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FoxPro's new Open Country Caller

Started by FinsnFur, February 24, 2008, 12:29:23 PM

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Quote from: Rprince on March 19, 2008, 05:08:45 PM
I have to ask, you what model foxpro are you talking about when you say the WT is better in the sound quality? All of them?

Anything that comes form a WT unit sounds more realistic than anything you can put on a foxpro... including stolen versions of the WT sounds.   Just my observation

Quote from: Rprince on March 19, 2008, 05:08:45 PM
Personally I don't see how the sounds could be any better than what I have on my scorpion,

You should get out and hunt with some guys that own other products and revisit that opinion.  Certainly not pushing anything on you- as 90% of the guys out there aren't going to drop the cash on a new WT unit anyway.  But for arguments sake, if you're comparing the Foxpro & Minaska, the Minaska seems to have better sounds as a whole.  There is no comparing those two to WT.  Anyone that doesn't have a bias toward WT or BM, and has heard at Wildlife Technologies caller, is nodding their head in agreement right now.


i like my foxpro but if someone wants to send me a WT or miniska i would use it n tell u what i think


Todd:  I can't speak for other Foxpro Field Staffers, but I am under no pressure from anyone to make posts about anybody's caller. I have always told Foxpro the truth and have tried to do the same on the forums.  My only goal in making posts on any forum is to share experience and ideas, and to help the newbies.  The only directives I have ever received from Foxpro is to "Keep it on the high road", and I have tried to do so.  I have never made a negative post about Minaska or any other caller company since being named to the Foxpro Field Staff, and I don't intend to start now.  If you really want to make a comparison between any of the callers, you need to compare them with comparable speaker setups.  In my opinion, if you hook up a SPFR1 Foxpro speaker with either a Scorpion or a FX-5, and play sounds from the Mark II sound library, it will be far superior to any caller on the market for pure realism and quality of sound. If you think you have to break out windows with the volume on your ecaller to call coyotes, hook up a SP-55 and any coyote who is not deaf will hear it.  If you want to call them out of the next zip code, hook up a SP108.  I have told Foxpro my opinions on products as developed, both the positive and the negative.  I have no problem with anyone favoring any particular brand of caller or its features, but I do have a problem with anyone calling me names.  If that offends someone, that is something I can do little about.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

:doh2: :doh2: :doh2: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :thumb2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

I'll stick with my JS-512.........still calls them in....... ;yes; ;yes; :thumb2:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Todd Rahm

Thanks Al. I won't be calling ya any names. I was just being honest. 

I'll be using an ecaller this weekend trying to get a grizzly to part ways with his Denning area.  :biggrin:


Todd: I never thought otherwise. Good luck on your grizzly hunt.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I often wonder how past generations of coyote hunters ever called in predators without all these high tech electronic gadgets and gizmo's available today.  :wo:

Here's something to ponder for a few of the newer guys and a reminder for some of us old buzzards: Our first predator calls were simple, air driven and often times quite crude. Most were homemade like the rubber band call I started out with ( a couple of rubber bands and two blocks of wood). One of the first electronic calls was a battery operated player that used flat vinyl discs (we called them 45 rpm records) High tech? Not hardly... but they all worked back then and still should. Then again, maybe today's coyotes are a lot more smarter than those of 30 years ago. 

Technology ... It never ceases to amaze me.
Electronic callers are just another tool in our bag of tricks. If you use one then that's great. Over the years, I've worn out several. Do I have one today? Yes, an old (but still reliable) Johnny  Stewart 512LR and a now "antique" Fox Pro 532 with remote. Will I own another? Maybe someday but regardless of which brand chosen I feel it will be quite adequate for it's intended job.

Will the search for bigger and better never cease? I doubt it, as long as people are willing to pay the price we will continue to see even more advanced products hit the market. Look what has happened over the past ten years. Will the debate go on... which wildlife caller is the best? Certainly that's just human nature.  :wink:

Just an old buzzard rambling on...  :rolleye:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Quote from: possumal on March 19, 2008, 07:18:14 PM
if you hook up a SPFR1 Foxpro speaker with either a Scorpion or a FX-5, and play sounds from the Mark II sound library, it will be far superior to any caller on the market for pure realism and quality of sound.

This is my observation as well, I don't see how the sounds could get any better, they are perfect in my opinion. I will say however, some of the standard sounds left a lot to be desired.

Thanks for your comments, your response & attitude is very much appreciated.
Unfortunately I don't know anyone in my area that has a Minaska or WT, if I ever get a chance to hunt with one I will jump on the opportunity.

I must admit, I am a foxpro fan, I have killed a bunch of critters with mine this year & I will hunt with mine from here on out. But, I won't talk bad about a product that I have not used, I wish others would do the same.

Bob D

Quote-"I won't talk bad about a product that I have not used, I wish others would do the same."

Amen to that!


Well Al when I said/typed "suckasses" I didn't mean it as a term of endearment.  So don't think you're special by taking offense.   :laf:
Now if it will make you feel any better I took offense at the fact that you thought that I & others here were so gullible that because respected coyote hunters such as you & others would say that that wasn't a copy & we would agree.   :noway:

A friend called me last night & explained that that's just business to copy someones successful creation. Car manufactures do it all the time & I think nothing of it.  :wo:   So from this point on I could give a rats rump about this thread.

