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This afternoon's set

Started by nor-cal yote, January 25, 2009, 11:16:15 PM

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nor-cal yote

    I got a phone call about a coyote problem , I went out to the property this afternoon to see if I could fix the problem. Land owner says she here coyotes during the evenings and early mornings. I looked at the sat photos of the area and none of them were very good. She had told me it was real brushy, but there was an opening about 50x80 near the top of the ridge.
Heres where I decided to set up

the e-caller is about 60' in front of me.
close up of the e-caller

looking downhill the way I approached.

looking uphill, at the top of the there is a trailer house

I started the decoy on the caller, and started with some rabbit distress mouth calls for about 5 min. Then sat and waited for about 8 or 9 mins, and started again. I did that twice, then sat for about 10 mins. I then turned the e caller to young challenge howls and let her go for 30 seconds. I had one answer back within 10 seconds. I'm getting excited now! I wait about 5 mins and turn the ecaller to rabbit distress and let it run. The sun sets no coyote shows up. :madd: :argh:
  I get back to the house put my gear in the truck, and I'm talking to the land owner and a coyote starts barking about 40 yards up the hill. :rolleye:
  But it was still fun!
never yell whoa in a horse race


Quote from: nor-cal yote on January 25, 2009, 11:16:15 PM

     Im talking to the land owner and a coyote starts barking about 40 yards up the hill. :rolleye:


Well you know they came in then cause they are laughing at you. :laf:
You'll get er Nor-cal, keep at em. :wink:
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