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The First World Predator Hunting Expo

Started by FinsnFur, March 15, 2008, 09:42:48 AM

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Thinkin about goin to it, but not sure yet.
It's only the weekend before I leave to go
up to Canada bear huntin.
Who else is all goin to it?


First I seen of it. I think I will set the wheels in motion to make this expo. Dont have funds and time to setup a booth but think this would be interesting to go see.


Carolina Coyote

Would really love to go to this if it was closer to the East or in a Month that was better hunting. August? cc


I will probably make that one. That's probably not 60 miles from where I grew up as a kid. I can stay with Grandma or one of my "inebriated" non drinking cousins......... :laf:
St. Francis probably less than fifty miles from where I made those stands in October.......... :doh2:

As long as the boss will let me off I am going. Maybe a couple of us from around here could go and split gas. I could probably get us all free or at least reduced room and board.........but I got to warn ya. My kin ain't like me...........they are "different"....... :innocentwhistle: :whew:
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George Ackley

Lets make it a get together ,, I am thinking of going so if i know what days you guys are going we can meet up
maybe get some cold ones
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Wow...thats interesting. I may be interested in splittin gas with ya Bop. Especially at $3.20 a gallon right now.  :rolleye:


Sounds good George.......... :congrats:  There's a little town just east of there called Herndon. My cousins own the only restaurant in town there, but it serves huge ribs and steaks and some of the coldest beer on the planet.

Joe....it'll be $4.20 by the time we go......... :madd:
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Quote from: Bopeye on March 15, 2008, 10:53:16 AM
My cousins own the only restaurant in town there, but it serves huge ribs and steaks and some of the coldest beer on the planet.

That sounds like my kinda place.  :yoyo:


I am seriously considering going to this thing in the worst way.  I haven't been to that part of KC in quite a few years.  I spent a couple of summers there as I was growing up for some summer jobs. 

Overland Park is a little high brow, and has me wandering if they will let a bunch of predator huntin rednecks into town. :rolleye:  Maybe we can show them how to have a good time :roflmao: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :roflmao:

hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech


I thought the dang thing was in Saint Francis, it's in the stinkingest town in the United States.........KANSAS FRIGGING CITY...........THAT BLOWS!!!!!!
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I guess I'll still go..............DAYUM IT!!!!!!
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Kansas City huh.....Maybe I can find airfare for under $100. Southwest every now and then has specials.  :eyebrow:


Jump on it Dog. There's at least 4 of us wanting to go.  :wink:
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I'm going to see what I can do to make it myself. Should be an interesting show, and it will more then likely be packed to the walls.
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Jim might come...... :highclap: :yoyo:

Can we all bunk together?........... :biggrin: :eyebrow:
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Bob D

That sounds interesting. I would like to go. Maybe I can, I'll check with the Boss and see.


  Only a half days ride from here.  Gonna have to check that out.