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Got out this morning to get my mind off the election . . . .

Started by Frogman, November 05, 2008, 11:26:02 AM

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Went across the road from my house and down over the hill to a meadow my neighbor gave me permission to hunt on.  I figured getting out would get my mind off the election results last night.

Set up here back up under an overhanging pine tree . . . .

I hung the Scorpion on a fence post down the fence line to the right in this photo about 100 yards away from me . . . .

After waiting about 15 minutes for things to settle down a little I turned on the "screaming grey fox" sound which is a sound I haven't used at this location before.  It was exactly 9:00 AM.  There was a very little wind from my front right going  to my left rear.  After playing the sound for about 3 minutes I saw something coming around the left of the brushy area in the middle of the field.  .  .  .

Too small to be a coyote.  It was a grey fox.  It turned up the hill toward the call.  Grey fox season came in here in WV on Nov. 1.   The R-15 cracked and down it went.  You can see it in the above photo lying just this side of the brushy area just above the rifle muzzle . . . .

I immediately turned on the hurt pup sound which is my preset No. 4 on the remote.   Here came another one following in the path of the first.  Just before the second one got to the dead first one it stopped.  The R-15 cracked again and I had number two down just a few yards from number 1.  Both were about 75 yards from me.  .  .  .  .

Here are both of them together just as they fell.  You can see how close together they were . . . . .

Here they are together, they are beautiful animals, first one was a male, second one female . . . .

And the rifle shot . . . .

Hero shot . . . .

I was by myself and this last photo was taken with the auto timer and it didn't come out so well?? 

I had a great morning and it got my mind off the election results until I just now got on the computer to post this story.  Do any of you guys know how much grey fox is worth??

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Not sure what they're worth this year but that was one hell of a hunt.  Congrats  :congrats: 


Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I have no idea what the fox is worth.  The story and pic'c are worth a big thank's thuogh. 
I say what I think not think what I say.



Nice shootin', a hunt like that will surely clear your mind of problems.


Hot dang Jim, what a cool hunt!!! :highclap:

Wish I could have killed something today maybe I'd feel better.  :rolleye:


Congrats!   :highclap:

Nice pics and story.  The pics really help alot.   Thanks, Jim!


Congratulations  :yoyo:

Job well done!! I knew you had it in yea keep them a coming. :highclap: :highclap:







Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


congrats on the hunt frogman... :yoyo:   I went out bow hunting this morning also and after about an hour or so I could'nt sit there any longer I was so agitated about this whole election that I felt like I was going to blowup or something so I went back to the house and left for work. I didn't have alot goin on today so I decided to do some Bill collecting on a few past due accounts, that didn't work out so well either. I confronted a customer as to why he hadn't paid his bill in over a year, He couldn't give me a reason yet he said that his services did not work and refused to have me test the alarm system in question for any problems ? so I cancelled his ass and told him that I would have a lean placed on his bussiness if it was not paid in thirty days. He then threatened me at that point and as much as I hated to suck it up and not crush his scrawny ass I did. I left and call my monitoring center and had them pull the alarm reports for the period in question... THERE WERE 13 Pages of alarm signals this year  :shck: and he says his system wasn't communicating WTH. Then I went hunting again.... saw 3 very very nice bucks and 4 does... closest buck was standing broadside at 42 yrds (bout a 150 class deer) just a little to far to risk wounding him, so I passed and will try again tomarrow  :biggrin:
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



I know how you feel securepro.  It's really hard keep your mind of the election.  For a while there this morning when those foxes came in I completely forgot about it.  Being out in the woods and fields just seems to require my full attention and occupy all my senses to the point that other negative thoughts are set aside for a while.  When I came back to the house and set down at the computer to share my hunt with you guys the first thing that came up when I turned on the computer was the MSN  news site.  There it was again right in my face about how Obama won.  AHHHH!! the pain, the pain, came back  into my conciousness.  It seems like a nightmare that just isn't going to go away for at least four years.  Oh well, we survivied 8 years of Clinton.  Maybe four years with these guys in power will wake up the electorate.  We can hope!

Enjoy your hunt tomorrow, and arrow that nice buck!!  Be sure to let us know how you do.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I was with you on that R-15's first kill......a real nice shot on a ground hog. It seems to have started a trend for that gun. :wo:
Keep after em. :wink:


That's right Al.  It shoots really well.  I tried head shots on these foxes so I wouldn't tear up the hides too much.  Hit thim both in the neck.  Not as good shots as that one you put on your coyote.  I was trying though!  Had a great morning.  Wish you and Jason could have been there.  We need to get out more!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Way to go Jim.  Great story and pictures. Congratulations.  :highclap: :highclap:

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


wtg jim on the foxes. Jim I dont like to talk politics but things where good when Clinton was in office, it cant get much worse then Bush, he is being labeled as the worst President. dont worry about it to much Jim just go on with your life its not the end of the world. Obama cant be no worse then Bush


Quote from: golfertrout on November 12, 2008, 09:08:30 PM
Obama cant be no worse then Bush

If we are talking about gun rights and gun control, Obama was, is and will be FAR worse than ANY president this country has seen.  He will not stop until EVERYTHING that goes bang is banned, taxed, regulated, and/or confiscated out of existence.  I base this conclusion on the fact that Obama has voted for every gun control issue that has come before him. 

Obama said he believed in the second amendment ONLY to get votes.  He HATES the second amendment and will prove it over the next four years.