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Valuable lesson learned

Started by LORDDAL, November 05, 2008, 11:32:21 PM

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Well fellers I learned a valuable lesson today after working all night I decided I would go out for a while on the way home so I drove out to one of my favorite haunts. Had the ole 12 guage and my trusty double duce treerat zapper with me when on my way in I spotted a nice big yote standin on the hill side across a small pond I stopped and he just stood there watching me he was at about 70 yards so I figured he was a bit long for the shotgun so I grabed the 22 got a good rest layed the sights behind his shoulder and let fly with a good solid WHAP. Wiley flopped over right there flippin and floppin around I sat there for a minute trying to figure my way around and up to him and then loaded the ole 12 up and started his way. took me a few mins to get to the spot I had layed him down on and when I got there I found where he had thrashed around and some blood but alas no yote. the bugger had gotten back up and took off hell bent for leather into the heavy brush I searched for over an hour and couldnt find hide nor hair of him a real shame to as he was a big yote with nice full coat and bushytail would have made me one fine rug  :argh: so I learned that a yote hit a bit back of the shoulder with a 22 may hit the dirt it doesnt always mean hes going to stay that way. Course I also learnd that the next time I head back there I will hae my ar or sniper rifle with me then lets see him run off after the ole 30-06 has poked a hole in him any way had fun saw a few grouse Logan and I did get a grouse on Monday so seems that the huntin is startin to pick up around here finally.
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


 :laf: Not good. That had to redden your chaps.

I know I've shot coon with a 22 and had them charge right at me. :sad3:
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hey Lorddal

Were you using a 22 LR or a 22 MAG?   


You needed one of my famous head shots............ :eyebrownod: :innocentwhistle:


Quote from: Semp on November 06, 2008, 12:33:44 PM
hey Lorddal

Were you using a 22 LR or a 22 MAG?   

22LR dont own a mag yet but oneday hopefully wasnt lookin for yotes just happend across him was lookin for a few treerats thats why I had the LR with me
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff