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Educated coyotes?

Started by Rich, June 14, 2007, 07:41:40 AM

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RShaw ,
The DEAD coyote business huh? Sounds safer than taking them out of a snare alive. First time I saw the late Wayne Soper do that, I wasn't real sure if he was awful brave or kind of stupid.   :roflmao:   You are right about coyotes and cage traps too. A few have been taken in cage traps but not many. Just the real hungry and dumb coyotes go in to a cage trap.
Foxpro Field staff


Rich: That Wayne Soper must have been a real character.  I can just see the headlines if I ever tried that with a snared coyote: "Local coyote hunter found hung in his own snare"  :roflmao: I can't even imagine trying that one.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Coyotes can be takin out of snares or footholds bare handed..Done it many times. I will say however, dominant coyotes are a whole nother breed. You get a dominant male or female and there is no chance in bare handing them.       

I had 1 last fall that I kept alive and could actually reach in the holding pen and pet. Show them dominance and they will succumb to you. I have quite a few pics of live trapped coyotes handled bare handed, if and when i get off this dial up I would gladly post them up.

I done the live markets for years, much better money than fur sales.



Hey Canine: All I can say, is better you than me.  I am glad you made the difference clear between a dominant male or female and average coyotes. One of these big males up here might take your arm off right up to the elbow!  :roflmao:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


The coyotes in Childress county, texas get pretty big too. That is where I watched while Wayne removed a coyote from a snare. It was done at night with help from headlights of Wayne's GMC pickup. Wayne carried what I call a "hog catcher", which is a snare on the end of a metal pipe about three or four feet long. The coyote was on a five foot snare, and I watched the coyote runing in a circle about 90 miles an hour while wayne lined up the loop in the snare. Once the snare was around coyote neck, Wayne forced the coyote to the ground by sort of hand walking down the pole. Wayne's 300 pound plus body was soon atop the downed coyote. Wayne produced a roll of duct tape from front pocket of his bib overalls. I watched as Wayne ran his hand down the back of coyote neck and along top of coyote snout, at which point he calmly forced the coyote's mouth closed and taped it firmly so with the tape.  Wayne then taped one front leg to one back leg, and placed the coyote in a gunny sack for transport to holding pen. Sounds fun now don't it?  :wink:
Foxpro Field staff


 I use a 3 foot hog catcher and some are bare handed. Get em by the tail, pick them straight up and down and slide hand down there back to the back of the neck, get a good grip on them and release there foot and drop em in a feed sack. I never messed with duct tapin them up, to hard to get the stuff back off. I f there was any broken skin cuts from the traps the foot was doctored up with peroxide and Iodine.

Al, it is amazing to see the difference in each individual coyote. Some will not make eye contact with you at all, some will want to take your eyes out :eyebrownod:  Some will lay there with there heads tucked under there tails while other want to shred you apart.  :eyebrownod:



Rich: That is one great account of Wayne's handling of that coyote. Wouldn't you love to have a video of some of those things you have witnessed over the years.  You'd make a bunch of $$$$$$ with it  for sure.

Canine:  I still say better you than me. I suppose it is a lot like all other endeavors; you can't beat a guy at his trade. As to the difference in the way the various coyotes act, that is one of the fascinating things to me about hunting them. When you are dealing with one of those PhD coyotes, as old Gerry Blair called them, you have to get your advanced book of tricks out. I had to laugh when I read your comments about not using the tape due to it being hard to get off. I'll guarantee that is a fact.  Trapping has never been my cup of tea, but I don't put others down who do it.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Coyotes are a walk in the park to release compared to Badgers :wink:. I have had to release a few of them as they are protected here in Ohio, them are some mean animals and very aggressive. :huh:

As for coyotes becoming educated, they sure remember what a set is after having a trap tripped in there face. Although I don't think they are as smart as foxes. Foxes will become a nightmare on the trapline by digging up your sets.



I do have some interesting footage of me on a snare line, and some with Wayne Soper in em.  Problem is getting them off from the VHS and on to DVD. Wayne was the star in my video of him and his bobcat & coyote methods though, so I wouldn't want to sell that one. I have too much respect for his family. Wayne was a good man. A traffic accident took his life while he was doing the things he loved.
Foxpro Field staff


That dominance instinct they have sure is a funny thing. It's like somebody throwing a light switch.  One second they are a mean, tough son of a gun..... and the next they are submissive babies.

I never caught a badger, but imagine that without that type of behavior they would be a handfull  :shck:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


My limited experience follows along the same lines as Canine. Most coyotes are not aggressive when trapped and have had very few that were hard to handle.

I raised one from a pup and it was always very timed. I have had way more dogs snap at me than coyotes when getting them out of the trap.



Where in Ohio did you catch Badgers ??? NOW it would be HARD for me to let a WOLVERINE live  :laf: I HATE MICHIGAN !!!  :laf: nah kiddin,i wouldnt kill th wolverine JUST BECAUSE mICHIGAN SUCKS !!!
But I would like to see a Badger In Ohio,,we just dont see the "wierd" stuff where I am from!
well EXCEPT FOR A BLACK BEAR,,we had a black bear run through the busy ass park down where Hamer Lives  :laf:
the Bear even BIT A DOG IN THE ASS on the Bears "great escape"  :laf: :laf: :laf:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


Bears and Badgers are getting more common down in the southern end of the state Bob. I called a Badger in 2 years ago I think. Took me a bit to figure out what was coming into the call. He got about 25 yards and held up, once I figured out what it was I am glad he decided to leave on his own...lol

Bears are getting very common here as well. We have several every spring that the DNR has to re locate. And sitings get more every year here.

Bobcats are also making a good come back as well. I seen on this spring in Turkey season and several sets of tracks. There have been 2 hit on the road right here behind my house this spring. I hope we get a season here in the Southern end of the stat soon!



Thats it !!! I am moving down to where you and JD live,,you 2 have ALL the great hunting down there,,Hell i want the wild pigs you have down there to Migrate up this way  :yoyo:  I was at a buddy's house last night showing him the 2 Lanyards I made and we started talking about that Bear in New Philadelphia Ohio and we got on the subject of Pigs
I told him down where you and JD live you have wild Pork bellies,and that I WISH 1 would walk past me,,and another guy said our DNR ran Radio ads on the local "Hillbilly" station  :biggrin: to shoot ALL the WILD PIGS the hunters see while Deer hunting,,I DIDNT HEAR the Radio ads because I dont listen to the local "HILL JACK" station
So i would take that as the Piggies are Migrating North ??? and obviously the Bears are coming over/up here as well
But there was a supposed Bobcat sighting around here a few years ago,I Didnt/Dont believe it because the guy told me when we was IN A BAR  :biggrin: and the hunting stories were flowing,,BUT why in the hell did the Badgers bypass good ole Tuscarawas County ??? they are in the Northern and now Southern end of the State  :confused: :shrug:
Maybe its the LAND Fill up North that is making them Veer around us  :sad:
KeeKee,,is there ANY Farms for sale down there ? or any good PIG land for sale ?
You 2 Guys have it MADE down there where you live  :highclap: :highclap: :highclap:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


Bob, 1 badger was caught in champaign county and the other in Logan county. I have 1 release video'd but the language would be a constant Beeeping sound :innocentwhistle:. Badgers are bad asses :eyebrownod:

Most of the stuff from my earlier years on the trapline like the bare handed releasing coyotes and 1 coyote I kept in a pen for a while and decided to let go. When I let it out of the pen it just sat there on the ground, so i ended up petting it just like fido and after several minutes got up out of it's face walked to the side and he ran and stuck his head between the house and the air conditioning unit. Now the crazy part, we had a cat, same one in the fox puppies pic thread, anyhow the cat jumps up on the top of the air conditioner and begins reaching down and slapping at this coyote that thinks he is hidden....to funny. I have a bunch of old 8mm tapes with this stuff on it, I really need to find somewhere and somehow to get it put on disc.

Bob, Me and Kee live 3 hours apart :laf:.. I am from Bellefontaine Ohio, 45 miles west of Colombus...Kee is in Hilljack land :eyebrownod:


I will have to go with HILLJACK land,,I live out in the Country and we have a "few" Hillbillys" out here  :innocentwhistle:
I just always thought the Badgers and Wolverines were up North or out West,,I learn something almost every day on
FnF  :biggrin: Hell I THOUGHT you 2 were neighbors ? oh well shows ya what i get when I TRY to think  :doh2:
You SHOULD get that 8mm stuff transfered to a DVD,,,I USE to be able to put stuff to a DVD BUT my MO CHINE took a dump on me and I NEED to get it looked at,,maybe one of these days  :wo: BUT I do know Badgers are Bad asses
ITS THE DAMN WOLVERINES i HATE  :mad2: :mad3: :mad2: :mad3: :mad2: :mad3: :mad2: :mad3: :mad2: :mad3:
well the TWO LEGGED Wolverines anyway  :yoyo:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


About 5 years ago I watched a Bobcat slink thru the woods while squirrel hunting just outside of Cambridge & not too far from Salt Fork Lake Dam. Thats the only one I've ever seen & it was a treat to watch it work it's way  thru that thick stuff thru binoculars. :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


That's the only Badger I have called down here. I did trap on several years ago as well, that's one mean lean fighting machine! All teeth and claws and they are not afraid of anything!

Pigs I do have! I got several areas of public land here close that have hogs, you ever get down this way I will put you right on them! :biggrin:

Hillbilly land! Now that's funny! :roflmao: :roflmao:

The Bobcats is what I want to see make a come back more than anything! Every year we get a few more. I found a den last year as well and seen more tracks here than I ever have. I would really like to see them get a good hold here in the Southern part of the state again!



Quote from: keekee on June 18, 2007, 03:26:59 AM
That's the only Badger I have called down here. I did trap on several years ago as well, that's one mean lean fighting machine! All teeth and claws and they are not afraid of anything!

Pigs I do have! I got several areas of public land here close that have hogs, you ever get down this way I will put you right on them! :biggrin:

Hillbilly land! Now that's funny! :roflmao: :roflmao:

The Bobcats is what I want to see make a come back more than anything! Every year we get a few more. I found a den last year as well and seen more tracks here than I ever have. I would really like to see them get a good hold here in the Southern part of the state again!


man put me down I love huntin pigs with the bow  :biggrin: can ya hunt em yearround I could do turkey's and pigs  :yoyo:


Yep! Open season on them here! Your welcome here anytime Bow just give me heads up on when your going to be here.

Turkey season would be tough for me. Unless I know way in advance.
