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sour grapes THO AL

Started by byf, August 09, 2009, 06:11:23 PM

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I agree with you in several different areas there.
THO did bring this up, you are right, but he was talking to you, and now for reason byf is defending himself. :shrug:

And yes, you did cut a lot of the "commercialism" since it was last brought up. But unfortunately the said post was before that era, and was included in what a lot (not all) of us were growing tired of.
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Jim, you are right in the fact he was talking to me.  That is why I copied and pasted Chuck's post with attention to THO Al.  It is your forum, and you are to be congratulated for running a nice site.  I would never intentionally do anything to create a problem for the forum or you.  If Chuck could have made his own post in Members Only, which he could not do per the posts rules, this discussion wouldn't be going on.  He did what he thought was best, and I can assure he is a great guy.  Hard hunter too.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


The "members only" section is supposed to be for members with at least 100 posts.  At least that is what I thought it was for.  Copying and cutting out of that section to give to someone who does not have 100 posts kinda defeats the whole idea of having the members only section, don't ya think?   All it does is stir the pot, cause disruption, and further the food fight in to the public section for all the world to see. 

There's only one road here and it is very low.


Semp, sorry you feel that way.  Nothing was given to anybody.  I can assure you that no load road effort was intended. Your interpretation of the Members Only post rule is correct as I understand it, but there is nothing low road about a qualified member copying and pasting something that is applicable to a post that appears there, IMO.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Quote from: possumal on August 11, 2009, 07:01:49 AM
Semp, sorry you feel that way. 

No need to feel sorry, Al.  We can agree to disagree and still get along.   :biggrin: 


Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Randy Roede

Jim, :yoyo: rock on buddy!!!

If it wlalks like a duck, looks like a duck and sounds like a duck well hell it's most likely a duck.

Pictures and videos prove it otherwise it's just a good story.

This internet has made some legends, at least in their own minds.

I would love to elaborate on this a little more but I have promised my senior advisor here that I would play nice.



is it impossible to call in 12 coyotes on a stand?  NO    ask Alscalls           we had atleast 10 around us one night , 3 were killed and some others would have been killed if my gun would not have jamed. so it is not impossible             nnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo


Seriously.......I was not going to bring it up as some folks just refuse to believe others success.......
Dave has seen similar situations with me as has Nick......Sorry the camera was not mounted on the gun or quick enough for folks on the internet to see but it is not only possible around here.......but it happens more than you think.
I wont even hardly post a pick of these things anymore just cause I do not understand why it upsets other hunters so much.... :shrug: Nicks friend shot one  the other day and I did not post it .....cause I did not know what would happen on here and I dont care ......I just know I love to hunt and would like to share more but....just like the last 2 Nick and I shot together....we were there so we just enjoy knowing that it was fun for us....and thats good enough......for me.
I have some pics....And would gladly share....in person to anyone that asks......But I wont be posting all that goes on as I dont like being told I am wrong about this or that........Why? ...........

If we are not open minded ......how can we continue learn?.....
If we already know it all ......where would the next great Idea come from?
I would hate to think a little success would keep the next great idea from being born......
If we fight among our selves over that success Who wins?   The hunter ?    Or the ones who wants his freedom?

Dave.....you brought it up...and you know my friend......We have seen it ...... :eyebrownod:  and it is true
And we aint trying to sell nothing.... :wink: ......We just know.

Good hunting


People on the internet can say anything and claim anything.    Some things are believable and some aren't.  And a lot depends on WHO posted it.    Don't get pissed because someone chooses to NOT believe.   :nofgr:


im not pissed because i KNOW IT CAN HAPPEN :eyebrow:


Quote from: golfertrout on August 18, 2009, 01:26:48 PM
im not pissed because i KNOW IT CAN HAPPEN :eyebrow:

^^^^^^^^^  :eyebrownod: What he said  :eyebrownod: ^^^^^^^^^


Quote from: alscalls on August 18, 2009, 10:52:30 AM
Seriously.......I was not going to bring it up as some folks just refuse to believe others success.......
Dave has seen similar situations with me as has Nick......Sorry the camera was not mounted on the gun or quick enough for folks on the internet to see but it is not only possible around here.......but it happens more than you think.

OK, since you guys want to keep beating this dead horse.  How many times have you had 12 coyotes come in on one set, at dark, killed 5 and didn't find any?  Or just how many times did 12 coyotes come in on one set? 

Quote from: alscalls on August 18, 2009, 10:52:30 AM
I wont even hardly post a pick of these things anymore just cause I do not understand why it upsets other hunters so much.... :shrug:

Who do you think you are upsetting?   What did you post that upset other hunters on FnF?

Quote from: alscalls on August 18, 2009, 10:52:30 AM

Nicks friend shot one  the other day and I did not post it .....cause I did not know what would happen on here and I dont care ......I just know I love to hunt and would like to share more but....just like the last 2 Nick and I shot together....we were there so we just enjoy knowing that it was fun for us....and thats good enough......for me.

If you don't care why are you posting about it?   When was the last time someone posted about a coyote kill and got reemed for it on FnF?  You've got over 4600 posts on this site.  And you are worried about posting?

Quote from: alscalls on August 18, 2009, 10:52:30 AM
I have some pics....And would gladly share....in person to anyone that asks......But I wont be posting all that goes on as I dont like being told I am wrong about this or that........Why? ........... 

Why do you think some one would tell you you are wrong?

I really don't understand what your problem is, Al.  Fill in the blanks for me.

Todd Rahm


I only posted on this as Dave said "ask alscalls"......
And I know why he said it...he has sat right there and seen it right along side me.

The numbers are different and vary but I really dont know how many times its happened but its been several times we have seen a pack of dogs come in....I do not see 12 coyotes every trip out of course but I have seen that many on one stand.... :eyebrownod:  We all know how you feel about that.

When did I get reamed as you say on FNF?  ......Well I would not call it reamed but last August. the pic in my Avatar.
And thats the last one of mine ya saw. And it will stay that way for now.

I aint worried about  posting Semp I am careful how much I tell ya as some have shown they feel some things are unbelievable simply because they have never experienced it.

What I dont care about is what anyone thinks of me  posting a coyote if I do its because I enjoyed myself.....
Some will be kept to myself.....for various reasons

My problem Semp is seeing several folks who I admire on many different levels bashing each other over the very sport we hold so dear......and I am sorry I once again have jumped right in.....

"Why do you think some one would tell you you are wrong?"
Read this post in its entirety  Just because of a simple claim...... :rolleye: Why because FP was in the pic.....
I dont own one and Al sent me a pic of his grand kid on my E-mail ......we consider each other a friend.
He knows I have a Western Rivers....He has never once tried to steer me from it or towards anything.
He knows Both he and I can be conceited boasting blockheads.....and so can a lot of folks....
But that does not keep us from talking coyotes.
Look at you and I right now......over some poor fella neither of us know or even took the time too.
Oh I know some of this came from the members forum.... But does that change how we feel or act?

Like we said I aint pissed.... :nono: But I aint posing everything either......



Quote from: Semp on August 18, 2009, 01:47:53 PM
If you don't care why are you posting about it?   When was the last time someone posted about a coyote kill and got reemed for it on FnF?  You've got over 4600 posts on this site.  And you are worried about posting?

I'd say this was the last time Semp. My freind and hunting buddy, Tomkat, shot this bitch a while back. He didn't really want to post the pic but WV HH egged him on to post it. HH had an agenda about how good his howlers were and used Tom. Tom caught hell over it. He was new to this sight and posted a picture of a LEGAL kill in Ky. He didn't shoot it at night like was suggested. But it was dark by the time the pic was taken. You all ran off a hell of a nice guy.


 i have not seen to many pics posted lately myself. where are all the yotes? 


Quote from: weedwalker on August 18, 2009, 03:11:42 PM
Quote from: Semp on August 18, 2009, 01:47:53 PM
If you don't care why are you posting about it?   When was the last time someone posted about a coyote kill and got reemed for it on FnF?  You've got over 4600 posts on this site.  And you are worried about posting?

I'd say this was the last time Semp. My freind and hunting buddy, Tomkat, shot this bitch a while back. He didn't really want to post the pic but WV HH egged him on to post it. HH had an agenda about how good his howlers were and used Tom. Tom caught hell over it. He was new to this sight and posted a picture of a LEGAL kill in Ky. He didn't shoot it at night like was suggested. But it was dark by the time the pic was taken. You all ran off a hell of a nice guy.

OK, I remember now.  That was the thread that was supposed to be an infomercial for HH's howlers, right?   TomKat's first instinct was not to post it but HH goaded him in to it so he could sing his howler's praise.  That dog was wet (and, yes,  legal in KY).  It sure looked like he shot it at night.  But after the bashing, he said it was legally shot (legal hours are up to 1/2 hour after sunset in KY.)   The pic was in bad taste and I think you would agree with that.  Maybe next time he'll turn the dog's back to the camera. 

Todd Rahm

QuoteHe didn't shoot it at night like was suggested. But it was dark by the time the pic was taken.

Innocent by stander quietly points out the red spotting light hooked to said non night hunters belt on his right side (Just behind the coyote)?  :innocentwhistle:

Weed we didn't run him off, he teamed up with a wacko job, that when he's not hunting coyotes or bragging about his howlers..................He's hunting FNF members.  :shck: