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Grandsons Weekend

Started by Carolina Coyote, July 15, 2009, 05:11:06 PM

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Carolina Coyote

This is my two youngest Grandsons, they graduated from High School this year and will be going to College this fall, so I wanted to spend a little time with them, carried them down to the Wanderosia and they fished, shot water turtles and hunted Armidillo's. Both boys showed their markmanship with a rifle hitting targets out to 220+ yards, The Armidillo's are tough little critters and can move pretty fast when they want to, the boys were quick to get on them before they could run into a hole, They really enjoyed this Weekend and so did Grandpa. cc

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Looks like a good time !
Looks like a real nice bassin lake too,
and I like the shootin rigs.

Hawks Feather

They look like groundhogs with armor on.  It also looks like they had a good time.





looks like ya'll had fun.


So that's what Grandsons look like & do. :huh:    (I only have Granddaughters):iroll:
Sure is great seeing these pix. Thanks for sharing. :biggrin:
Right now I'm only 1/2hr from the Wonderosa.   :sad:

Carolina Coyote

VV, You must be down at Gorden, sorry I could not ride down this weekend so we could scout around a little bit, to hot to hunt yotes but always a few Dillo's around. Good hearing from you, hope to see you soon. cc


That looked right enjoyable :highclap:  Glad you said what that grey thing was or I'd a been having to show my ignorance again :doh2:  Thanks for the look see.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Those armadillos might be tough little critters but they look like they open up real nice for the camera.  :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:  Cool pics.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I missed this thread the first time around.  Nice pics and good lookin' kids.  Glad everyone had a good time.  :congrats:


Looks like a real good time had by all. That shotgun on the boat seat caught my eye and I thought what the....??
Until I finished reading it anyway.  :laf:

Thanks for taking us along. :wink:
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Pretty cool pix, I wish we had them groundhogs on the half shell up here  :biggrin:

Carolina Coyote

Nastygunz, Don't know if you really want them dillo's there or not, they are good target practice, they are as bad as Hogs about rooting in the ground , just not as big of area rooted up but I have to say I really enjoy riding around and feeding them with my 243 wssm. cc


Another thing there good at is just before you hit them with your car they jump straight up and ball up. They get about the height of your grill and can really punch a hole through it taking out your radiator and fan in the process
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.

Carolina Coyote

It is amazing how high those critters can jump and how fast they can run with all that armor on especially after the fireworks start.  :laf: :laf: :laf: cc


God tacks on additional days to your life for each day spent outdoors with your grandchildren.  We have 7 and 1 great grandchild, so I should live a very long life.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs

Carolina Coyote

Spending time with the Grandkids is one of the pleasures of life, I have five and look forward to having some Great Grand Children, when I was growing up my Grandpa's never took me fishing or hunting, there were good to me but never really took the time to spend quality time with me, I want to give my Grands something to remember me by and the best thing I can think of is to let them know how much I love them. cc


Quote from: slagmaker on August 16, 2009, 06:29:34 PM
Another thing there good at is just before you hit them with your car they jump straight up and ball up. They get about the height of your grill and can really punch a hole through it taking out your radiator and fan in the process
That reminds me of one of the ones I popped at the Wonderosa w/ CC. :laf:
That thing took to jumping & flippin'. CC kept trying to get his foot on it to get it to stop. I was totally amazed at the show.  :corn:
One was how far the 'dillo could leap in its death throws & the other was how high CC could lift his leg to try & get his foot on it.
:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

What a great time I had w/ CC that week!  ;yes;  :biggrin:

Carolina Coyote

VV, It seems the older I get the higher I kick.  :eyebrownod: cc