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Going out tomarrow......

Started by yote_hunter_union, December 29, 2006, 05:31:38 PM

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my and my big bro out going to try to hunt the great song dog tomarrow.....wish us luck.....going to try some new spots out....cant wait............. :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:

Ryan :biggrin:


Take your camera! Good luck.

It's gonna be after the 1st before I can get out.  :sad: I'm still trying to get the kids %#!^$ Bratz Dolls out of the package.

Man the way they got these things wired and sewn to the package you'd think you were tearing into national security.
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    Good luck man.Let us know how you do.
Jim,i feel your pain.What is the deal with the toys thease days?Why does it take 1 pound of wire ties to protect a 2 ounce toy?Last yearI started packing a pair of wire snips with me.It makes opening the toy boxes alote easier.


Good luck to ya Yote.......

I hear ya boys on the toy thing. I had to unpackage no less than fifteen seperate Barbie Dolls and sets for my daughter this year.........they even have their hair sewn to the box.......bunch of dorks....... :whew: :madd:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


--Edit to add the  "GOOD LUCK, MAN!"--

snips. . . :bowingsmilie: why didn't I think of that?

I only "set free" one bratz, 1 wire tie per 20 strands of hair. SHEEESH  She (8yo) had to settle for something used from good 'ol dad, my grandfathers Ithaca .22 single.  KT
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LOL  :laf: Sorry bout destroying your thread ~YHU

But were gonna keep unpacking our dolls till you bring us some success pics.  :biggrin:  :wink:
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Jimmie in Ky

That would explain all them years with the long hair now wouldn't it :roflmao: Jimmie


I am headed out as well! Best of luck Yote! Kill them all!

As for the dolls! Well thats the good part about them getting older, now its I pods and car keys! :shrug:

Just wait, just wait till they get older! :eyebrownod:



That's all I do is wait....... :huh:

Wait on my wife, wait on my kids, wait on my meal(s), wait on my bowels.............what's another wait gonna hurt....... :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I don't think you need another wait myself Bop. Your over weight now  :wink:

Boy we shrapnelled this poor guys thread.
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OH Yeah.........there we go again...... :madd: another fat joke.......

Sorry 'bout the thread hijacking...........blame it on Man Who Resembles Horse....... :roflmao:
That would be Jimbo Riverrunner Fnf'r Champion for those that don't know... :sneer:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Goodluck Ryan !  Oh and for the hijackers  :readthis: :argh:


My humblest apologies Jeb and Ryan........  :shrug:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Coon hunter

Quote from: FinsnFur on December 29, 2006, 05:43:37 PM
Take your camera! Good luck.

It's gonna be after the 1st before I can get out.  :sad: I'm still trying to get the kids %#!^$ Bratz Dolls out of the package.

Man the way they got these things wired and sewn to the package you'd think you were tearing into national security.
I know the feeling
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Coon hunting  Its a passion .


Quote from: FinsnFur on December 29, 2006, 11:07:13 PM

Boy we shrapnelled this poor guys thread.

I am sorry as well.
                                What this long thread really tells the poster is we all truely care about what he has to say.  Heck, maybe we tagged it to make sure we see his pics later?  It just happened to be that A reply to his post struck A very large nerve with us manly men! Something that noone else would've admitted, not even on a leather couch for $50 an hour.  Dang now I need to write another I'm sorry to FinsnFur. . . :innocentwhistle:    KT
  Contact me for information on how to become one today, and see how easy it is to save money on guns & ammo.  List of references available upon request.

Bills Custom Calls

Good Luck on the hunt.

As for you guys with the dolls ..well... :confused:

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u guys...... :laf: u just cant go with out hijacken my post can ya..... :iroll: but its ok...i didnt go...my bro was to lazy to get up he said we could go this after noon but when he work up he said hes going to see his gf...... :holdon: :confused: :argh: :madd:

Ryan :sad:



Well we know what takes precedence there dont we?  :laf:
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im pretty p-od about it......even though she......nvm im not going there :hahaha: but mabey tomarrow :wo: mabey...not lickly but possable :confused:
