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Double coyote called in...educational video....

Started by canine, January 05, 2009, 10:58:52 PM

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Who can pick out the lesson learned in this video clip???  :innocentwhistle:

Enjoy laughing at me...LOL...It better be my last time  :nofgr:


[youtube=425,350]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3KmTFqWLrTk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3KmTFqWLrTk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Good clip JD. :yoyo: Maybe you coulda shot off of the side of your camera tripod. :shrug:
Don't feel too bad about forgetting the sticks. :nono: I've gone hunting once and forgot my bullets. :innocentwhistle:



I made 3 stands today with the wind just right & the only coyotes I seen were on your video JD.  :eyebrownod:

Question for the pros. The coyote was shot at before it got downwind. Seems to me that if it wasn't hit then it didn't have a bad experience. So could this be an educated coyote?? Or do you think it would have been more educated had it been left to run downwind?? Seems it would be more call shy had it winded the shooter.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Thanks Ed, I wouldn't call that a chip shot, but with sticks..I'm confident that coyote would be dead. You can't see it on youtube, but from the camera to the TV, you can see a vapor trail from the bullet heading at that coyote. It's pretty wicked, I hope it shows up when burnt to disc.

Good question Glen. I would have to say that coyote was educated. It's hard to see on youtube, but both coyotes look alike. Both had distinctive white markings, so much so, I should be able to recognize them in the future. It'll be interesting to see if they ever show up to a call again anytime soon.



Would you be referring to "educated before the shot" since they weren't coming quickly or after the shot?? I'm thinking I need to make a shot happen so I don't get winded in the future is where I'm going with this. I have limited places to call so I need to be careful.


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Educated after the shot.

We'll see if they ever show up again  :shrug:



Great clip! I've even forgotten my shooting sticks at my last stand before!  :doh2:  Long time ago though I remember the date, it was right after my last kill 1/1/9  :roflmao: went to my next stand set up the decoy, went and sat down.... hmmm where'd I put my sticks..... walked back out to the decoy....nope not there. Did the stand luckily didn't call anything in and walked all the way back to where I got that last one.  :laf:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Thanks for the clip! been there done that. :eyebrownod:
I am still looking for my last set of shooting sticks I have done so many dry stands I aint sure what county they are in :confused:
:roflmao: :roflmao: :laf: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Nice video clip, JD.  I don't see how you run the camera, call and gun all at the same time.  :nono:   

Would it have been better to take the shot when they first come up under the trees?  Seems like that looks closer than the shot you had.  Of course, ya didn't know they wouldn't come charging in for an even closer shot either.   :wo:



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I thought the coyote was right there on the video preview image, and I was wondering why there was no shots when I clicked play.

Now that I look closer, dat aint, I say day aint no coyote, that's your ugly Mug JD :laf: :wink:

So how DO YOU run the camera, gun and call?
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     Don't feel bad, I know someone who left his new e-caller at the house on charge when he went out for some stands. 

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Thanks Guy's....Ugly mug....LOL

I tell ya, it's harder to lug all that stuff to a stand, especially when I have the foxpro and jack in the box, than it is to run camera and shoot.

Next time I won't be so lazy, I will make the run back to the truck for sticks...LOL

Semp, I have howled at them like that before and usually they come in close, I screwed up and howled to deep of a tone I think, sounded a tad intimidating. But yeah, I should have shot them at the trees, hell, If I woulda had my sticks.....That was a very makeable shot.



You need a job JD? That's all my guys ever do is make excuses and I've noticed that you won't need any training.  :roflmao: :roflmao:

Sorry dude, couldn't help myself.  :nono:

Cool footage even if you did miss...........and I do mean missed bad.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 Good video JD! Thanks for sharing that. :congrats:  Always can learn something from their reactions and mannerisms.  You just didn't want to carry it back to the truck, right? :laf:


You came back with it on Video JD, And you did not have to skin one! I would take a video learning exercise like that anyday....Instead of all these dry stands I been making. :wink:


Hunt & release!!!!!  :laf: :laf:

Sorry JD!! Couldn't help that one!!  :nono:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


J.D., I think you have already covered what I saw in an earlier reply.  How far was it from your seat to the trees?  If it wasn't over 200 yds or so, when coyotes are hung up looking right at the source of the sound, if they don't see anything to support all that racket, that can make them spooky.  I would normally go for the squeaker coaxer on my rifle when they are watching like that, or a lip squeak. I never give them another dose of the sound that brought them there, and I never howl at them in that situation. They already had the source of the sound nailed down tight. That first one that left acted like a coyote who had his butt whipped sometime by the boss dog in the area. They had already determined they couldn't see the critter in trouble, and they didn't see that coyote that howled at them either.  Like you said, you had an awful lot to do with nobody to help, and your shooting sticks all warm and cozy in your truck, and the howl you hit 'em with was maybe a bit too strong.  Nothing works every time as we all know, but you had one heck of a good time anyway.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Very good video JD  :yoyo: To get that footage while doing the filming,calling and shooting is one hell of a job. There is no way I could have pulled that off.

Good clip showing that coyotes like to stick to some sort of cover and go down wind. I also understand shooting them out there was not the effect you wanted you wanted the satisfaction of calling them close after they checked up. It don't always work but I will always try like you did.

Once again great job  :yoyo:



Thanks fellers...After watchin it again myself, those two appear to be out of their territory. Look how much over there shoulder checking they are doing...When I have someone else running the camera I can devote full attention to the coyotes behavior, and "work" them a whole lot better. possomal, The footage is edited, I lip squeeked my ass off, only thing left, which I do alot, was to howl and trigger a territorial response from them. Had i been fully tuned into there behavior, rather than worryin about the footage, I'd have howled a totally different howl to them, because territorial wouldn't work on them intruders.  Many times a howl will get the approach I need from them. I was fighting to many variables on this hunt, wind, camera and no sticks. Yeah it was fun  :biggrin:

Bopeye, easy dude, I'm still a little sensitive about the miss  :pout:   :biggrin:

Hunt and Release  :yoyo:   Ya know, you do learn more from them alive, rather than dead...That's a Rich Higgins saying...good sayin to.