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Skunk problem

Started by KySongDog, August 05, 2009, 07:57:45 AM

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The only things I know about skunks is they stink and to go far out of my way to avoid them.   :biggrin:

While walking to my truck this morning, I saw a black and white kitty running across the back yard toward my deck.   I eased around the side of the house and quickly figured out the dayumed thing has taken up residence UNDER my deck! 

So advice needed here.  How do I get him out of there? 

I thought about throwing a firecracker under the deck and shooting him when he ran out.  But then figured he might spray under the deck or, if he ran out, he'd spray all over the house when shot.   

What next, set a trap?  What bait is good for skunks?   

So far he/she hasn't sprayed anything yet.  But now I'm wondering about the possibility of little skunks?  When do they mate?


Hawks Feather

I think you should take a stick and poke him a few times - really show that skunk that you mean business and that he/she needs to find another home.    :corn:


Or you could use a low box trap.  They won't spray if their tail is not raised.


Sardines work fine for bait and I have used them for literally hundreds of skunks.  A box trap works fine but my favorite is a #0 leg hold trap with a piece of rope tied to the chain.  I find where the skunk is going under a building and set my trap right at the entrance.  Leave enough rope for the skunk to get just under[but you can still pull him out easily] and out of sight.  Tie the rope off so that is as far as it can get and when it's caught just pull him out and drag away to shoot.  If you live in town the box trap is probably the better option.  Don't make any sudden moves around the thing and it won't spray.  I believe that skunks don't like the smell a whole lot more than me and don't spray unless really pushed[like under a truck tire or surprised].
I say what I think not think what I say.


Try throwing moth balls under there,,,,,a whole box.......see what happens. :wink:


Quote from: Semp on August 05, 2009, 07:57:45 AM
But now I'm wondering about the possibility of little skunks?  When do they mate?

Mating occurs in late winter(February and March) and the young are born from mid-spring until mid-summer. Generally, there are 4 - 6 young per litter.

The young skunks are weaned at 2 months and usually leave to establish their own den by fall.

WhiteHare Lanyards
Richard Hughes



I like Jerry's idea. You could even use a broom handle in a pinch.
Lay right down along side the deck so you can see whats happen and poke em enough, he'll leave. :laf:
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 :confused:  I may be dumb but I ain't, I says, I ain't stupid.   :nono:   No poking with a stick for me.    :laf:

I set a wire box trap like Barry suggested.    :eyebrow:  I got it covered with black plastic to make it nice and inviting.  Lets see what happens.   :wink:

If that don't work I'll see if I can get the 'ol lady to poke it with that stick y'all mentioned.   :roflmao:   But after that I'm guessing I'd no longer have a home either.   :nono:


Sometimes food is the deciding factor in where he stays....they like grubs,worms, cat/dog food......
If it is an easy, regular meal they will set up camp.......If you put food out every day.....make sure its not there at night.
Natural foods of a skunk do not like Moth balls It dont always work but I have spread moth balls around before and the skunk left soon after.......
Just getting rid of one will invite another....... :eyebrownod:
Just thought I would explain myself a bit as I was in a hurry when I posted earlier..... :wink:


Thanks, Al.  If the trap doesn't catch him, I may try the moth ball trick.  Poking him with a stick will be the last resort.   :eyebrownod:


 :shrug: suit yourself :laf:
I'm telling ya it works. :innocentwhistle:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on August 05, 2009, 11:51:08 AM
:shrug: suit yourself :laf:
I'm telling ya it works. :innocentwhistle:

If this method is used and I'm sure it works, a video of the event may be worth big $$$.
I say what I think not think what I say.



Carolina Coyote

Semp, The Broom stick sounds a little to Technical for me, on things like that I usually need a live Demonstration, but it sounds like There are some experts around
that could give you the Demo and then you could decide if that's the best way.  :eyebrow: cc

Hawks Feather

Well, I guess no one else is going to really step up to the plate here so I might as well.  Just Man-Up, reach under there, grab him by the neck, and pull him out.    :corn:    :corn:    :corn:



The easiest solution would be to just sell your house and move.... :innocentwhistle:


Quote from: Hawks Feather on August 05, 2009, 06:38:27 PM
Well, I guess no one else is going to really step up to the plate here so I might as well.  Just Man-Up, reach under there, grab him by the neck, and pull him out.    :corn:    :corn:    :corn:


Granpa used to tell me .....

" If their feet dont touch nothing you can carry em around by the scruff of the neck.....
They cant spray unless their feet is touching something."

I just took him at his word and never tried it as I never seen him try it either.... :hahaha: :hahaha:

Todd Rahm

Bait station away from the deck, and a 22 to the head.  :wink:

Todd Rahm

Scratch that. I like Al's idea better.  :innocentwhistle: Just grab them by the scruff and don't let the feet touch the ground.  :innocentwhistle:


Quote from: Todd Rahm on August 05, 2009, 08:22:17 PM
Scratch that. I like Al's idea better.  :innocentwhistle: Just grab them by the scruff and don't let the feet touch the ground.  :innocentwhistle:

That was my granpa that said it..... :nono:......not me.......no way..... :nofgr:   

But its worth a try.......go for it semp!  :eyebrownod:  :laf: :laf:


Semp... New pet?  :laf: :rolleye:

If you do decide to shoot it try not to hit it anywhere but the head or lungs. I asked Brent Saxton once how he took out trapped skunks that he caught on his trap line. He said a skunk has to fill its lungs before it can spray so he tried to shoot the lungs... small target... sometimes he missed.  :doh2: :puke:

Got any C-4?  :laf:

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