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Predator Business cards

Started by rwire125, December 30, 2008, 01:27:16 PM

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Ive seen somewhere examples of cards people use just cant seem to find it , but when knocking on doors people ask for them any help?


I have them and they do work, but I've never had anyone ask for them.


I know there's a lot of people here that use them, but I'm not sure about any pics or samples that were posted.

If I was to have some made or make some myself, I think the main objective would be identification.

Check it out, someone knocks on a strangers door, and says "hey I live about two ranches up the road and I was wondering if maybe you'd allow me to go out back and do some coyote hunting on your land."

Best case scenario he says yes and all goes well.

Now three months down the road he finds a dead cow 400 yards from the house, or some downed fence, broken gate, and has no explanation for it. He mentions it to the wife and she says "well how about that guy you let go back there and hunt?"
Well hell he told me his name but I he can't remember.
And after driving up the road where HE CLAIMED he lived he still doesn't find any signs of the guy.

After a couple times of this happening, this ole coot aint letting no one on his land. :nono:

Now you come along and you aint gotta a chance in hell because this guy has already had bad experiences.

I think a business card to present to these people at first acquaintance, with your name, address, phone number, and a brief description of your purpose (fur harvesting, ADC, Animal Predation)  is going to give them the confidence they need to let you through.
He's got all your info right there on that card, your no longer such a lone stranger,  and you must be somewhat willing to take his concerns into consideration or you wouldn't have givin him the card in the first place.
And he'll be thinking that, trust me.

The cards shouldn't be too high tech, or fancy, with a bunch of technical jibber on them, because remember what this guy does for a living, and a lot of high falootin BS on your business card is going to turn him off. Think about it, he's not going to want the RealTree team in his back forty with half a dozen trucks and camera equipment, portable stands all over his fences and trees etc. getting the cattle all worked up, tearin things up etc.
He'll be a lot more willing to let Joe Blow head back there who just handed him a card with his name, address  and phone number on it, while explaining that he could benefit from it from he's losing any livestock to predators.
And if he lets you in, even tell him that you'll stop by the house when you leave to let him know your leaving, and do it.
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I dont know where i seen it but some one had a full page you could print out and just fill in your name and address. i went to the print shop in town and they qouted me 50-60 for 100  :rolleye: found some on line for 15.00 with shipping for 250 cards nothing fancy but a picture of a coyote on them, think they will do the trick now will see how long it takes to get them  :wo:


Very easy to make, I have a bunch made up.  Photoshop and all is well, you can download it for free for so many days  :eyebrow: :innocentwhistle: :wink:


I used Microsoft Picture It Photo software that came with microsoft works. It has a template you can use for business cards. I just stuck a cool picuture on there, the town of my address, home and cell numbers.



I agree with just makin your own. Another thing you may want to put on them,
a friend of mine put it on the back of the card, is a description of your vehicle(s)
you'd be usin, that way he knows it's you if he sees a vehicle parked somewhere.
That's nice, especially if you use more then one vehicle, and until they get used to
you huntin there. It stinks if ya take the time to go somewhere to hunt, park, walk out,
set up, and your hunt gets screwed up by the land owner drivin out to see who's on
his ground  :argh:, just to see, "oh it's you".  :iroll: :nono: Kinda wastes both your time.  :laf:


great idea about the vehicle thing but i did find them but had ordered some online 15.00 bucks shipped for 250 not bad



Here in Ohio we need written permission to hunt private ground. I like to fill out 2 slips. One for me & one for the landowner. The other thing that goes further then anything else discussed so far is just stopping by when you see them out around the barn or just looking over their fields. Stopping for a few minutes to chat when you're not hunting is always good. JMO

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on December 30, 2008, 06:58:10 PM
Stopping for a few minutes to chat when you're not hunting is always good. JMO

That's all fine and dandy for a bs'er like you Glen, but what about us quiet folks? What do we do?  :innocentwhistle:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: Bopeye on December 30, 2008, 08:30:56 PM
Quote from: HaMeR on December 30, 2008, 06:58:10 PM
Stopping for a few minutes to chat when you're not hunting is always good. JMO

That's all fine and dandy for a bs'er like you Glen, but what about us quiet folks? What do we do?  :innocentwhistle:

