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Gator hunt...

Started by centerfire_223, October 05, 2008, 08:45:56 PM

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There was so much happening this weekend I don't even know where to start. We left out on Thursday but pretty much bombed that night. We saw about 30 gators but they had been messed with so much that they wouldn't let you get close to them. So the next day we decided to change locations to try and find some gators that were not quiet so skittish.

On Friday we found ourself down near the coast hunting right off of the inter coastal waterway.

We had went out early that evening just to more or less get the feel for what we were up against, never thought we could actually get a shot during the day.

We were trolling up the bank and noticed a pretty good size gator laying up near a boat dock but as luck would have it. It went under before we could get close enough to get a shot. When shooting gators with a bow and arrow I have to be no further than 20 feet or so. But this gator wouldn't let us get within 20 yards. So I decided to tie up near where I seen his go down. After about 10 minutes I seen him surface about 20 yards from me again. As we were sitting there watching this gator, I seen another gator pop up about 30 feet away. So we threw out a popping float to entice him to come this way. It only took one cast and here he comes. At 10 feet away I shot the first arrow into the side of his neck. Then the fight was on. He took off out of there but the 600# gator cord held up. We got him turned around and headed back to the boat. But by then he had the water the color of a chocolate milkshake. I missed him the next shot but the second time was a charm.

Then the fight was definately on but with two arrows in him, I wasn't near as worried as I once was.

After about a 30 minute tug of war we had him along side the boat trying to get the finishing shot off with the pistol.

It took about 3 shots from the .40 cal to finish him off. An even then we hadn't hit the brain but we had severed his spinal cord. He would blink his eyes but couldn't move.

After a shot trip to the landing we finally got to get him out and see just how big he was.

After all was said and done he measured out at 10 feet 10 1/2 inches with about 6 inches of his tail gone. So right at 11 feet and about 500 lbs.

Here are a couple of pictures of my dad and I enjoying an awesome father and son trip.

Then just when you think an awesome weekend can't get any better we hit the water the next night to try our hand at bowfishing some catfish. It wasn't a bad night at all and here is a way to start it off. First fish of the night.

And here is a shot of all of the catfish we got, this didn't include the other 70 carp and gar.

Sorry this has taken so long but I got on a roll. I hope yall have as much fun reading it as I had living it. Well I know that can't be but I hope you enjoyed it.
Ronnie Cannon



Ronnie that is an awesome weekend for sure. :yoyo: :yoyo: Having your dad there with you will make the memory that much more lasting. What did the Cat weight??

Looks like some good eatin for awhile. My dad used to say boy you eat so much gator its a wonder the outhouse hasn't crawled away.

Once again Ronnie CONGRATULATIONS :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:



We didn't get to weight the catfish but I would guess it at around 45# or so. It is the biggest one I have shot so far. Out of those seven fish we had a little over 2 gallons of fillets. Not bad for seven fish.
Ronnie Cannon



Great story and pictures. Glad you had such a good time with your dad.  :congrats: :congrats:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Great story and pics Ronnie.  :congrats:

Hawks Feather

Dang, it looks like you had a GREAT time.  The smile on your face in the pictures says it all.  I am glad that you filled us in on how you were planning to jug the gator in your other post so that I knew what was going on.  The gator on a string picture looks like he is not happy about what is going on.  Three shots to the head and he is still not dead is all I need to hear to keep me out of the water.

Thanks for the story,




Thanks for taking the time to type that up :yoyo:
It can't be legal to have THAT much fun. :nono: Awesome pics

I'm glad you came back with all your fingers. :eyebrow:
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Awesome story and pics :bowingsmilie:.  Look's and sounds like you had a great trip.  Feel proud you deserve too.
I say what I think not think what I say.


 :yoyo: :yoyo: :highclap: :highclap: Very cool !!!
Thanks so much for takin all the pics and sharin it all with us !!
Looks like a blast !  So how much meat do ya get off one like that?
Ya keep the head? jaws? 
Nice cats too! Man looked like a great trip. Glad it turned out that way for ya,
and everybody's still in one piece.  :biggrin:


Scott we wound up with about 50 lbs. of gator meat, I didn't know you could keep the back straps like on a deer. Everyone told me to just keep the tail. All in all for the whole weekend we had 20 lbs. of big fresh shrimp, 11 sea trout, about 30 lbs or catfish fillets and the 50 lbs. of gator. Got the freezer pretty full. Only need a deer in there now.

I keep the head and hide off of the gator. I plan on making a European mount with the head. Which is all meat gone with the skull bleached out white. The hide will be sold to a company that buys them. Hides are going for $50 a foot right now. So hopefully I  can recover some gas money.
Ronnie Cannon



Real nice story and great pics!   :congrats:  Looks like that was a lot of fun.   :yoyo:




     That was quite an adventure.  Looks like everyone had a great time.  I like the detailed story and lots of pics.  Thanks for sharing!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Carolina Coyote

Way to go Ronnie, Glad to see Barney was able to make the trip, looks like you guys had a great time. cc  :highclap:  :highclap:


Congratulations to eveybody man!! You guys had a heckuva weekend & I'm glad you got to do it together!! Nice gator & fish too!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


VERY COOL!!! Thats a trip to remember!!!


What a story!  Great pictures.  I had no idea how a person would go about shooting a gator with a bow till this story.  Thanks.


Awesome hunt (and fishing) congrats on a nice gator...so do they really taste like chicken? :wo:



I am not going to say it taste like chicken, but I do know it taste GOOD!!!!!  :biggrin: It is really white meat, with a long grain to it. Hard to describe, but if you ever get a chance to try it, then do it.
Ronnie Cannon

