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Our hunting today

Started by Silencer, January 31, 2009, 10:31:55 AM

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No camera so this is useless without pics.  First stand, beautiful brushy valley with fields along both sides.  Old loggin road up to the top of the hill, we BURRY the full sized 4x4 Dodge up to the axles.
Walk in the rest of the way, no coyotes but the boy could have shot a turkey, not sure why they would want to look at a distress sound or they happen to be coming that way.
My bud has to make a call to the farmer and we end up getting pulled out by his international tractor.
Wish my camera was working, we were all  :roflmao: 
By the time we get out its near 9 am, made the run to our second stand along a ridge, no takers again but did call in a what I think was a titmouse or a bird that looks like one.  He about landed on the end of my barrel and was curious about the squeaks that were coming from the brush.

Third stand location there was a truck there already so we opted not to ruin someone else's hunting.

Lunch time now.  Did see alot of deer and turkey out feeding driving in between stands. 

Not sure about hunting later, I have a bowlin tourney this afternoon.  We will be back out in the morning for sure.


I have had turkeys come to rabbit Dist. as well as mouse.  :readthis:


We made 4 stands today all dry.  Beautiful locations, wind was perfect but we sounded like a pack of elephants walking in on every stand. 
2 stand we were lucky to have the farmers tractor cut the trails but they were dry as well. 

Forgot to add I found someones bait pile, 1/2 a deer carcass and 2 calves.  No tracks, all still in full form frozen solid.  I'll be keeping my eye on it, its on our clubs property  :wo: :confused: