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Started by nastygunz, November 29, 2008, 04:20:12 PM

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Ever been out in the woods on stand and have one spot you and sit there for an hour chattering and chewing you out and letting everything in the forest know your there?....your tempted to blast the little SOB....but you dont wanna disrupt your deer or turkey or other hunting stands.....well this little monster picked the wrong day to mess with me cuz I WAS IN THE SQUIRREL ZONE !!


Quote from: nastygunz on November 29, 2008, 04:20:12 PM
Ever been out in the woods on stand and have one spot you and sit there for an hour chattering and chewing you out and letting everything in the forest know your there?

Huh Uh :nono: Never had that happen  :innocentwhistle:
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happend once needless to say I shot the little red bugger with a 180grain silvertip only found a red splatter and the tip of one toe and small bit of tail so I would have to say 30-06 is a bit much for them little red buggers  :roflmao:
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


Quote from: nastygunz on November 29, 2008, 04:20:12 PM

Those little Reds aren't bad eating if one has a couple, three.  Easy to skin, too.   :wink:

"I yam what I yam, and that's all that I yam!" (Popeye the Sailor)


Thats the NH slam with the Comanche, now I need to get down south and get me the Holy Grail of squirrels, one of them big ole Fox squarrels....that would complete the super slam for tree squirrels  :yoyo:

northern coyote

hey nastygunz, whats that lever on the left side of the gun? is that a selector or something?
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time


Neat little firearm. What's it shoot? Never seen nor heard of those before!


Northern thats the safety...fosteology its a super comanche 45lc/410 single shot pistol....it has a screw on choke for the 45 and a screw on choke for the .410....if you look in small game i have a few pix ive been hammering the gray squirrels with it, its a blast ive been using it almost exclusiveley this year for small game, NHmsj was with me when i popped a gray once....reports say it has better patterning then the contender .410s, i use 3 inch 7 1/2 ammo:
45LC/.410 Single Shot Pistol


CALIBER: 45 LC/.410 ga.
ACTION: Single Action
WEIGHT: 47 oz
GRIPS: Synthetic
SIGHTS: Adjustable
FINISH: Blue, Duo-Tone and Satin Nickel

Lightweight design, balance, and accuracy make the Super Comanche tough to leave behind when you go into the field.

Unique features and versatility give Super Comanche the edge over the competition.

Super Comanche will handle standard loads, rifles slugs, and buckshot. The .410 gauge will shoot 2 1/2" or 3" shells.

Adjustable sight, rubber grips, transfer bar safety and manual locking make Super Comanche tough to beat! 

Tel: 732-493-0302 Fax: 732-493-0301
e-mail: firestormsgs@aol.com


01-20-2008, 12:01 PM 
Beartooth Regular   Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Texas Creek, Colorado
Posts: 477 

Super Comanche .45/410


I recently bought one of them as a gift for a friend. I did a brief test before turning it over to the new owner. The .45 Colt loads were not very accurate, 5-6" groups at 25 yards. But with 3" .410s, what a hoot! The full choke tube seems pretty much the equal of a full size .410 long gun, effective to 25 yards, maybe 30. With the .45 Colt tube installed the patterns were larger but also more even and that should take game reliable to 20 yards. The shot patterns were MUCH better than from the T/C Contender barrel I had years ago, which I attribute to the very narrow and shallow rifling grooves. I turned it over to my friend and he took eight or ten grouse with it last fall, he just loves it, great truck gun for 150 bucks!


I paid $135.00 used for mine, they run under $200.00 new:
02-03-2008, 07:58 PM 
Member   Join Date: May 2006
Location: SEUS
Posts: 429 

Super Comanche pocket .410...


the ugly, crude Super Comanche .45Colt/.410 made by Lasserre,SA....can't speak for the same gun labeled Rexio....haven't, and will not, do .45 Colts, as it was bought hoping it worked better than most .410 pistols which seem to limited to 12 feet range or less....this one has a rifled barrel, which generally means blown patterns like all the rest....but it comes equipped with an externally threaded straight-rifled wad grabbing/stripping choke tube.....folks, this is a real shotgun....

In short, the ugly Super Comanche shoots as good or better than any .410 I've owned....

a handfull of really experienced regulars were at the range today, and all were VERY impressed and intrigued with what they saw...I'll go as far as to say several were going to buy one....this gun hammers stuff....it rolls empty 12ga boxes, gallon milk jugs and tin cans with authority at a full 25yds, moves them like a 12ga, only the pattern isn't as large diameter...

sights well regulated for the shotloads, so no guessing....at a measured 11yds, it puts 100% of the pellets into a 13" circle, 99% inside 10"....at 25yds it puts nearly 100% inside a 20" circle, the bulk of them in a 13" dense core with only silver-dollar sized gaps....trigger pull is heavy, but who cares with a shotgun? Clean release, just a bit stout....

whether 2.5" 1300fps 1/2oz #8 target loads, or 3" 1135fps 11/16th oz #7.5 field loads, patterns remained consistant, only denser with the field loads.....recoil was progressive, on par with NMBH .45Colt standard loads for the target stuff, the ROA with maximum ball loads equiv. to the field loads......fun stuff, in other words....

but very effective.....in our rattlesnake infested woods, I can now see why timber crews are buying them, boaters and bank fishermen also, as where there's water there's moccassins.....this is a very useful tool for here....'round these parts, we run over rattlers while mowing....my neighbor across the street did so five times last year.

If you ever wanted a short barreled shotgun of Game Getter usefulness, you might look at this one....


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nothing wrong with that Jim I do it all the time now if he starts arguing with himself and losing  :roflmao: :roflmao: I want me one of these Super comanchies been wonderin about them for a while now I know what to ask for for my birthday
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


Quote from: nastygunz on December 12, 2008, 05:26:42 AM


Quote from: FinsnFur on December 11, 2008, 09:32:08 PM
Nasty's in here talking to himself  :doh2:

Nasty you're not quite alone here...  I've had my semi-custom Super Comanche short range tactical assault pistol for several years now.  :biggrin:
Neat little guns  :wink:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


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Yea but Nasty is doing it Cowboy style Iron sights and quick draw tactical assault. :laf:
Nice gun Chet.........now kill somethin with it and let us see :biggrin:


Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet setup Chet  :yoyo:...I was just thinking about scoping or red dotting mine....would you mind sharing what you did for the base ? I see the front sight is gone....and rear sights....did you grind down the 2 metal ridges that the rear sight is pinned into?.....is that a red dot or scope?  :biggrin:


The optical sight is a Bushnell Trophy Red Dot. I originally had the red dot installed with the intent of shooting 45 LC loads but the 3" chamber is just too long for good accuracy. It does shoot 410 slugs and lead shot pretty decently though.  :wink:

To answer your questions: The rear sight rails were ground off and the frame drilled and tapped for a Weaver scope mount. The front sight band was removed and the blade ground off. Then the flat section (where the blade sight used to be) was drilled and tapped for a sling stud. The sight band was then buff polished and reinstalled upside down.  The forearm was drilled so the swivel stud could be inserted through the forearm. The bottom of the grip frame also has a swivel stud installed. My frame came with a crappy painted finish that soon started wearing, so the frame was buff polished to a matte finish. BTW<  My dad has set several Comanches up like this, any good gunsmith should be able to duplicate his work. :wink:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Thats pretty neato mosquito....I was thinking of taking off the rear sights, grinding the ridges off and grinding and tapping the front sight for a brass bead for the real shotgun feel...mine is already drilled and tapped for a scope base....was yours?....id def like to have a trigger job and lighten up that 12 pound trigger pull  :eyebrow:


I suspect yours to be a newer model because the one I have was not pre-drilled and tapped. Also the factory trigger breaks just a hair under 3 pounds. If you don't like the sights that are on the gun a brass bead or fiber optic sight would also be something to a consider, no dead batteries to deal with like on a red dot. Otherwise I would just leave it factory and enjoy shooting it. :wink:

Good hunting  :biggrin:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.