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Grizzly from the Back deck ( No! Not me!)

Started by HuntnCarve, July 16, 2009, 01:36:02 PM

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Having taken a spider bit on the side of the shin last week, I finally got around to seeing a doctor on Monday.  He called me an idiot for not coming in sooner, and promptly put me on a hept up antibiotic.  The side effect of it, between bouts of nausea, was a more than normal amount of dizziness..
What's all this have to do with Ground Grizzlies you ask?  Well, it seems on day 2 of the Anti's I happened to spot a trophy sized whistle pig slipping into HH1 (Honey hole number 1)!  Grabbing the Ol Mossberg I jacked a CB into the chamber and went out onto the deck.  It was spinning counter clockwise in a fashion? The experience simular, and reminiscent of my college drinking days!  At that point I figured I best lay down on the deck in a prone position to attempt the shot.  While napping at the scope, I happened to open my eyes to see Mr. Chuck finally deciding to come top side.  I took as good a bead on his ear as I could muster through my feverish eyes, and squeezed one off figuring to HaMer him a good one... What the Crap!  The shot kicked up dirt just beyond his head!!!  Instead of retreating in to his subtarranean bunker, he moon walked (well that's what it appeared to look like) right on up the edge of the yard into the neighbors yard.  I went down to the hole and looked for blood.  Nothing.  Then I walked his supposed trail, again not finding any sign.  My confidence in my shooting ability was shaken to say the least!    Dreams of running groundhogs filled my night, thankfully disrupted by bouts of fever..

A New Dawn!

Feeling much better today, the bite now reduced to a mere tennisball size.  I decided to go out on the back deck for observation purposes.  After scanning HH1 and HH2 with the binoculars (not seeing any activity) I proceeded to step out onto the deck.  Seems the wife must have anchored it fast sometime during the week?  As it was not spinning?  Casually glancing to the right of HH2 I quickly saw the fiendish plump body of a feeding chuck!  Seems the deviant had made an early rise, and was contemplating crawling up the tie wall and the tomatoes.  As he was checking his back trail, I raced into the house and ripped open the gun safe.  In my haste to grab the nearest .22 , I somehow dislodged another .22 rifle from it assigned postion.  A Win. Model 9422.  I don't know if it was jealously, or what?  But dang if it didn't fall forward and hit me right on my spider bite!  The stream of profanity that gushed from my mouth would have made a Long shoreman blush!  Fortunately my wife was at work, and the daughter sleeping soundly in her room.  I later quizzed her if she had heard any of the "neighbors" swearing that morning??  No, she hadn't heard any thing like that?? I did hear you cussing up a storm dad!  "There's $10 on your dresser hon, just for being a precious daughter.."Are you paying me off dad?"  "What?  Can't a dad just give his daughter a few bucks for being wonderful?."... Back to the groundhog...
Slowly moving out onto the deck I found the hog busily feeding, it's back towards me.  This time I locked the crosshairs on it neck and squeezed the trigger.  A melodic "Plop" greeted my ears!  The chuck slowly rolled starboard side.. Then while I was jacking another round into the chamber, she listed heavily, and commenced a slow roll down the hill.  Coming to a stop hole side, I watched carefully, ready to fire off another round.  It was not necessary!  My confidence restored, I went inside for the camera.  As I walked down the hill to evaluate my trophy, I took notice of a turkey buzzard flying down the street.  How do they know?? 
So I'm happy to say that I did not loose my leg, or my shooting ability!  About all I'm out today is the $10 hush money my daughter coerced from me.  All in all, a good morning!


PS.  I'm figuring this one will square 16"x16" according to the tape.  Seems the threat of curing the hide on my daughters bedroom wall was worth $10   :innocentwhistle:


Darn Dave, that was some impressive spider bite!   Turning that whistlepig into a grizzly may lead to some real creative carvings from the King of Carving in the future. :laf: :eyebrownod:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


 :roflmao: :roflmao:  
Quoteand squeezed one off figuring to HaMer him a good one...

Another cool story,, or two  :innocentwhistle:,, from "The Misadventures of the Honey Holes".  :yoyo:

:yoyo: :yoyo:

Looks like a nice size grizzly ya got there!! Otta at least make ya a nice hat!!  :wink:
I took notice of a turkey buzzard flying down the street.  How do they know?? 

You don't wanna know!!  :rolleye:

:roflmao:  Thanks for feeding them for us Dave!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


That was a real pleasure to read :congrats:

Thats that imagination of yours at work again. Whether it be on the calls or the storys...it a pleasure :eyebrownod:
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Thats that imagination of yours at work again.

:confused:  I'm thinking it was the meds.  :wo:

:roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


My wife claims that even from my death bed (of course it woud be window side), I'd some how manage to try and take out a chuck if I was able to spot it!  Guilty as charged. LOL!

I did bring up the subject of making a call from my leg bone if they had to take it off?  My wife failed to see the humor in my jest? 
On a good note, I only have a week left to go on the Antibiotics!  My body must have decided to accept them, cause I'm not having any more nausea, or dizziness!  And my bite is healing nicely!  About the size of a golf ball with a blood red black center!  I'm allowed back on the table saw ( wife bans me from the tools, but not from the guns???). 
Have a good one!



Must have been one heck of a spider bite.  :sad3:

Now about this legbone call...  :wo:
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Dave I enjoyed your Hunt... :yoyo: :yoyo:

Now take real good care of that bite and do what the doc says as I have been bit once on the stomach and once on the ring finger and it is a long recovery if your too hard headed to go to the doctor right away... :laf: :laf:
Those things leave a nasty wound and I hope you feel better soon.


Love the story Dave and enjoyed the pic's as well. :yoyo:  What the L kind of spiders you got that can do that? :shrug:  Even more reasons than snakes to stay the heck out of some of that country.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Spider bites can really be nasty.  Take care!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Barry, in the way of snakes we have rattlesnakes, and copperheads.  The latter being a particularly angry cuss, with a chip on his shoulder most of the time.  As for spiders; I know we have Brown Recluse, and the big Wolf Spiders.  Then theres a raft of little ones, the names of which I don't even know?  I got nailed by one of the littler ones I believe.  They're kind of "hit and run" specialists.  It's not real common to get bit, but it happens.  I've had them before on the arm.  Feels like someone punched you there, and it wells up like a bruise.  I don't know what happened on my leg?  Maybe I got a better dose, or am finally having a reaction to the bites?  The Dr. seems to think I was given a staph infection there along with the bite.  I was really concerned that it was Lymes disease.  It had most of the symtoms.  Anyway, I'm doing fine now, and if it was Lymes Disease, according to him, the Antibiotics he's put me on will knock it out. 



Thanks for the info.  I can say I have never been bitten by  a spider, tick, snake or crocigator.  I guess living here in paradise just got a whole lot better :yoyo: :yoyo:.  I'm happy that you are on the mend and sounding like you are going to live.  Never know when I may get the urge to get lucky again. :shrug:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Great read Dave, I enjoyed it this morning with my coffee.  squared at 16" should make a nice rug.  Will try and talk to you this weekend.

Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


 :roflmao: :roflmao: That was just what the doctor ordered!! I liked every second of that story. If you ever decide to give up your call making gig, there's always writing.  :highclap:

BTW, DO NOT give up your call making gig. You are an ARTEEST!!  :wink: :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao: "napping at the scope" huh!   :roflmao: That was a great read Dave! Sorry to hear about the spider bite, never had one myself. Sounds like I don't want one either! Take care!
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink: