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AR15 ?

Started by nastygunz, September 06, 2008, 09:50:00 AM

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As its raining hard her in NH I was just reading the new 08/09 game regs book which says its unlawful to use a semi rifle holding more then 5 rounds, except for a rimfire...so Im wondering about the coyote carbines, ar15, bushmaster, etc alot of predator hunters use....is there a smaller capacity magazine available for them?...like holds 3-4 rounds?..the standard seems to be 10.


First time I ever heard that question. :wink:

Whats the reasoning
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George Ackley

yes most states are 5 round only,, and they do make 5 round clips we use,

so yes in your state we can hunt with AR's with 5 round max clips,
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I wasn't paying attention again was I?  :innocentwhistle:
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Jimmie in Ky

The reasoning is that some yahoos tend to pray and spray the woods with high capacity clips. There were also ten round mags available for the big caliber semi auto's. And I have been on a farm right next to one of these nimrods with one. When we accidently recovered the deer four days later it had fifteen holes in it. Not a single kill shot among them. The poor beast suffered a great deal in that four days.

You hear about some of these accidents every year somewhere. A bullet through a house or car or even other hunter4s having close calls with shots thrown in their direction. So most states decided it was best to limit mag capacity. 

It's true that there are all kinds of idiots out there with all kinds of weapons. And in my opinion these fellas are a danger to all of us. So be careful out there. Jimmie

George Ackley

As far as I will go on that last post is

Sorry jimmie in ky, I have to disagree with yea on most of your hole reply..
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


5 in the mag...1 in the chamber.....=6?

George Ackley


I thnk your right / regs only say that the mag has to be 5 rounds
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


by crikey i am reading the regs and it does say a "semi automatic rifle with a clip or magazine holding more then 5 rounds"...so id guess its ok to have 5 in the mag and 1 in the tube. Now it doesnt mention hanguns i dont think so if you use a 10 mm automatic pistol you can have a 10 round clip?.....not to push this thread any further.... :biggrin:


Quote from: FinsnFur on September 06, 2008, 09:51:34 AM
First time I ever heard that question. :wink:

Whats the reasoning


In KY for deer hunting, you must use a firearm that can hold no more than 11 rounds.  (10 round magazine + 1 in the chamber)

For coyotes, any capacity magazine is legal.  You can hunt coyotes with a 30 round mag if ya want.


the legal handgun calibers listed in the nh book are 357,10mm,41 rem,44 mag,45 long colt,480 ruger, and 50 magnum., does this mean you cant use a s&w .500 ?.....or a contender with a 30-30 barrel?.....damn book anyways!!! :argh:

George Ackley

looks to my your list ,  it may only be strait case cal, so the 500 is good i bet,, the 30 30 no good

there are other states that only alowe strait case rounds

i dont have a NH book
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

Jimmie in Ky

The wording Semp mentions appeared in th manuals the year after two houses were filled with holes. One of which had an infant sleeping in his crib that was killed by one of those rounds. ALL OF THIS DURING THE DEER SEAON.

The kid on the next farm was playing soldier with two ten round mags taped together for his semi auto. By the time he fired his seventeenth round I was praying for my BIL's safetey, he was hunting from the fencerow between the two farms.  I skinned that deer myself four days later. I can recognize gangrene by the stench and color of the meat.

If you think accidents like these have nothing to do with the regs we deal with each year, the you are saddly mistaken. You think the parents of the infant did not complain? Do you think that we as hunters should keep our mouths shut when fools make such mistakes? Stuff happens is not an attitude we as hunters should take. We have too many enemies out there looking to shut down our favorite past time to not police ourselves just as strenuously. Jimmie


I started out this year at LBL using my AR with a 5 round magazine that I purchased a week before the LBL hunt at a gun show. When I got to my first stand I loaded that Mag with 5 soft point rounds , I killed one coyote at LBL in Febuary and one here at home in August, I just checked that mag and there are 3 rounds left in it  :confused: so my question is WHY DO YOU NEED MORE THAN 5 ROUNDS ANYWAY  :shrug: IMO if you need more than 5 rounds in any hunting rifle or more than three arrows in your bow..... YOU NEED MORE RANGE TIME !!!! :readthis:   I dont want anybody thinking that im not a fan of high cap mags because I am thats why I have about 25 30 round mags ready for use in a moments notice... :eyebrow:  I just prefer to carry a mag that is five times lighter than those big mags when I'm hunting.  and thats my .02

"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



I think I remember somebody saying they called in 12 or 18 coyotes at one time..........  :innocentwhistle:

A high cap might come in handy then.   :nono:


why we r on the subject of number of rounds.....why are there 25 rounds in a box of shotgun shells but only 20 rounds in a box of rifle rounds?....I use a shell belt for 12 gauge ammo that has 25 shell loops in it....and i use a rifle belt for my .410 rounds which fit perfectly in the rifle loops....but it only has 20 loops...which leaves me 5 floater rounds....WTH :wo:....these are the things that we as hunters ponder while out on stand waiting for game.... :wink:.....25 is a 1/4 of something....20 is.............less?.......I hope there is an ammo rep on here somewhere reading this...:yoyo:

George Ackley

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

Dan Carey

Thats a good question. I'll bet back in the old days, you could kill 25 birds a day, but only 20 deer.  :laf:
Life's tough, it's tougher if you're a nasty, fat, unemployable, drunk, socialist. To say nothing of the fact you are an embezzler.

George Ackley

real question Dan is ,,, Are you comeing to the camp out with a AR or one of them thier bolts :confused:

I hope i dont have to take on you all :biggrin:  but i will if i have to, I was at least hoping you stand up as a AR guy

I have a bad habit of letting people think I am holding a bad hand,like telling them I cant shoot to well.. I hope they don't find out that I am a competitive small & largebore silhouette shooter out to 600 meters ,
so moms the word pal ;yes; :laugh2:

and if anyone ells see's this that will be there other then Dan  aaaaaaaaa I am just kidding i am just a simple bow hunter,,,,,really
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump