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Started by vvarmitr, November 20, 2008, 11:58:58 AM

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I'm a couple days late getting this posted, but had to go by way of Fishers fence to get my pix.  :rolleye:

The 18th, last day of my vacation, I was out turkey hunting & stopped at another farm to glass for birds. I was on a snow covered North slope w/ the wind a blown & me trying to keep my eyes from watering. I glass the woods edge & around the fields ... NUTTIN!  :madd:  I then happen to spot a g'hog down by the creek munchen on an ear of corn.  :huh:  I just happen to have CDM, my 25WSSM, in the surburban.  :eyebrow:  I go back get it, a seat pad, & my cross sticks. I get w/in 150yds, set up, the wind stops blowing & I get a chip shot on it.  :dance:

You're probably thinking "Big deal, a g'hog"  :iroll:, but hey it made my day.  :yahoo:


Did you bake that fat rascal with some sweet potatoes?  :congrats: :congrats:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


If it makes your day then it is a good thing, and seeing as it helped make my day it's a very good thing :bowingsmilie:  I don't see them up here so appreciate the pic's.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Good shootin there vv!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


HameR's gonna be Soooooooo proud :yoyo:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on November 20, 2008, 03:26:21 PM
HameR's gonna be Soooooooo proud :yoyo:

I sho nuff is!!  :biggrin:  Is that 1st blood on your wazzoo??  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


thats a corn fed fatty hog right there  :congrats:


Nice Hog!!!!!! WTG VV Keep those comming!

Hawks Feather


I am glad that you got it.  Around here they have holed up for the winter.  There were several holes in the bean field and I haven't seen a hog in the last two weeks.  Keep having fun.



 :yoyo: Good shooting VV  :yoyo:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Thanks guys! :biggrin:

That was pretty rare to catch a g'hog out this time of year.  Just happen to be in the right place @ the right time. That's about 99% of my hunting. :rolleye:

Glen that's not the first for the 25WaSSoooooM!  This is ...

See the First Blood Anionting above the magazine. :wink:



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Carolina Coyote

VV, I believe that hog is bigger than the Dillo you got down in Georgia. WTG  :congrats: cc


I still think you kept the bigger ones hidden from me C.C.
Here is a pix of a 'dillo shot by a friend in GA ...

So I know they get bigger then those pups I shot.  :eyebrownod:

One thing for certain, our g'hogs can't jump like your 'dillos can.  :shck:
:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

Carolina Coyote

I wasn't hiding them from you VV, there are down there as I have killed several this year and have seen some bigun's chaseing so it must be mateing time, would like to see them " do IT " I'm sure that would be intersting, I have had a pretty good year so far, two nice Bucks, six Does, two cats  and can't remember how many Dillo's, haven't done much calling for Predators but plan to in Janurary, lots of cats have been spotted by club members while Deer hunting. I have seen several real nice Wall Hanger Bucks but could not get a good shot. Keep after them hogs. cc