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Softcore Fishing

Started by FinsnFur, April 28, 2009, 08:48:39 PM

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The river finally started warming up, here but still not enough get the bass crazy. 61 degrees in two foot deep shallows is all.

Kristee, my youngest out with me this past weekend.

Rich and I took the boat out this afternoon after work, and things were real slow still. He ended up with a dogfish (bowfin) and I bagged this miniature version of a Pike.  :laf:
But it was fun  :shrug:
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Hawks Feather

She seems pretty intent on her fishing.  I am sure that you had a good time.



Wutcha got that jaw spreader set to?...225 ppsi ?..... :biggrin:....nice lookin pike  :yoyo:


225 would never open a mammoth hatch like that. We use the 225 ppsi models on our Bluegills. You know the ones we photograph in the bushes? :roflmao:
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Todd Rahm

Jim thats an eater in my book.


I say what I think not think what I say.


Softcore Fishing :roflmao:

Nice catch for sure.  Sure am glad we dont have to wear them jackets down here anymore


Our water just wont warm up here.
Me and the boy hitter yesterday, I caught two about 13 inches and that was it, we took off again this afternoon and we each landed one about the same length.

They're schooled up somewhere contemplating bedding, but havent moved much at all. :mad2:
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Looks like fun...so when are we getting that FNF Fishing tourney going again...or do you just want to send my gift card to me now and save everybody the grief and aggravation :innocentwhistle:


Your the only one that showed any interest so far.
  :shrug: Ah dunno, do we do one?
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I'm up for it again if everybody else is. Maybe we should create another post and see what kind of interest there is?

Looky what I found...there is some interest - http://finsandfur.net/forums/index.php?topic=8539.0;topicseen



I'll win the contest.. I mean I'm in the contest.  :eyebrownod:


Here's my official entry for the contest.
Fished for three hours this afternoon, caught close to a dozen bass and this was the only one that was legal :doh2: What are these fish waiting for? :doh2:

But she sure did fit on the grill nice :eyebrow:

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It could be worse Jim........Remember Last Year............ :innocentwhistle:



I'm not sure what that was all about. Post Spawn probably since it was from June.
I normally clean up during spawn and last year was no different.

Thats just May 08 :shrug:
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I just LOVE picking on ya Jimbo Thats all....... :hahaha:


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Man this water dont want nothing to do with warming up, up here. Yesterday and today the thermometer never got over 59 and I swear there's a wicked windchill.

Got the girls for the weekend and they both wanted to go fishing. I thought man this is gonna suck because it feels like January out there.

I told them to get dressed, call their mother and tell her Happy Mothers Day and we'd go.
They called her at 10:00am and she was laying in bed hungover.  :iroll: I love those little reminders as to why I am divorced. :biggrin:

Anyway, we managed to get about three bass and this was the only one worth anything.

The pike were moving though. I casted down along a nice shallow little weed bed and the minute my lure hit the water, the water boiled, there was a swift firm tug on the line, and just as fast, it all came flying back at me, minus the lure.

I told the girls to cast out there while I re-rigged my pole.

Got rigged up and went back, through it in the same spot. Instantly the water flew as he grabbed it and rolled like an old croc. I bent my knees, leaned back, swiftly sweeping the rod tip up to set the hook. 
Never even got a chance to turn the crank,and  here comes 30 feet of flacid line flying back at me with no lure again. :doh2:

$5.00 a lure, and no leaders in the tackle box, thats enough of that.  :noway:
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