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Bench Rest shooting

Started by Dogwood Creek, July 25, 2006, 03:57:04 PM

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Dogwood Creek

 Howdy all. Any other BR shooters here?


I dont think so but I may be wrong I Would def like to try my hand at though. :eyebrownod:
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle

Dogwood Creek

Hey give it a try. Most clubs now do a factory class for your favorite hunting rifle. But, be advised, it is getting tough too. Some of these new factory guns shoot VERY well.


I hear ya on the factory rifles last deer season I bought my son a savage .243 model 10
with a accu trigger i bought 85 grain sierra hpbt game kings and at 100 yrds it was shootin just less than inch groups. Well needless to say my son is only 12 so when I went huntin without him I took the savageĀ  :shrug: it was easier to carry than my sendaro or my AR so what the heck. I'm gonna start reloaded my own for it can't wait to see what kind of groups I get then.

About bench shootin I belong to the Boscobel sportsman club they have a lot of competions if I can find some time I might give it a try.They have one military shoot every year where you can only use military type weapons,you have to shoot at paper figures at diffrent yardages as fast as you can its a timed event that one sounds fun. :eyebrow:
well talk to ya later
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle

Dogwood Creek

Hey Rick. I currently have 3 Savage centerfire rifles and 2 rim fires.  One is a Mod 11 243. You are going to very pleased with the results when you start to load for it. Mine makes me look good at the range ( no small feat). The others are a 22-250 mod 12, and a .223 mod 12. The 223 will shoot 69 gr Sierras under 3/4" at 200 yds. This is from a cement bench with wind flags, but not too shabby at any rate. The .243 seems to like 87gr V-Max for now. I carried it with 95 gr Barns XLCs last deer season, but didn't get a shot with that gun. Good luck and good shooting to you,R.J.


Thanks RJ
I Talked it over with my son he would like give it a try too our club has youth  comps so I'm gonna buy some dies for the .243. I'll shoot my sendaro witch is a 25- 06 I really like that round by the way. Ive been reloading for only about a year now but I have help from a good friend and co worker and hes done alot of bench shootin and reloadin for about 25 years worth (Itried to get him to join our little board here but he does not own a puter) so well see what happens.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle

Hawks Feather

Hi R. J.,

I have been known to shoot from a seated position while resting.   :biggrin:  I have a sleeved XP action that I picked up another bolt for and had it converted to 6BR.  I like the 6 BR and had one made up on a Remington Varmint synthetic.  Actually kept the stock and action and got rid of the rest  - it is a pretty heavy carry rifle, but it sure shoots.


Dogwood Creek

Hey hawk. The 6 BR is a super round. I am thinking of a 30 BR for score shooting in the 100 and 200 yd. I am currently shooting a Stole based Heavy Benchrest rifle in 6PPC. I love playing this game. Watching the flags and the count down timer. Then slipping that last "X" in there for a 50 and 5. More fun than popcorn.

Hawks Feather

R. J.

I was with you till you said putting that last one in for a 50.  I am a little more like getting the last one on paper.   :shrug:   I didn't get the bench gun out this year - too many other things going on.  I do like shooting it.  The 30 BR would be a great one for hunter BR.  That extra diameter would give you the edge.  Several years back, I shot hunter BR against a guy who had light loads in a .308.  He smoked everyone and I learned that size does matter.   :innocentwhistle:


Dogwood Creek

I think Hunter BR would be a blast. Never shot it, but I like the concept. The 6x scope limit is a great field leveler. I got to tell you, the 36x has spoiled me though. I am developing a serious problem. Now none of my hunting rigs seem to have enough magnification. Most people have trouble relating to holding a half a bullet in to the breeze. I have been told by more than one person that was a crock. Until you get behind one of these BR guns and play around, it is hard to swallow. I am going to miss the last shoot of the season today. Off to Mom's for an early Thanksgiving feast. I will be ready and waiting for the new season in a couple months. Maybe you and I could hook up at the Super Shoot in 07'. Might be fun.


Hawks Feather

The 6x scope is a little bit of a leveler, but when you start thinking about shooting a .224 vs. a .308 diameter bullet when touches count, it makes a big difference.  I also know what you mean about having trouble  going back down after using the Leupold 36x.  I have most of my guns over scoped, but I like them that way.  8x32 I like a lot and can get by with 6x24, but I am not shooting them at top magnification off hand either.  I even have 4x12 rim fire scopes on most of my .22 LR guns. 

The super shoot is a great place to visit, but you won't see me shooting there.  I can have a lot of fun with the entry fee, but it is an interesting place to visit.  You let me know when you are going and I will see if I can make it.  I think it starts May 22, but I have normally gone over later in the week.  Just let me know.

Have a good time at the today's Turkey Day celebration.  I am off to the gun show.


Dogwood Creek

Sure, I can give you a holler in May. I would only enter one gun most likely. I know what you mean about the entry fee. Hey, have you heard any rumors to the effect of an extra point for wipe outs?  I heard the I.B.S was considering it. No there is a good reason for a 30BR. 50 and 5Xs isn't all that hard to come by, but wipe outs are a little more rare. From .224 to .308 is worth going after. Could be a bunch of BS too. Rumors are a dime a dozen.

Did you pick anything up at the gun show?


Hawks Feather

R. J.

Haven't heard anything about that - at least I don't remember seeing anything about it in Precision Shooting.

The gun show was pretty busy, but I didn't find anything I couldn't live without.  I think I am starting to get picky.  After shooting the 12 ga with slugs I thought I might pick up a good used 20 ga that I could use for slugs, but with deer season a week away there was nothing there that I felt was worth the money.  Why pay retail for a used gun?   After all there is a gun shop outside of town that will mark new up 10 to 15% over cost and sell it to me for that price which makes it even better  to look at new.


pilot teacher

See my reply post in the Firearms forum under 243 loads "straycats" origianl post.
Has a pic of my group with a Savage Model 11 .243


I aint....I say I can't make out the pic  :wink:
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