So now w/ that in mind ...
Mr. Bandit  you need to do some copying of FoxPro .............. NO, NO, NO,  :doh2: ........... not their products; their marketing strategy.  Since FP has Rich go get Brad Holzer & put his howls on the list. Get Brent Saxton & put his distress sounds on the list. Get what respected ( :iroll:) coyote hunters that aren't gobbled up by FP & make suc Field Staffers of them. Better yet head hunt some of theirs. :eyebrow:
"If you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door."   You aggressively market that mousetrap & they'll have to put in an express lane! :wink:
Now hurry, there are FP Field Staffers everywhere.  :roflmao:

Quote from: Bob D on March 20, 2008, 07:56:45 AM
Quote-"I won't talk bad about a product that I have not used, I wish others would do the same."

Amen to that!
Well, what if you think that it's bad & that's why you aren't using it?  :shrug:


Quote from: Rprince on March 19, 2008, 05:08:45 PM

vvarmintr, This question is for you, what call did you use that "hurt your fingers" from pushing buttons?
I'm not trying to be a smart ass (or a "suckass" for that matter), I'm trying to find out why you didn't like the call.

Can you answer this one please?


I just created this call and am going to market it. I have named it DDT (Dirty Dog Technologies). Don't ya even think about copying me.  :argh:


Can I be on your field staff Joe?????? :yoyo:

That thing has to be better than any other call on the market, I heard it from Fred Flintstone so I know it's true.  :doh2:


Absolutly.......  But it'll cost ya  :readthis:


vvarmitr : I have no idea how you know what I think about anything.  I simply posted that I gave you more credit than making a name calling post.  If you think Foxpro is in the business of copying Minaska, you aren't following the history very closely. Rather than posting links to posts that indicate clearly that Foxpro has been ahead on the technology curve, let's just agree to disagree, and drop the discussion.  If you want to think the Open Country caller is a copy, you've got a right to do that.  That doesn't make you right though.  As far as terms of endearment, I don't need any of those either.  A little mutual respect would be fine.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Here is my take on this. At a certain point in time, the general membership on these boards get sick and tired of having endorsements continually being slammed down our  throat . To the point that it might be just as easy to stick a finger down and get it over with. Wow, when certain products and their reps (field staff, pro staff and users) totally take over a board and basically infiltrate and dominate damn near every thread in most forums.

A few years ago, in one of the only exchanges of pm's on any of these boards ,I made mention to Jim that the hobby and customs call builders had basically taken over PM and that any real discussion  on predator hunting  would ultimately end in who's  call a person should buy.   Jim's reply was that he shared my concern but was unsure of what could be done.  Evidently not too much could be done.

Well, it's the same situation with the e-caller crowd and it appears to be getting worse.  Picture after picture in the predator hunting forum with products predominantly displayed in front of the dead critter.  Is that an insult to a member's intelligence?  Was  the purpose of the displayed  product only a less than subtle attempt to sell someone on the product.
What's the definition of "Field Staff"?  Someone who tests products and makes recommendations to a company or is it an employee of the company who doesn't work in the main office and spends his time in the field selling and pushing product? I assume the intent is selling product, in most cases. Another definition might be a person who lights the fuse on a type of explosive ordinance.

Some salesmen set themselves up  to  the inevitable backlash that can occur  when people keep  getting  jabbed  in the ribs by him . Sooner or later someone tells  him  to #### off even if they don't own the opposing product and in spite might just go out and buy it!  In my business if we some hot shot cocky salesman trying to sell us,  we generally buy the similar product from his competition


Quote from: Rprince on March 20, 2008, 08:42:05 AM
Quote from: Rprince on March 19, 2008, 05:08:45 PM

vvarmintr, This question is for you, what call did you use that "hurt your fingers" from pushing buttons?
I'm not trying to be a smart ass (or a "suckass" for that matter), I'm trying to find out why you didn't like the call.

Can you answer this one please?

Rprince-- VV was using my FX3. I have square rubber buttons on the remote. I don't have a problem with them but then again I put them on & I like it that way. So it wasn't the actual FP remote he had problems with. I think it was my revamp of the buttons. If VV wants to try it again with out them all he has to do is ask.  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Thanks HaMer.
I've been thinking about putting those bumpers on my remote as well, at least on the mute & voulume buttons.
Don't let him use it again, he might start to like it & have to eat his words  :biggrin:
Just pokin back suck  I mean vvarmintr.  :hahaha:


Don't allow Victor to use your digital caller, I mean ya wouldn't want the poor feller to hurt his finger now would ya?. I heard that Victor has to use a rotary phone. He can stick his finger in a hole once in awhile, but buttons? Nope.  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
Foxpro Field staff


Hey Greenside,

The problems you mention were the reasons you came over here to F-n-F right?  This board is better for certain. Nothing like the insignificant boards you find elsewhere on the net. I hope F-n-F ain't a blatant copy or nothin'.     :roflmao:
Foxpro Field staff