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Howling with hillbilly

Started by wvhillbillyhowler, March 25, 2009, 09:32:09 AM

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And now we know what your breath smells like!  :roflmao:

OK, I'm a learner here bu this has been my experience. The ONLY times I have been ssuccessful, and they are few, are when I have used coyote vocalizations at some point in the stand. Beccause of this, I start every stand off with an interrogation howl from the foxpro. Usually, at some point, I will throw in some distress, but not always. Sometimes I  just howl, and do some pup squeels, or some coyote barks. I have been ending with a howl also. I haven't been staying for longer than about 15 minutes after the last call whatever it is.

Now, your critique and suggestions.



Howling does work. It works all  year around, but seems to work the best from may through july, when the coyotes are still protective of their young. Second best time for successful howling is during the mating time in winter. I usually use a lonesome sounding howl, and puppy squeals. I mostly stay away from barking, because the younger coyotes may shy away from aggressive  sounding vocals. I think it is wise to also stay away from rabbit screams, especially during winter when you are calling in pressured area's.
Foxpro Field staff


Hey Hillbilly

Can ya put up some sound clips to show what you sound like?  Type of howl etc. 


Sheetin hair ?  quit lickin yerself :P     A bud of mine howls with his mouth and gets more responses than I do with my howlers.  He does a deep howl but not too drawn out and it pisses em off or something  :shrug:  I've seen and heard it work more than once, but to seal the deal thats another story    :madd:


I have been practicing my howling (when the wife aint home) and what I have been doing is listening to my fox pro's Lone Howl and then trying to sound the same with my open reed.  Is this good practice or no?  I know this question will have alot of different views but how often do you howl at a givin stand.  I understand it will depend on how the yotes react as to how often you howl.  For example if you go to a stand where you know there are yotes and you howl and get no response, do you try distress calls or wait a few and howl again?


As a lot of you know I know nothing about calling coyotes.  I do however live where there is an abundance of them and I can honestly say that pretty much any sound will bring in some critter.  I've been playing with the howlers I've got from guys on this board and they do bring coyotes in.  I'd say not as fast as a food based call but they do come to even my poor attempts at sounding like one of them.  Up here it could be the less pressure on them I don't know but a good rabbit squaller brings them in pretty good all year round.   Donny can get them to talk to him any time we go out to play with a howler but talking to us and coming in are two different things in my book.  I look forward to other comments about howling coyotes in but I sure ain't looking forward to any more pissing matchs :argh:.  How anyone can get ruffled about another calls is so far beyond me I just can't compute it. [type of callers, maybe].
I say what I think not think what I say.


QuoteI look forward to other comments about howling coyotes in but I sure ain't looking forward to any more pissing matchs




Howling is a style of calling that one needs to KNOW what they are saying to a coyote and what tones to use ! or it could be far more damaging to them than helpful.

Each coyote has it's own personality, you cannot say that they all will respond in the same manner. Some coyotes it takes just a howl, some a couple howls, some you gotta howl your ass off and threaten them. Lately, I have been gettin them to investigate a non stop series of barks and threat howls? go figure...that goes against anything ever written,(don't ever threat howl without being threat howled at first)

Pup distress after a series of several DIFFERENT sounding coyote howls works wonders here.

I second Semp...Let's hear some sound clips...



There are folks out there who claim to know coyote language. Only the coyote know for sure what it is saying. It is the "inflection", or "tone" of the coyote vocals that you need to listen for. I can tell when a coyote is threatening to kick my butt when it  gives me the old "Bark/threat"  howl, and I can hear the  dispair  in the yapping of that coyote who wants to come in but knows something is wrong. You don't need to worry about being an expert in order to call coyotes with a howler. I like to begin with one or two lonesome sounding howls, and then wait in silence for a few minutes. If you don't get a customer to show, then howl again and then wait in silence for a few more minutes. If you get a vocal response, it is ok to howl again. It is also fairly common for me to give him the puppy squeals. Here is one trick that I use when calling the brushy hill country.  I have my Foxpro sitting cross-wind about fifty yards of my set. I howl with my horn howler, but use the Foxpro to deliver the puppy squeals.

Foxpro Field staff


every state is alittle diffrent if you have lots of dogs little game you wont beat destress call of any kind but the oppasite your howler works better my state lots of game little dogs when i started calling i called for one year with no luck i know there were dogs here i coon hunt alot they would blow my dogs off the tree so igot a soung dog and all the info i could started the long road to howlen dogs ikilled my first dog in the month of feb ihave had many howlers sence i was like all that try to howl it was very hard to master many aggrivating stands the il learned has much and still learning coyote vocals and what they are saying i breed dogs for many years you will learn alot from watching them they are alot like yote pups they have apecking order you have domenant ones and wimmpy ones domenant yotes stay that way all there life they are ones you will kill first wimmpy ones are hard to kill  domenant ones will come fast to prey or howls you its hard to call yote with full belly thats why ihowl most the time april to sep works for me here i dont messaround with one howl i will crank several out if they are there you will know it im looking for bark threat loneor chalenge back iwillstart most when calling by myself with lone howl two three to what ever i feel some of the time it takes a bit for anwnser if they answer iwill howl one time more most dogs here show up wiyh in one hour or less some in couple minutes you never know bark threat howl answer they cometo fast most of time it is crushcial that you blow quality howls and know what they are telling you its hard to discribe howls writing im not going to even try to it takes time in the woods interacting with them to learn there vocals but if any one wants to contact me i will be happy to let you here my howls and explain more in detail im to slow on this comp you fellas are on target here thats what i wanted we can help new howlers with our own mistakes and time in the woods every one can learn something from someboby im still learning i hunt hard stay long good vocals learn vocals most of all you cant kill alot if you dont have alot thats why i go to ok to kill alot east dogs were i live are tough has hell patients percestamce i hope i have not affended any one here if i have contact me more later hillbilly


Quote from: canine on March 25, 2009, 01:27:49 PM
Howling is a style of calling that one needs to KNOW what they are saying to a coyote and what tones to use ! or it could be far more damaging to them than helpful.

Each coyote has it's own personality, you cannot say that they all will respond in the same manner. Some coyotes it takes just a howl, some a couple howls, some you gotta howl your ass off and threaten them. Lately, I have been gettin them to investigate a non stop series of barks and threat howls? go figure...that goes against anything ever written,(don't ever threat howl without being threat howled at first)

Pup distress after a series of several DIFFERENT sounding coyote howls works wonders here.

I second Semp...Let's hear some sound clips...


And that came right out of the mouth of the winner of the 2008 World Coyote Vocalizations Competition :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:
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Carolina Coyote

 I agree with some of the other fellows here, Posting the sounds would be very beneficial to those of us that have not perfected the Howling Technique, I  have tried it at times with a little success but would like to learn the different sounds and what they mean and how to make them. cc


Jim...Just cuz I sound like a coyote, doesn't make me coyote smart!!   :wink: 

Hell, I'm still learning new things everytime I run into a coyote or a coyote runs into my bullet..LOL I've been at this for many years and we'll never learn it all, why? because each coyote is different in personality and it takes different strokes for different coyotes..THE best way to learn is time in the woods..flat out..woodsmanship skills kill animals, that goes for any species. If your a beginning howler, stick to lone howls, If you get a threatening response , mimmick what you hear but stay at a lower octive and answer his or her every call. Like Jimmie said, keep your downwind side open!!!!

Carolina, I'll try and get some up for you this evening yet.



Have to agree the best way to learn is get out there and do it now I have not killed a called in yote yet though I have taken several over the years they were always Targets of Opportunity. Now I have several different calls now including an E-caller and several different howlers and I have been going out as much as I can and calling and have been having some cool experiences. The resort I work at has tons of yotes runnin around and quite often I come to work early and call with lots of responses. A few months back think mid November when I killed my last yote I came into work one night 3 hours early and called. I got an immediate response off to my left and seconds later they got a response to my right so i thought why not and I did a few quick barks and a howl and man I dont know what the heck I told em but it made em all mad yotes all around started barking and howling like crazy and there I was no gun and yotes all around happens to me alot gettin caught with no gun. most of my calling is just to get a response I know that due to my practice and the amounts of yotes picking up aropund here soon I will be calling em in and shooting them if I can remember to carry the gun that is. now the only things I do with my howler are a serries of short barks and then a long howl not sure what it would be called some times the barks are slow and sometimes fairly quick just depends on how I feel at the time. I would like to learn several different howls to be able to change things up right now I have been working on pup sounds and seem to be getting the hang of them a bit just from listening to my dog and useing the sounds around him and watching him react to them . if anyone can post some different howl vocalizations and pup sounds that would be great
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


Hey Jon, I really enjoyed talking with you today! Have to say you can make some wicked sounds on that howler!  :yoyo: We got to comparing notes and we're running a tie on kills this year. I mostly use the distress calls, Jon uses the howls...the way I got it figured I need to start doing more of both. May double my take!  :readthis:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:




Donny I thought you were Hillbilly's son? :confused:
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ok fellows i'm loven this you got hillbilly on the spot i'm gonna try to get those sounds on here for ya, i'm a little dumb about this pc it might take me awhile, heres what i'm doing now each time i get on here i'm gonna tell you about sets i've been on and how i did it step by step, some succeful some not. but they will be lessons learned on everyone here we go. had loccated coyotes in clear cut 3 weeks before monday, 2 inch's of snow 10 to 15 mile an hour winds 0 degrees hike in to where i last heard these coyotes set up on the edge of a heavy pine thicket opening into hard woods wind in my face hard woods in front could see 80 yrds looking into a hollwer bench right below me i give out 10 to 15 female invitations 30 to 40 sec, apart no answer. this is breeding season feb, are coyotes here mostly will not answer in breeding season unless your on there den, i wait an hour yes an hour i pull 2 deer off my black widow call min, later 1 more, as i'm pulling the 2nd one is mr. fuzzy face coming from my left from the bench, then i see 1 more straight in front front coming up out of the hollwer the one to my left gets there first 30 yrd's. i raise my 204 cross hairs 2 in's from he's chest, as i put my big gloves threw to get the trigger guess what 204 goe's off, dog does'nt move as i jack another round both them dogs run straight over top of me. leason learned in thick cover always tote a shotgun leason 2 make sure that your nwe warmy gloves will fit threw the trigger hole.   hillbilly


yes i am  :biggrin: he's taught me a lot  :roflmao: