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This Really Ticks Me Off!!!

Started by Bills Custom Calls, September 10, 2008, 05:01:14 PM

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Bills Custom Calls

Chris came home from work last evening and told me I needed to call the feller that owns the land next to us.
Tonight I make the phone call,and he tells me that I can't hunt his place or his Mom's place anymore this year cause he just leased the 130 acres to a couple amish guys who live 5 miles away.

Now let me explain why I am so upset
Our families have been neighbors for almost 39 years.My mom took care of the old feller that rented the one house from the neighbors.When I was a youngen I helped these folks on their farm for very little pay.
Just last spring he told me Bill you don't have to ask me to hunt that land you are the only one who has permission to be on there,if anyone asks your part of the family and they shouldn't be on there tell them to leave.

I watched over their land and called him when there was a problem,ya know just like neighbors should do.
I treated their land with the utmost respect and this is what I get in the end thanks for nothing

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Bill, I feel your pain. Something needs to be done about leasing...countrywide..In my opinion. Our state always pushes the take a kid hunting, well, with all these fu...... outfitters leasing land and bringing in out of staters and TV shows, where the hell are the kids gonna hunt at?  Land around me is being leased left and right.

Makes me sick...........

I can't blaim the landowners though, money is money. For them, it's easy money, but takes alot away from alot of people.



I feel your pain..... when you boil right down to it, Texas honestly doesn't have any viable public land for hunting. Don't get me started about the high cost of leasing....it's an ever growing challenge of finding a decent place to take my boys hunting each year.


Maybe the Amish guys who leased it will let you hunt it.   Have you asked them yet?  If they aren't going to hunt it themselves they may say OK.  Worth a try maybe.   :shrug:

I feel your pain, Bill.   :sad:


I would talk with both parties.......Mabey your friend rally needs the money or something, I hate it for ya but your only real option is to get permission elswhere.....quick
Or maybe ask the omish who leased it if they need any help watching the place and see if they will let ya in I am sure they only want a week or two out of the year. :shrug:


Wow that is bad new's  :puke:.  Hope you can get it figured out but don't go about it like I have.  Cool down and think before you act.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Bills Custom Calls

First off you fellers don't know the amish very well,atleast not the ones in this area.
You may be right about the week or so out of the year,but the reason they leased it was because he wouldn't
let the on there without them paying for it.Now that they leased it,they will consider it there's,and nobody else
unless you are straw hat wearing dutch speaking horse and buggie riding no good low down snake.
I wear a straw hat sometimes and can speak alittle dutch,but I will be damned if I will ride in a horse and buggie.

A few years ago they tried to lease dad's ground for hunting and after dad found out they wouldn't even let me hunt he told them to leave and don't even ask again.

On a lighter note I did pick up 207 acers to hunt predators on just this week
Thanks for the comments guys

I really needed to vent

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Bill, that is a bummer.  It is getting worse all around this part of the world too.  I wish you luck with the problem.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I'm thinking they might let you hunt it too. Offer to keep an eye on things like you did for the owner. :shrug:

Yeah it sucks. But I wouldnt let it eat me.
Ohhhhh, remember that grudge thing I was talking about though?  :biggrin:
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I feel your pain. I have lost all my hunting ground to people leasing it out. I have asked around and one fellow actually said " hunt coyotes? didnt know you could do that, thanks that's something I am going to have to try" With that he said no no one but he was going to hunt the land.

In fact I now have nothing but public land to hunt. It can be a bitch for someone new to an area to find new huntable land.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Some of the places I got permission to hunt coyotes this year are leased. But they're leased to deer hunters, and they don't mind someone going after the coyotes, as long as it's not during deer season. One place is leased to some out of state guys, but the lease is only from two weeks before till one week after modern gun season. Any other time I'm good to go. It seems it is a lot easier around here to find a place to hunt coyotes than deer. At least that's how it is for now.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


I used to have turkey hunting permission on this nice little hill farm that still has the highest density of turkeys in all of NH. I always was very respectful to the owners, even had an artist friend of mine do an incredible oil painting for them based upon a picture I took of a mega-tom on their farm and gifted his wife with it....and it was not cheap...well I stop in one time to re-affirm I could hunt there, the husband told me that they had leased the land to a group of out of state hunters who POSTED the land, and I could not hunt there anymore....YEAH THAT SUCKED :puke:....THEN right across the road, equally good hunting, the other farmer posted it all cuz some idiots who probably werent even hunters tore one of his fields up with a 4x4....I asked permission, he said NO....said he was sick of people littering and driving in his hay fields....in the last 4 years due to posting/leasing/development I have lost 95% of my hunting spots and now the toughest hunt of all is finding new places to hunt!!....I cant afford time or money wise to keep driving 2 hours north to where i am from and theres alot of open space...and our camp is in VT...wide open country but a 2 hour drive from my home...ok on weekends but not weekdays.


C101, ive not had anyone not let me coyote hunt on their land....most deer or turkey hunters are only too glad to let you shoot coyotes...its a good way to wiggle your foot in the door and meet the land owners and hopefully make freinds with them and get permission to deer n bird hunt after they hopefully learn your a responsible, respectful hunter.


Around here deer season is starting to become a rich mans sport unless you own land, even then you stiil have modern gun hunters coming from all directions and surounding you at some point or another. I am fortunate to have forty acres of my own to hunt but still have to deal with hunters posted up right on my property lines during gun season. My suggestion is to hire a crop duster loaded down with mountain lion urine and soak down that property  :eyebrow: there wont be a deer on it for a while theyll all come to your place. :innocentwhistle:    justa thought :biggrin:
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



Get a bunch of alarm clocks and set em ou the night before gun season and have em going off right before daylight and drive em out......them Amish wont even know what they are :nono:....... :roflmao: :roflmao:

OR....Shoot evey deer you see the week prior with a paint ball gun :biggrin:


dont much care for leases either, as far as the amish. well around here first they drive the public land (if its brown its down no matter how small) and then its onto the leases.probably given a few years they wont lease it anymore because it will be shot out.


I never realized it was that bad down there.  It's still really open around me here but tougher next to civilization.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Bills Custom Calls

Quote from: FinsnFur on September 10, 2008, 07:36:16 PM

Yeah it sucks. But I wouldnt let it eat me.
Ohhhhh, remember that grudge thing I was talking about though?  :biggrin:

I am kinda that way also,I have a memory like an elephant.I will move on.The land owner told me I can still go for walks on his property I just can't carry a gun and can't be on there at all during deer season bow or gun season
this year that means Sept 27th through Feb 1rst.That pretty much sums it up right there.
It is his land,and as always I will respect his wishes.

There are a few really nice bucks around here and I have a few tricks up my sleeve.I can't fence them in
But they won't want to travel to far away,and I do know there are 2 nice bucks that bed down not to far from my house.

That is the way it is around here also and if it is to small it will be left lay all they want are the back straps and the hind quarters,I have found a lot af deer carcasses around where they just dump the ret right off the road on someone elses land  :nofgr:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Quoteto a couple amish guys

Herein lies the problem fellas. There is no such thing as "a COUPLE amish guys".  That place will be crawling with buggy riding horse whippin sunsabitches from now,, squirrel season,, til at least the end of February 09. They will show up in herds & run that place & any neighboring lands they can. I had it happen to me on one of my farms & that shtuff lasted til I got to the land owner to double check I was in the right. He asked if he could ride back up on the hill with me & who was I to say NO to him.  :shrug: A good time was had by all that day. Well at least by the 2 of us anyhow!!  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:  They are the rudest people you'll find around here.

Funny story.  :readthis:  When Diane 1st came up here to live with me we were in walmart & there was a bunch of mishfits  :doh2: aymish in there. And all I said was >> LOOK DIANE!! PILGRIMS!!!  :roflmao: :roflmao: Boy was she pissed!!  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: bnccont on September 10, 2008, 07:14:10 PM
First off you fellers don't know the amish very well,atleast not the ones in this area.

Nope I don't know the Amish at all.  We have some about 50 miles away but I have never dealt with them.  Sounds like I don't want to either.  :nono: