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FoxPro's new Open Country Caller

Started by FinsnFur, February 24, 2008, 12:29:23 PM

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New to this site but have been reading a lot on this thread.  It is funny to read this thread as I have noticed many of the comments stated in the PredatorMastersForums.   I am a green to this sport as one could be.  The only reason I found this site was because FP Steve provided the link in a reply to e-callers.

Thanks for the info...



just got caught up on this thread, I moved over the weekend and spent a day in the hospital so i have no computer till I set it up at home.

Lots of good info. Ya'll know how I stand on foxpro and the slippery people that run that company, that includes the goon squad that follows them around like little puppy dogs.

I will say this, Bill knows what his next step is gonna be as far as callers, it will be pretty awesome and make alot of people happy and alot of others sad!

Thats all I will say about it, please don't ask. Ya'll have to wait to see what comes out.

I will give you one hint, it is NOT a decoy as others might think.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

THO Game Calls

I've heard Mike, that it's now called the FoxPro Maffia -  seems appropriate.

On a side note, I tried to e mail my "friend" back, the one that said I got my PeePee spanked and it appears, that Yahoo spanked his PeePee too LOL  No more email account - how sad  :argh:

It is hard to take a man seriously if he does not have the courage of his convictions to put his name to what he writes.  But if I was writing stuff like this

"how long do you think there would be wild places to hunt if they were just opened up to anyone from anywhere to hunt?"

I might hide too.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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Thanks for the information on the new WT, I'll be re-testing more callers this year including the Game Traks, Western Rivers, Minaska's, FoxPro's and apparently now a new WT (maybe if it's available).  It's going to include remote ranges, volume, specifications on components, features, and a bunch more. It's going to break it down so that people can no longer just make blind statements about callers without any knowledge of what they're talking about. Amplifiers, batteries, processors, you name it it's going to be discussed in a professional and easy to follow format. All backed up by facts and product specifications so hunters can get the bottom line legitimate information on most of the callers out there. It's gonna be a good year for the e-caller crowd, things are on the up and up.

THO Game Calls

Can I buy a Life Insurance policy on you?       :roflmao:    :roflmao:    :roflmao:    :roflmao:

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Why, is customer service coming to get me?

THO Game Calls

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Peter, forgive me if I am off base here and please correct me if I am wrong. When you did the E-caller comparisons a while back on Predator Nazis, you gave a pretty detailed comparisons of the callers you had on hand. But you left out one major fact, sound quality, if I remember correctly.

Now, you told many people which in turn told me that you said the reason that you did not report on sound quality is because it wouldn't be fair to the others because the WT blew them away.

It is obvious that you jumped ship on the SS Martz awhile back because of a disagreement, that's fine and it shouldn't concern any one else. Although Bill has treated me and about 20 other people that I sent to his house and then they quickly went to the nearest ATM to get $ the buy a caller on the spot, VERY well, Only you and Gary Clevenger have a gripe that I can kinda understand.

When you do your newest round of comparisons, are you gonna post them on PM? If so, are you gonna really report true findings no matter who comes out on top and no matter what PM mod. you might upset or what Dillon brother might cry that it is rigged and try to dance around it with complete crap info (as they are known to do?)

Don't take me wrong Peter, I like you, you have given me lotsa great info and I have had fun chatting with you. I still have all the Emails from you because I reread them as needed for a learning tool. I am not calling you out, I just want to see true user info, not smoke and mirrors. Even if WT loses, I am still happy with my purchase and the service that I get with it.

THO Al, Foxpro Mafia? that is an insult to us Sicilians! They are more like petty punks!


Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Sicilian? Any self respecting Italian would refer to you as North African............ :roflmao: :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

THO Game Calls

Who the heck let HIM in here?    :roflmao:   :roflmao:    :roflmao:


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Quote from: Bopeye on March 25, 2008, 12:28:01 PM
Sicilian? Any self respecting Italian would refer to you as North African............ :roflmao: :laf:

North African?

thats just not nice!!!


Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Browning204:  If you are making a concentrated effort to get some of the Foxpro Field Staffers to play your silly game, you are failing miserably.  If you are trying to pull Foxpro, Inc. into your cesspool, you are weak on that effort too.  My sincere advice would be to get out of that way of thinking, and post what you want to post about products you like, and try to inform readers on this forum with positive information. The experiences I had with the "Unmentionable one", owner and CEO of Wildlife Technologies, Inc., date back to a period of time well in advance to my being named to the Foxpro Field Staff.  I proved quite clearly to anyone with enough brains to read simple, clearly written English what kind of ethics the "Unmentionable one" uses, and the thread that was involved at the time on PM got locked tight as a drum.  If anyone has a poor memory in that regard, I suggest that they contact Herbert E. Patrick, Attorney, in Clarksville, TN.  I feel sure Mr. Patrick, one of the most respected attorneys in TN will be glad to present pertinent facts. This statement is made of my own free will, and not prompted by anyone associated with Foxpro, Inc..

This will be my only comment on this matter, as I fail to see how it ties into what the subject of this thread originally was.  I assume your post containing comments like "the goon squad that follows them around like little puppy dogs" is aimed at the members of the Foxpro Field Staff.  I hope I am wrong in that assumption.

Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Quote from: snowcamoman on March 25, 2008, 09:49:59 AM
Thanks for the information on the new WT, I'll be re-testing more callers this year including the Game Traks, Western Rivers, Minaska's, FoxPro's and apparently now a new WT (maybe if it's available).  It's going to include remote ranges, volume, specifications on components, features, and a bunch more. It's going to break it down so that people can no longer just make blind statements about callers without any knowledge of what they're talking about. Amplifiers, batteries, processors, you name it it's going to be discussed in a professional and easy to follow format. All backed up by facts and product specifications so hunters can get the bottom line legitimate information on most of the callers out there. It's gonna be a good year for the e-caller crowd, things are on the up and up.

I think that's great news and I hope you post your review here on FnF.  I, for one, am very interested and I thank you in advance for your efforts.



Mike (browning204),
Let me address the issues that you've brought up in a more professional method based on facts rather than hearsay. Everybody knows that you're anti FoxPro and Predator Masters, so I won't go into wherever that history originated. First off, I'm the type of person that looks at things and analyzes them for what they are, not what I think they are. I have opinions, but why does everybody on the web need to see and hear them? I've said things out of haste, but I don't make a habit of stomping and complaining about the owner of WT. I have no reason for allegiance, I'm not paid by anybody and it's my money and time that goes into testing. Anyways, let me try to address the issues you've brought up.
Peter, forgive me if I am off base here and please correct me if I am wrong. When you did the E-caller comparisons a while back on Predator Nazis, you gave a pretty detailed comparisons of the callers you had on hand. But you left out one major fact, sound quality, if I remember correctly.

I gave details on items which I could legitimately test, not items which could only be tested based on an opinion. If you read the testing though, you would actually see that the WT remote won out. I stated features of the remotes, which again is a quantifiable item that can be stated as Facts. Sound quality is an item which I have no way of "testing". It's an opinion based on hearing of what comes out of the speakers. I do and will address sound quality on my next round of testing and I can assure you it'll be done fairly as all of my testing has been. I'll break each item down in terms of specifications and hard data so as to not cause flaming arguments. Nobody can argue with the components installed in a caller. Quality of sounds and recordings can only be done if I can obtain and see the actual sound files used in the callers. This was feasible on all of the callers except the 2020 WT. So how can one ascertain sound quality if the sound-file data is locked up? Since you're close to BM, ask him to make me a model that has open access sounds and send me one. I'd like to see the 24bit 48kHz soundfiles that are supposedly in the new WT's. He doesn't have to worry about me stealing the sounds, I already have most of them anyways.

QuoteNow, you told many people which in turn told me that you said the reason that you did not report on sound quality is because it wouldn't be fair to the others because the WT blew them away.

