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I missed bad............

Started by alscalls, November 08, 2008, 06:23:42 PM

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ME and the frog went to call some predators today and ........no response the first set so we grabbed the shotguns and went crow hunting for a few min.........we took these two........Jim shot the one on the right we both slammed the other!

Then we went to another spot set up for predators and ........no response ssssssssssso.......I made a long shot with the shotgun and impressed the old guy :hahaha:

Next spot .......I got a call from my buddy saying he had just brush hogged so we went and instead of hunting the field we walked about 1/2 mi up hill and did a set and I told the frog we were screwing up we needed to hunt the fresh cut field back at the bottom. :sad3:............so down we went ........Well it worked a coyote ran to where the yellow dot is and spooked hard and ran :shrug: I do not know what spooked him the wind was good. Real big dog , and he stopped to look back where the green arrow is. BANG I shot and Jim knows this means something is probably dead with my 6mm but I had to lift my bi pod up off the ground and shoot him off hand and I flat freakin missed... :madd: He just stood there till I chambered another round then he ran like hell meeting up with a smaller yote :sad2: I can not stand it when this happens :sad3:
I shoulda aimed for his head.Then Id a got him dang he was a big one! :rolleye:

I am having an awfull time with photo bucket!!!!!! like to never got this up! I am having a hard time with the miss too :puke:


Just wondering, have you ever missed "good"?  Sorry for your miss but methink's you still had a good time.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I had a great time but this just happened before dark today and I am bummed that we worked so hard to finally get a shot and I missed.......I know I missed bad cause I still had him in my scope after the shot and he did not even flinch.He ran when I
re-chambered. It takes a lot of hard walking in these hills just to get to see a coyote and to get there and miss it just busts your bubble.
I shoulda, waited or barked to stop him sooner. It could be weeks before I see another one or even months. :madd:
Still a good day out :wink:


Well another way to look at it is...you learned something from it all.

Folks are born being pro's at this stuff ya know :wink:

It does look like ya had fun though, dont be denying it :biggrin:
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Hey Al,
     Hang in there.  I know you were dissapointed.  But, misses happen to all of us.  I bet every one on here could tell of some mistakes they have made that led to a miss.  I know I have several.  At least we got one to the gun.  Here in WV that is really doing something.  They say you learn twice as much from your mistakes as from things that go right.  If that is the case you and I will soon be experts and writhing books about how to (or not to) kill coyotes in WV. 
     The crows were really fun.  That's the first time I have hunted them by calling and shooting them in the air.  Awsome, we need to try that again!  At least we could be "Eating Crow" about the miss!!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


  Just gettin' them in front of the gun gets the adrenilin pumping. The rest is just afterbirth.  Better luck/aim next time!



Here are some of my photos from the hunt on Saturday 11/8/08.  Only got the crows, not the miss?!

Calling in and wing shooting crows was a first for me. It was really fun, now I want to try it again.  By the way one of these birds nearly fell on me.  Al made a really long shot on our second stand.  We had a great day, hope to do it again soon!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Hang in there, Al.  You will have better times.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff