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Yotehntr CONTEST Entry

Started by Yotehntr, January 01, 2009, 05:54:49 PM

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Went out again with a new hunting. Got to the land about day break. 1st stand was unproductive, great looking spot but no takers. Went around a very large field to keep the sun at our backs, no wind early this morning so we sat in a field I'm guessing about 300 yards from a tree line. Started the set with an oww, oww, wha, wha, cadence if you'd like to hear an example  CLICK HERE After about a minute 2 come blasting out of the woods. They checked up a couple times, and got about 100 yards for a full frontal AR pic.  :wink: I took the first pic of the male, he dropped and the female took off to our left. Then Bobby tried a couple running shots and the male stood back up!  :shck: I put the cross hairs back on him and not even a click.   :wo: I guess you have to clean even the stainless guns,   :doh2:  I manually ejected and by then the male was heading back. Took a couple running shots but didn't connect. He piled up behind the first tree he came to. The first pic shows the path from the woods to the splat.  :biggrin: then in red to the pile up the other line is it's mate's path. These coyote's never cease to amaze me, a full frontal shot just a tad low with a 55 grain nosler, opened the front of his chest up about twice the size of a softball, and he still ran 150-200 yards.  :shrug:  How they can do that I'll never know.
I called him in with a call I made last week, It's 2 for 2 trips now! I'm the fat guy straining and squinting in the sun.  :eyebrownod:  Had to include my little Buckeye Burl charm in the last pic!
I photo-shopped my daughters pic into the 2nd pic. Not sure if that's ok.

Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Nice job. And our first official entry.
I like the detail map. Congrats on a nice harvest and your entry :eyebrow:
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Cool we're rolling now!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


     Way to go!  Good calling and shooting!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Todd Rahm

Uh.................Brad................uh...............stick to call making, as it doesn't appear "sign" making is in your future.  :innocentwhistle: :biggrin:

Congrats on the bag and first entry, and....uh.....whats that call under your binodes?


Thanks guys!

:nofgr:  Todd that's my little girls pic  If I had drawn it, it wouldn't be so good.   :wink: That's a mini howler under the binocs that I made along time ago. It's made from my wife's blue jeans, rolled up with fiberglass resin. I think she gets a little tickle when I do a howl with it. :biggrin:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:

Todd Rahm

In that case, its a beautiful sign Brad.  :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie:  ;yes;


    Were you doing distress or howls when the coyotes came in??

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Just distress calls. I'm not real big on barks/howls this time of year. I usually wait a month or so then through April.
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


I loved that Owww sound, cracked me up sitting here. Great job!!!