I don't know where that one came from, but I'd be interested to know who the "many people" might be. At that point in time when testing was occuring, you didn't seem to be around much and if you were, why in the world would people go to you with information? Anyways, at that time I didn't have a test method to legitimately test sound quality. It's based on perception , which isn't a certified method of testing. Personally, it sounds like words BM put in your mouth because when I originally began testing that was an item he wanted me to talk about. I don't argue that WT's have good sounds and a good product, it's a good product and sounds good. Personally I think it lacks features that will probably be coming out on the "new model" (Programmable, Decoy Jack, Remote Lanyard, Glow in the Dark Remote...etc). I emailed BM awhile back that he could easily protect his sounds and offer a programmable caller by simply storing his sounds in a secure bank and then making a section for programming/adding sounds. It's not rocket science and I'm sure if I sent it to a few of my friends they could write the code to do it.

QuoteIt is obvious that you jumped ship on the SS Martz awhile back because of a disagreement, that's fine and it shouldn't concern any one else. Although Bill has treated me and about 20 other people that I sent to his house and then they quickly went to the nearest ATM to get $ the buy a caller on the spot, VERY well, Only you and Gary Clevenger have a gripe that I can kinda understand.

The SS Martz himself is the only ship I've jumped. However, you don't see me slinging mud at him all the time and trashing him like you do to FoxPro or PM? Mike, were you ever directly wronged by FoxPro, or are you riding on other peoples claims? If all you need is a bunch of people's claims against a company to keep going, let me know because I have a list of ex-WT customers one of which filed a lawsuit against the company. I've stated facts about WT and some of their claims. If anybody wants to call me out on them, bring it on, I'm ready for it. Whoever brings it though had better have some facts, not a bunch of weak unsubstantiated claims, like "WT is the best ever". Like I said, the WT is a good product and sounds good, it's the owner that I have a gripe with.

QuoteWhen you do your newest round of comparisons, are you gonna post them on PM? If so, are you gonna really report true findings no matter who comes out on top and no matter what PM mod. you might upset or what Dillon brother might cry that it is rigged and try to dance around it with complete crap info (as they are known to do?)

I'll post my testing at any forum around. I'm not paid for or endorsed by anybody, so I have nothing to lose by posting the facts. Do you feel as though my test results were not true? If you think that something I posted was not true, let me know what and I'll address it. Again if you read the test results on PM, you would see that the WT remote had the longest range, what's the problem with that? What is the problem with me posting the FCC information for that matter either?

QuoteI am not calling you out, I just want to see true user info, not smoke and mirrors. Even if WT loses, I am still happy with my purchase and the service that I get with it.

I don't see what smoke and mirrors you're talking about, the WT remote had the farthest range at that time. What smoke and mirrors are you talking about?

I could go on and on with legitimate facts about WT, but I don't need to as I don't need to rip apart the product claims. I'm interested in the products Mike, not the Politics and owners of the companies. If I owned stock in the companies I might treat things differently, but it's about products for the hunters and what they will or will not do. If X company says their caller is capable of something, I want to see it.

Let me know how the user can program the 40 channels on that WT remote. If the user can't program it, why is it shown as a feature????? Things like that just chap me.
It is what it is!

THO Game Calls

QuoteWhat is the problem with me posting the FCC information for that matter either?

Because it clouds the issue and diverts attention from the original complaint against FoxPro.

Simply stated, FoxPro, as early as the summer of 2005 was making claims that the WT remote was illegal and that users of the WT remote could incur the wrath of the FCC including fines, and that users of the WT remote were condoning illegal activity.   This was backed up by Fox Pro and others posting the FCC rules for FRS radios, and while the rules information was accurate as it applied to FRS Radios, the context in which they were being used was completely misleading.

The test report from the National Certification Laboratory states

This report has been prepared on behalf of Wildlife Technologies to support the attached Application for Certification of a remote control transmitter, for use under FCC Part 95 Subpart B as a Family Radio Service Station.....

It goes on to say

The Wildlife Technologies KAS  2000 RC Transmitter complies with the technical standards for transmitters operating under FCC Rules part 95 as a Family Radios Service Station

Continue on in the test report and you will find it stated that

THE KAS 3000 Rc Transmitter is essentially a Midland Model 75-501 FRS Two Way Radio.

Read that line again.  It seems that the FCC KNEW what the remote was being used for, and new what it was comprised of, and they CERTIFED the remote anyway.

That is the crux of the matter.   FoxPro mislead the public by trotting out the FCC Rules Part 95 for FRS Radios and showing that the WT remote was using an FRS Radio in the transmitter and receiver, but they failed to mention that the FCC KNEW this and still chose to certify the remote. 

That is why stating the FCC rules is misleading and clouds the issue at best.

Now, if FoxPro had said that once the original KAS 2000 RC remote was certified, it was changed without FCC approval, that would have been another issue completely.  But that is not how they presented it.

The issues presented that the WT Sound library has been manipulated to make it appear that there are more sounds that there actually are by renaming and cutting up sounds, or that some people have sued WT, or that Bill Martz is the worst example of human being on the face of the earth in some peoples minds are of no relevance to the original statements made by FoxPro concerning the WT KAS 2000 RC Remote.

And before we crucify Bill Martz for his unethical and abhorrent behavior, let me remind you that it was the Canada Fox Pro Rep who sent me an Anonymous Unsolicited E mail disparaging my service in the Marine Corps and who in his official capacity as Spokesman for Predator Masters said in open forum,

"how long do you think there would be wild places to hunt if they were just opened up to anyone from anywhere to hunt?"

thus showing his disdain for those of us who fight for hunting rights on public land and who, if he had his way, would take those rights away from us.

If I had to choose between the arrogant attitude of Bill Martz and the desire of the Canada FoxPro Representative and Spokesperson for Predator Masters to take away my right to hunt on public land......

I would choose Bill Martz. 

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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The FCC information was posted on the testing of remotes because it relates directly to the use of such items. There were quite a few people who asked about this item and it was public information to post. How does posting the FCC information distract from the original post? I see what you are saying and I think I'd be repeating myself if I posted my view on the issue. No matter what happened in the past, the current state of things speaks volumes to me. I'm not going to hold a grudge over any of it and I'd be more than happy to give a new WT a test run with all of the new products out there. Let me know when you go over to BM's house and grab one  :innocentwhistle:

I don't know about other people's claims, but I try to call it like I see it, no fluff. Everything I posted before is true and I can break it down further if needed. There's no reason for me to make up things on e-callers and if anybody believes I have, let me know.

Back to the original intent of this entire post since it's off in another dimension now.
FoxPro made a caller that looks like the Minaska Ultimate One. It apparently is a custom shop item and not a "production" run item. Doesn't bother me one bit because like I said before, I don't own stock in any of them, and honestly do not care who produces what. The caller housings/speaker/decoy configuration is similar, but that's where it ends. If anybody comes out with a lone speaker and antenna is everybody going to cry that they copied WT? Seriously, the hunters are going to benefit, why take it to heart like it's your own company? Let the companies worry about product development and PR. We're just a bunch of guys who want to hunt (I'm assuming). If guys are that attached to their callers and so defensive, maybe it's time to get some help.

THO Game Calls

QuoteThe FCC information was posted on the testing of remotes because it relates directly to the use of such items

Not at all.   Your informaton fails to include the fact tha the KAS 200 RC was certified by the FCC.

All that is said is that the Remote uses an FRS radio and then the rules for FRS radios are shown and the reader is lead to believe that the remote is illegal, and per Mike Dillons post, and the information that was on the FoxPro web site, is TOLD that the Remote is illegal.

That is NOT the case, but nowhere in your report, or in the information that Fox Pro published and Mike Dillon posted is it said that the KAS 2000 - RC is FCC Certified.

And it is.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


THIS IS THE BEST THREAD EVER!!....... :yoyo:........Red Frog should be named Red Toad he looks like he swallowed a beach ball...Dogboy is an egomaniacal supposed ex-cop with a Hitler complex...and Weasel..well hes just a WEASEL! :hahaha:, BANNED FROM Premenstrual Mistresses, AND PROUD OF IT.. :thumb2:


QuoteNot at all.   Your informaton fails to include the fact tha the KAS 200 RC was certified by the FCC.

I didn't state than any of them were certified, I just give the links so people can see for themselves. I don't have to state what is obvious by clicking on the FCC links. Am I supposed to state something that I cannot prove, other than the facts? It was certified by FCC, End of discussion, I need not argue that item. FCC certified it, it has a FCC ID and the information is available for all to see.

QuoteAll that is said is that the Remote uses an FRS radio and then the rules for FRS radios are shown and the reader is lead to believe that the remote is illegal...

I do say that the remote uses an FRS radio (because it does) and then post the link to FCC's site. You'll also note that there is a link to both RFD's and FRS's so as to keep the information available and easy to read. If somebody actually reads what is posted and is lead to believe that it is illegal at that point, then they've made that conclusion on their own without any assistance.

QuoteThat is NOT the case, but nowhere in your report, or in the information that Fox Pro published and Mike Dillon posted is it said that the KAS 2000 - RC is FCC Certified.

Keep things separated THO, I'm not FoxPro and not paid by or a field staff for. My testing was done by me out of pocket and all of my information was my own. Again, see the above reference to the FCC information. I'm posting the facts, that's it for the testing.

If you're trying to call me out on this item, you've chosen the wrong person because it's pretty clear that I'm just trying to post the facts in the tests. If somebody else thinks otherwise, pony up and go do it yourself. Some people no matter what you do will believe what they want. That's life and that's the great thing about this country. Anyways, have a read and let me know if you honestly think I am in the wrong with my testing or the way that any of it was handled. Keep any criticism for FoxPro or any other company out of the testing information because none of them have control over how I test or what I post. I'm pretty excited about my next go around at e-caller testing. There are some interesting new products out there and more to come, so it should be great. I'm sure I'll take some heat for who knows what reason, but oh well.  I'll even get whatever the newest WT around is, so THO or browning204, let BM know to pull one aside for me.  :sneer:  It'll be tested just like all of the others on a level playing field. It will be level just like before.  I might even have a few friends call each company to do some customer service testing for me to boot. Anything goes and if somebody wants to add something new, let me know, I have no problems talking the truth on callers.

Here's my old testing post from PM. Note that the FCC links have changed, but the information is still available at FCC's site. It's just the facts, if you think otherwise post otherwise.

Question: Several people asked me at different times what the legality of these remotes is.
Answer: The use of e-caller remotes falls under FCC regulations Title 47 Section 15 (Radio Frequency Devices).


The Wildlife Technologies caller uses a FRS radio as a remote and application for FCC licensing is under Title 47 Section 95 ( 95.191 thought 95.194). Please see the below websites for information on FRS radio regulations


Here are all of the companies tested FCC Applications with pertinent information. This is all public information. You can click on Details or any other item under these applications.


Western Rivers

New and updated information on FCC certification

Wildlife Technologies

THO Game Calls

QuoteIf you're trying to call me out on this item, you've chosen the wrong person because it's pretty clear that I'm just trying to post the facts in the tests

Peter - I am not calling you out.  We go back too far for that craziness to happen here, and if it came across that way, I'm sorry. 

What I am saying, is this.

If the KAS 2000 - RC has a jet engine in it, or some bubble gum and tin foil makes no difference once it is certified as a Remote Controlled Transmitter by the FCC.

My issue is the way the findings of your test were presented to the public by FoxPro.

Fox Pro specifically said, and Mike Dillon wrote, that the KAS 2000 RC was an illegal transmitter and backed it up with the FCC rules for FRS Radios, completely ignoring the fact that it was certified by the FCC as a remote controlled transmitter and the fact that it used an FRS radio, once it was certified as a Remote Controlled Transmitter, was COMPLETELY irrelevant.

Fox Pro not only ignored the facts, they put their own spin on them and then they tried to scare people into believing they could be breaking the law and even be fined if they used the WT caller.

If that was not enough,then they tried to play on the public moral conscience by trying to imply that by using the WT caller one could cause another harm should they be out calling when someone is having an emergency.

Don't you find that the least bit deceptive and unethical?

I am curious, and I think every consumer should wonder why, if the Fox Pro line of E callers is so good, do they have to stoop to this level to sell them?


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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