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Better than nothing

Started by FinsnFur, August 28, 2009, 02:58:48 PM

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I wish while I wasnt working I could get out of bed early enough to hit some of these honey holes as the sun is coming up, I know they'd produce.

I lost one this morning that I'm going to call, "what could have been known as the largest bass ever taken from these waters". :eyebrownod:

It was the ultimate strike, the sun was getting hot, not a thing was going on, I was boring myself yet continued to whip that thing out there and retrieve in an erratic fashion.
I was thinking about getting the hell outta there, stopping and grabbing a breakfast sandwich. I was standing on a rock embankment, so standing there crankin in the spinner I looked down to carefully plan my foot placement for a safe exit. Turning around looking behind me all of a sudden I couldnt feel the vibration of the spinner anymore, but just as fast as it went dead, WHAMMM!, tip of the pole sweeps down and the drag starts grinding.

I rear back to get me a lip full of hook and the fight was on. :eyebrow:

Three full revolutions of the reel and the next thing ya know I got my lure back twice as fast as I sent out.  :doh2:

It HAD to be one of those things from the Discovery Channel. What do they call them? River Monsters? :huh:

I caught a glimps of this while I was heading out, and it made my day. The two boys not any older then 10 or 12 wanted to go fishing, must have had permission, but had no way to get the boat to the launch. So they use the lawn mower :roflmao:

One backed it in while the other sat in it, I chuckled to myself. These boys aint setting on the couch mashing buttons on a Nintendo, or watching TV, they are out doing what kids should be doing.  :yoyo:

The one boy goes up and parks the lawnmower and trailer, runs back to get in the boat and his cellphone rings.
He reaches in his pocket, "hello?".
"Yes yes, I know....... I am......I got it on", he says as he shucks his life jacket by the collar.

I was pretty proud of em :wink:

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NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Right on !  :yoyo:
Cool story about the boys, I like that. 


Dang them things come in with there own salad eh :shrug:.  That looked like a fine a morning as one could hope for and the boys just added to it by at least 100%.  Wish there was a spot close enough for the boys to be able to do that with a lawn mower.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Todd Rahm

Cool Jim!!!  :congrats: Maybe you can get back and get after that "loch ness bassy" this week.  :innocentwhistle: When it all comes down to it though, ya don't have to catch anything to be having a good time.

Heck the lawn mower thing is brilliant, wish I wa that smart when I was that age.  :biggrin: or at this age even.  :innocentwhistle:


I had to steal the last pic for a few friends. I hope you don't mind. :fingerx:
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


Have at er5shots.
Kristee and I got up at 6:30 and went down to see if we could get any action, and we found a school of lil Perch. She was pretty excited. I was too actually.  :eyebrownod:

I got the last one cleaned and she says why didnt you take a picture of them?

:confused: :shrug: :doh2:
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