From one Gold Member to another!!  :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Glen, when you say you have to have written permission, do you mean you have to carry
a piece of paper with you when you're out huntin? So if you plan on huntin 6 different places
in a day, you have to carry it all with ya??
I agree with the chatting part too. We have some ground that we lease for huntin, some we
still get to hunt for nothing. We usually give them a "token" of appreciation, most of the time
around Christmas, a fruit basket, or some wine, sausage & cheese etc.
When we first started doing this they were really surprised, and said it was the first time somebody
had given them anything. They said a lot in the past barely said thank you. :rolleye: 
Taking the time to show your appreciative, responsible, and care about them and there property
goes along way.

edit to add -     
                       " great idea about the vehicle thing but i did find them but had ordered some online 15.00 bucks shipped for 250 not bad"
Sounds like a very fair price for the cards too.


Hawks Feather

Hunting with Permission

The landowner's written permission is required for hunting and trapping on private land, regardless of whether the land is posted. Permission slips are available at Division of Wildlife district offices and some license outlets.

The Penalty for Hunting Without Written Permission
The maximum penalty for hunting without written permission of the landowner for a first offense is 60 days in jail and a $500 fine. The maximum penalty for a second offense is 90 days in jail and a $750 fine.
A person must carry written permission at all times while engaging in hunting or trapping on private land and exhibit it upon request to a state wildlife officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, police officer, other law enforcement officer, owner of the land, or the landowner's authorized agent.

DNR does have a downloadable permission slip or you can get them from DNR.  I made some up, put in my name and address, and have them in the truck with me.  I must confess that I do not always have the permission slip on me when hunting.  But, this is when I am hunting on the same property that I have for several years for deer AND I always call the night before I go to hunt to make sure there is not someone else planning to hunt or if the farmer will be in the fields.  While it won't work for coyotes, I also take some of the ground venison/ground beef mix out to the farmer. 



Scott-- You are correct Sir.  :yoyo:

Thanks Jerry!!  :yoyo:

Permission  slips are just paper that doesn't add to the weight of the wallet. I have 12 that I carry in mine.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


  Here's some slips you can print up that I've used.
  I also had some cards made up. I think it does help the landowner remember who you are. And sometimes if I'm on a driveby quick hunt I'll stick one of my cards on my window so that the Owner can see it if he stops to check the vehicle.


 For cheap business cards, I have used this place:

The have a deal where you can get 250 "free" business cards. The fine print is that you pay for shipping (6 or 7 bucks, if I recall correctly for the slow shipping, week or two turnaround), have a limited number of basic generic designs, and they will have a vistprint.com logo on the BACK of the card. If you want them faster, glossy, special graphics, no logo on the back, etc., you can pay pay extra for any or all of that. So not really free, but well under 10 bucks for 250 cards shipped to your door IS darn cheap.

I have gotten the freebie ones in the past, they were nicely done and looked more "professional" than the inkjet ones I've made at home. Mine were just for personal use, and I thought they looked great.

All the standard disclaimers apply, I have no business interest in vistaprint, nothing to gain, no commission, this is not an official endorsement, your mileage may vary, may cause drowsiness, just a satisfied customer, do not point towards the sun, blah, blah, blah...



I've used VistaPrint for my cards.  Have several different styles for different events. 
The only problem I see is they load your inbox with lots of email.  Always promoting the latest DEAL. 
I still use them. Just delete the email I don't want.  I have gotten a door magnet and three different styles of business cards.  Also got a free hat.  Not worth the trouble in my opinion.  Logo was hard to read when hat was on your head.  (Unless you pulled it way down over your eyes.)
VistaPrint quality has been good, with the exception of the hat. 
Same disclaimer as "alanganes"
Quote from: alanganes on December 31, 2008, 01:18:04 PM
All the standard disclaimers apply, I have no business interest in vistaprint, nothing to gain, no commission, this is not an official endorsement,
WhiteHare Lanyards
Richard Hughes



 Valid point there, WhiteHare, they do bomb you with junk email form time to time. Like you, i just hit "delete" and forget about it. I have never gotten anything other than the business cards a few times, and as I said, it worked for me.
