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We are trying.........

Started by alscalls, December 27, 2008, 02:38:11 PM

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Went out today for some stands with Jim........I took him to some new ground.
Did several sands today but had to quit cause Someone wanted to watch Mountaineer Football !! :innocentwhistle:
We hunted near here......& called in three dogs....... A chow, a mix breed and a beagle..... :roflmao: :laf: :roflmao:

See the farthest ridge in the first pic that is where we moved too after a few dry stands....
And when we reached the top after a nasty climb in the mud........We peeked over to find these turkeys feeding in the local scat piles........

But wait!!!!!!!!! I see a half white hen in there!!!!!!! So I grab my camera and snap the best pic I could......

She is smaller than the rest and black and white!!!!! Do not see that every day........ :nono:
She is right there...... I scared em off with this pic and Jim was trying to take a pic....... :doh2:

Then we walked out a very long ridge........

and set up on this funnel.......

No luck at all.....It got up to 71 deg. today and very windy but we are trying to win an e-caller
and still had a great day........ :yoyo:

Oh well maybe we will get a critter to go with the sign next time.... :eyebrow:



Nice Sign!

71 degrees? Holy cow!
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Real nice pics!  It was 71 here in my end of Kentucky today.  And real windy. 

This weather is absolutely crazy!   :shck:


     I hated to end the hunting early today.  But I don't regret it as the Mountaineers beat North Carolina in their bowl game 31 to 30.  Then the Mountaineer basketball team beat No.#15 Ohio State by over 20 points.  Don't remember the exact score.  It was a great morning to hunt though.  I just didn't like the wind on that last setup??  Nice farm though and I'm sure we will be back out there when the wind is more favorable!!

A Great day to be a Mountaineer!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


 :shck:  Why didn't ya shoot that cat in the 6th pic?  :shrug:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Nice sign and great pictures and story. :highclap:

Tried hunting this morning also. 67degrees and windy. Planned to hunt all day but wind was high hopefully tomorrow but more rain. :sad:

Cant wait to read your next story.



Quote from: Yotehntr on December 27, 2008, 08:25:01 PM
:shck:  Why didn't ya shoot that cat in the 6th pic?  :shrug:
I shot it............. I just did not want to win yet another contest that easy....gotta give ya a chance......... :roflmao: :roflmao:
Besides I ruined it with yet another head shot. :eyebrow: :laf:


Lovely story and pic's. wanna borrow a call :wink: :innocentwhistle:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Quote from: alscalls on December 27, 2008, 09:14:44 PM
Quote from: Yotehntr on December 27, 2008, 08:25:01 PM
:shck:  Why didn't ya shoot that cat in the 6th pic?  :shrug:
I shot it............. I just did not want to win yet another contest that easy....gotta give ya a chance......... :roflmao: :roflmao:
Besides I ruined it with yet another head shot. :eyebrow: :laf:

:roflmao: Now ya gotta admit you went back and looked!  :roflmao:  Sorry couldn't resist.
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


QuoteWhy didn't ya shoot that cat in the 6th pic?

Thought you guy's were pulling my leg. I kept looking and looking but I finally seen it. I blew it up for you AL so you can see it better.





It does look like one of those spots dont it..... :eyebrownod:


Who got to sit in the tree stand at the last stand?  :wo:


I sat in the shade of it.... :eyebrow: That way they would look and see no one was there and never see me. :biggrin:


    That cat must have been what flushed those birds you told me about.  I sure didn't see it???  CCP has some good eyes on him!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


We are still at it........

We walked a lot hunting here and there......

Came back empty handed but a real nice day.......

I think this big white sign keeps giving us up....... :shrug:

:laf: :laf:

Dave, I wish you well and I wish you were here buddy.


Al and I got out this morning to a new Public Hunting property near us.  Friends of mine from DNR let us know that they had recently acquired 1500 additional acres contiguous to a current WMA (Wildlife Management Area = public hunting area).   We did four stands and scouted quite a bit.  My legs are tired too Al.  We walked several miles out an old haul road doing stands along the road and over the hill to the right or left depending on the wind.  It was a beautiful pleasant day to be out.  Good exercise for us old guys!!   Here are some photos . . . .

Just a shot to show you the kind of area we were in.  Really nice woods that havn't been timbered for a while.

These are some tracks we found, I'm still having trouble identifying tracks, what do you guys think??  Coyote or dog??

Al had a great setup here looking down a haul road.  I set the Scorpion out in front of him about 75 yards and then I set up down over the hill to his right watching another haul road that branched off this one.  We ran distress sounds for a while then tried some howling.  No response.

Here is Al set up behind a fallen log.

And here is Frogman behind the same log, I wanted to get my picture posted too . . . .

As Al said in his post above, we had a great day that could have only been made better with fur down.  Maybe next time??!!

What do you guys think about the tracks??  Looking forward to you responses.


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Jim, that's some good lookin' coyote tracks ya found there  :wink:

It's always great to get out with friends, sure looks to be a fine place to call critters too.  :biggrin:

Thanks for sharing  :eyebrownod:

Edit: It looks to me like those tracks are still very fresh. You all may very well have gotten busted on the way in.  :argh:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


great pics and story, I tried today but no luck


At least you got to get out some today. It was a nice day out. Your legs probably wouldn't be as tired if you had a smaller shooting stick to carry with ya. :biggrin: