduled that hunt. Or, was it done intentionally to lure FnFer's into a contest? :confused:


Quote from: weedwalker on August 30, 2008, 03:42:13 AM
I'll be at the LBL, but I don't think I'll be in a contest. :noway: It's hard enough to find a coyote there without the added pressure of additional contest hunters being there the same time we are. Somebody should've checked the calendar when they scheduled that hunt. Or, was it done intentionally to lure FnFer's into a contest? :confused:

Lots of thought actually went into it. The area where the contest is being held, there are a lot of duck hunters, and the wekend before is the end of duck season. The last weekend of duck season is almost as busy as the beginning of duck season there. Also, the foloowing weekend is valentines day, so we have to share. You absolutely do not have to enter Ed, but you sure can come down and check out all the coyotes at check in.  :eyebrow: Here is a pic of last years coyotes/ cats.
Keep in mind this is Tennessee, not Texas or Kansas.


Well I am with Ed on this one! Competition is no part of LBL. It is about helping new coyote hunters. It is also about the friendships built there. Your hunt that you are trying to organize goes against everything The LBL stands for.  :argh:

My name is MALLARDSR and I approve this message.


His hunt has nothing to do with the LBL hunt. It's just on the same weekend but the choice is with the person, if you want to hunt in it then do it. If not then don't. Their hunt isn't in any way going to affect the LBL get together.  :eyebrownod:
Ronnie Cannon



Quote from: centerfire_223 on August 30, 2008, 02:43:28 PMTheir hunt isn't in any way going to affect the LBL get together.  :eyebrownod:

When scores of contest hunters show up to hunt at the same time we get together to hunt there's no doubt in my mind it will have an effect on us. I've been around contestants before. They have the attitude that since they paid to be there, it automaticly gives them the right of way. I just feel like there was no consideration given to the fact that they already knew FnF would be there that weekend.


I would love to be naive at this point and believe that this was just a case of thoughtlessnes, unfortunately there are much stronger motives behind all this.



I am truly not sure what you guys are concerned about. These peopel will be hunting mostly on their own ground away from the LBL..........but if you guys are truly worried about it, we just won't come to the LBL after the hunt.


Joe, if I may ask when and where was last years contest? Never heard of it till now, who sponsored it?  :shrug:

Guys, we need to remember LBL is public property... open to everyone.  No use getting in a tizzy... there may be 10 or 10,000 people running around there at any given time. 
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.



I will Pm you the info if you want it. Apparently I have ticked some people off with this, and I do not want to see it go any further. For the sake of keeping this calm. I am going to back away from posting on this subject any more.


Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.




 :confused: I'd like a lil of that info too. Never heard about a contest going on during the LBL hunt. :huh:
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