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What do I do about my rifle?

Started by coyote101, December 28, 2008, 04:50:27 PM

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I wash my clothes in scent killer detergent. Dry them with scent free dryer sheets. Store them in air tight bags. Bathe with scent killer soap. Use Scent free tooth paste and deoderant. Spray my boots, backpack and other stuff with scent killer spray. What do I do to keep my rifle from smelling like Hoppes or Break Free or whatever I happen to have cleaned it with?

How do I de-stinkify my rifle?

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Seems to me you outta be able to do hand to hand paw combat.  :shrug:
It's either that or shoot 'em before they get down wind.  :eyebrow:

I've seen gun cleaning products that are scentless. 
I think most of that stuff is unsmellable* to humans.

*unsmellable: is that a word?  :confused:

OMG I just became a Silver Member!  :sick2:


They now have scented gun cleaning oils and solvents. Like fresh earth, cedar, or pine. I'm not sure what brand they are though.


I thought about those little bottles of oil for making candy......I wonder what would happen if ya mixed some mint oil in with your gun oil? Or anis oil or something..... :shrug: :shrug:

VV you now officially talk to much Like me and HaMer...... :laf:


I'm not a big fan of all the commercial de stinkers myself.
I think some may help, but I think most of it is commercialism hype. They never had anything like this years ago and look at the pics our fathers and forefathers have taken. :wink:
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One of the best ways to get the smell off your rifle is to put it out in the back yard, cover it up with leaves and pine branches and leave it there for at least two weeks.   :innocentwhistle:  When your ready to hunt go dig it up and away you go. After your day in the field go put it back under your pile of leaves and branches.  :wink:  Make sure you have washed your hands with some de-scenting stuff before you dig it up. A big handful of dirt and wet leaves rubbed on the inside of the case helps also.  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

OK I'm done, laughing to hard to type.  Sorry I couldn't resist.

Sometimes I spray my outer layer with scentkiller. As far deer hunting I think it helps. I really can't say for sure with predators.

I don't get to serious about the whole scent thing. I smoke!!! So it's kinda pointless. Use the wind to your advantage.


I smoke too and I have killed a lot of critters while doing it .........and been busted by it. :shrug:
I will say I refrain from smoking while yote hunting........makes for some long days but I fell it helps not to.
I would love to quit.


Quote from: coyote101 on December 28, 2008, 04:50:27 PM
I wash my clothes in scent killer detergent. Dry them with scent free dryer sheets. Store them in air tight bags. Bathe with scent killer soap. Use Scent free tooth paste and deoderant. Spray my boots, backpack and other stuff with scent killer spray. What do I do to keep my rifle from smelling like Hoppes or Break Free or whatever I happen to have cleaned it with?

How do I de-stinkify my rifle?


Seems like a lot of work for very little gain to me.  If you keep the wind in your favor I don't think the scent killer stuff is necessary.   :shrug:

Stay reasonably clean without after shave and scented deodorants and I think thats all ya need to do. 


I wash my clothes in the hunting detergent, but mainly just because it dosen't have any UV brighteners in it, and it's unscented, and the camo colors don't fade out as fast. Other than that, I use Ivory soap because there's no perfume in it and I use Mennen Speed Stick unscented deoderant. That's the extent of my scent control. :shrug:


Quote from: weedwalker on December 28, 2008, 09:52:50 PM
That's the extent of my scent control. :shrug:
You outta try some Beano if they're serving chilli again at the LBL! :puke:
:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:


I figure they use dogs to find drugs in cars. the drugs in plastic bags inside tires or in gas tanks.... and the dogs still find 'em. I'm guessing that 90+ % of our sent comes from our breath. Sooo unless you can stop breathing I wouldn't worry to much about it. Any de-senting probably makes us smell like a man with chewing de-senting gum to 'em.  Fighting a loosing battle I think. Just play the wind.
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Quote from: vvarmitr on December 29, 2008, 07:22:34 AM
Quote from: weedwalker on December 28, 2008, 09:52:50 PM
That's the extent of my scent control. :shrug:
You outta try some Beano if they're serving chilli again at the LBL! :puke:
:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

VV, There's some things that are beyond mans control. Like nature, the weather, and LBL chilli. :roflmao: :roflmao:


Quote from: weedwalker on December 29, 2008, 11:02:48 AM
VV, There's some things that are beyond mans control. Like nature, the weather, and LBL chilli. :roflmao: :roflmao:
WW: don't I know!  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

Jimmie in Ky

You can't fool a canines nose so dont worry about it. Worry about what you can control such as setup and wind direction. With an animal that will spook at th blink of an eye , control what you can and do your best. Jimmie


Quote from: Yotehntr on December 29, 2008, 10:59:07 AM
I'm guessing that 90+ % of our sent comes from our breath. Sooo unless you can stop breathing I wouldn't worry to much about it. Any de-senting probably makes us smell like a man with chewing de-senting gum to 'em. 

Doe-in-heat gum. Works great...and freshens some peoples breath too.



Quote from: msmith on December 30, 2008, 04:11:59 PM

Doe-in-heat gum. Works great...and freshens some peoples breath too.

I've been told that if you use the doe-in-heat gum DO NOT sit in a ground blind during the rut. Sit in a tree stand!   :doh2: You don't want to be accessible to a monster of a buck   :shck:

Carolina Coyote

I know people that do all that de-scenting stuff, one in particular in our Hunt Club who goes to the extreme and I won't get into all the details but you know what? He don't see or kill any more Deer than anyone else, I agree with some of the other comments to use the wind and common sense cleaning and enjoy your hunt, have you ever been riding down the road with the windows up, air conditioner wide open and still smell a Skunk. Them critters can smell 100 times better than we and I just can not believe you can eliminate all your scent. Smoke don't bother them Killed a bunch of Deer with a cigarette hanging in my mouth, but I don't on smoke predator set-ups. Mostly I think all those scent products are just making some money for someone, I have not met anyone personally that has benefited to any great extent using them. But that is just me. My 2 cent worth. cc

Dan Carey

I don't use anything on my rifles for scent control.
Life's tough, it's tougher if you're a nasty, fat, unemployable, drunk, socialist. To say nothing of the fact you are an embezzler.