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Different type of predator...

Started by centerfire_223, September 30, 2008, 05:38:47 AM

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I got drawn for the first ever alligator season in SC. So come this Thursday I will be headed out to see if I can stick an arrow through one of those big rascals. Last time I was down there which was this past June, we saw about 500 gators ranging in sizes from little ones to about 14 or so feet. This should definitely be fun and exciting. I will make sure I take plenty of pictures.

Wish me luck!!!!  CCP I sure wish you lived closer I bet this would make a killer video.  :biggrin:  for America's funniest home video's.
Ronnie Cannon



Becareful :sad3:

I'm looking forward to hearing about this and seeing the pics.
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Carolina Coyote

Good Luck Parder, Hope you get a biggun. cc :yoyo: :yoyo:


Arrows?   :confused:  I thought you boys rassled them 'gators.   :biggrin:

Good luck and lookin' forward to the PICS!    :yoyo:


That is awesome new's.  Enjoy yourself to the fullest.  I know if it was me I'd probably go after a little one.
I say what I think not think what I say.



Hawks Feather

Good luck and have fun.  But why shoot them?  Just rub their tummy and they go right to sleep.



Quote from: Hawks Feather on September 30, 2008, 01:43:13 PM
Good luck and have fun.  But why shoot them?  Just rub their tummy and they go right to sleep.


Jerry, I am afraid that he may want a bedtime snack before he goes to sleep.
Ronnie Cannon





WOW! That's awesome Ronnie!  :thumb2:

Holy Alligator Anchor Arrow how in tarnation you gonna get an alligator of any size w/ a bow & arrow?  :confused:

Asssuming alligators are similar to crocodiles & the stories I've read about the troubles they have getting them in Africa w/ their big bore rifles. Well it just don't make no sense to me to use a bow & arrow!  :shrug:
The PHs tell their clients to brain pan 'em so that they are DRT.   If they don't they'll thrash their way back into the deep water & sink & they'll lose 'em.  :huh:


Vic, here is the plan. First I shoot it with my bowfishing bow and arrow and connected to that is 640# line attached to a bottle. After the gator is hit he will make a mad dash out of town. When he hits the end of the string the bottle pulls off of the bow and follows along behind him. Just like in the movie Jaws, when they harpooned the shark.

Then the fun comes in, The only thing the bottle is far is to keep the end of the line on top of the water. Next you get a good hold of the line and start pulling. The strongest one wins. If he takes a notion to take off again he can pull the boat too. Soon he will get tired and come to the surface. Then we will get another arrow in him, just for good measures. After that pissed off episode, we will try to pull him along side of the boat and dispatch with a 10MM pistol.

Sounds easy nothing to it. Main thing to keep in mind is stay away from the business end of a MAD gator!!!! I will have pictures soon. Hopefully I don't end up looking like this  :yoyo: !!!!!!!!!
Ronnie Cannon



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Sounds like a blast !!
Make sure ya bring us plenty of pics !


Were not going to get to see the pics until the homicide investigators recover the camera anyway. :shck:
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^^^^ :laf: :laf:   :roflmao: :roflmao:
I'm having visions of Chubbs' fake hand, and centerfire goin all Happy Gilmore on the gator.  :laf: :laf:


I think I would just shoot him with the 10 mm pistol first and get it over with.  That way he don't eat me!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Quote from: centerfire_223 on October 01, 2008, 02:52:12 PM
Main thing to keep in mind is stay away from the business end of a MAD gator!!!!

What end isn't the business end of a gator.  :holdon:  That tail of theirs will knock the living snot right outta ya.  :shck:

Maybe you need to refamilarize yourself w/ what God said in Job 41.   :readthis:  It don't sound to good.  :rolleye:

All I'm saying is be careful.  I want to hunt w/ you & your boy at the Wondersa!  :eyebrow:

Hawks Feather

Quote from: centerfire_223 on October 01, 2008, 02:52:12 PM
Just like in the movie Jaws, when they harpooned the shark.

Hey, isn't that the movie where Jaws does a U-turn and comes back and sort of destroys the boat?   :holdon:   Maybe a nice small gator would be nice.   :wink: 

I am sure that you will be careful and that you will have a good time.  Just remember your camera so that we can share in your fun.



That's awesome Ronnie!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

Several years ago I was at Ft. Stewart, Georgia playing army man. We were out doing a Recon patrol when we came across a "little" six footer in a bar ditch. I was fascinated with the little bugger so I squatted down and watched him while our NCO's tried to figure out where we were. I watched him and he watched me and then I realized there might be more laying around somewhere that I couldn't see and they could be this one's daddy.  :biggrin:
While I was thinking that, my platoon sergeant snuck up behind me and grabbed me hard and violent. Last time he did that though. We'll just say that I could have got in a lot of trouble for striking an NCO........ :laf:

You have fun Ronnie and be careful.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 Ronnie I wish I was closer also would love to go. Next LBL I will tell you a few Gator hunting stories myself. Having grew up in the cypress swamps I have used the bottle and a band stick and wrestled a few in my time. :biggrin:

You will enjoy it for sure. I always got a rush diving in on top of a wounded gator :biggrin:

