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Coulters 2009 Fish tournament Entries...

Started by Coulter, May 21, 2009, 10:03:49 AM

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Ha...made ya look! :eyebrownod: You guys must be nervous about my entries. Well I don't have any yet, but I'm planning my big haul starting tomorrow evening. I just thought I would get everything set up now so I can post 'em up quciker on Sunday. I'll be tired from hauling in my massive catch over the weekend and I hope to get 'em posted up for all of you to drool over as asoon as possible :biggrin:

You guys are gonna have to do better than that if you want to win this contest :eyebrownod:

Jim...sticky if you would please :wink:



my inches r rackin up day by day. u might have a chance at second or third but first place will go in my poket. u weekend fishers wont have a chance man, i might go back to mountains in a few days and that is where my inches will add up, i was up there last wed through sat and caught 85 trout in 4 days, I caught alot of 14" to 16" fish,  Just ask Al and he will tell u who the master is. So save ur time and money and drop out. u to will learn who the master is.  :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :roflmao:


oooo by the way I did release all my trout but 6, they really tasted good and they really made a real nice turd. :hahaha:


 :roflmao: :roflmao: Did you make some Turd Almondine :roflmao:


ooooooooooooo i did, o ooo  I have to go fishing again its gonna be dark before long and i gotta get that evening bite. see u later


Quote from: golfertrout on May 21, 2009, 03:05:21 PM
oooo by the way I did release all my trout but 6, they really tasted good and they really made a real nice turd. :hahaha:

Whoaa??  . . . trout,

That's more info than I need!  It's good to see that you are getting out of the recliner!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


yea Jim Im getting out more but I cant walk up hills to good, I dont have very good circulation in my legs.       and I also have some more pics to post, but i have to have Al help me :hahaha:                           


coulter are you gonna post some pics or are you stuck in your qubical :roflmao: :roflmao:


I'm not only stuck in a cubicle, but also at baseball practices, sea-kayaking  and graduation ceremonies, as well as trying to get some calls finished up. My fishing has been non-existent since the king salmon trip. Good luck to all participating, I'm just not gonna get the time to be as competitive as I had hoped.



Quote from: Coulter on June 08, 2009, 07:41:49 PM
I'm not only stuck in a cubicle, but also at baseball practices, sea-kayaking  and graduation ceremonies, as well as trying to get some calls finished up. My fishing has been non-existent since the king salmon trip. Good luck to all participating, I'm just not gonna get the time to be as competitive as I had hoped.


I don't think it takes that much to be competitive here coulter :shrug:.  I got third in the turkey contest :innocentwhistle:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Thats true he did. And he's even a runner up in the Ecaller give away. :laf:
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 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: