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Got wood

Started by FinsnFur, February 16, 2009, 02:03:11 PM

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Just a heads up, I removed this topic from public view this afternoon, after hearing that it was having a negative impact on some of CCP's vendors.

We shoulda seen that coming I guess, and he's not offended. He took in stride coming from friends, but I think with all due respect to him and to prevent from corrupting the public view of him and the E.C. avenue, we should move on. :wink:
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CCP is a great guy and I will always recommend his video's to anyone I meet.....
He did not know we were doing this stuff to him and it was just a joke....... I have removed any pics that may offend anyone and would ask that you hold me responsible for them.......... Not Richard, He had no control over them.
I consider all you folks my friends and am sorry for any grief caused.


Richard is a great guy & this was all done in jest.  I understand keeping up appearances is important but when we lose our sense of humor we might as well be slaves to a socialist republic. I'm Sorry too. I will be ordering 2 DVD's from you Rich. I already have them planned as gifts.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


You guys are great and I enjoyed the humor. I can take it as well as dish it out. You guy's did nothing wrong. I as surprised myself  :mad3:


Bills Custom Calls

I took my photo down also Rich If I would have known that was gonna cause you any grief whatsoever
I would have never posted it.
It was all done in good humor,and some folks can't see that

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Rich IS a great guy and his sense of humor is what made the moment. Aw well, we still have the memories.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and thats why it's called the present.


Rich is an alright sorta guy. ;yes;
Now Straycat he's the trouble maker. :nofgr: