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The First World Predator Hunting Expo

Started by FinsnFur, March 15, 2008, 09:42:48 AM

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  Packing now! Our plane leaves at 6:20 am and we should be in Kansas at 10:30am. See you guys there we will be in booth #173 looking forward to meeting you guys. Me and Aaron are going to try and film some of our adventures there and share it with you.



I am still trying to get caught up on work but no matter what happens I will be on the 4:35 flight to kansas city on friday.... :biggrin: By the way where is everybody staying? We are staying at the Chase Suite Hotel across the street from the convention center.  See you all there.
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



Hey Rich are you going to have a few videos with you at the show?
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



We are bringing some videos and will have some calls available also.

Here is a pic of the banner to look for. As you can see we ain't forgot about our friends at FinsandFur.

Here is a pic of us at our last show.

Of course ole Champion himself  will be hanging around from time to time at this one unless him and Aaron get into the sauce again :roflmao:



sauce?  :innocentwhistle:

I'm planning to leave around 4 or 5 am Friday. That should put me in town just after lunch.
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Hey guys,
      Like CCP said, take lots of pictures to share with those of us who can't make it!  I like lots of pictures.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I'm thinking I'll bring the web cam and laptop ...and broadcast live right from CCP's , Eastern Coyotes.com booth :biggrin: :eyebrownod:
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Man! I wish I was going!  Y'all have fun and bring back them pics like Jim told ya!   :yoyo:


Well, I am getting pumped for the show!!! My buddies decided that sunday would be the day we would go. I am guessing that we should be in KC about 11 am on sunday.


I'll be there from start to... almost... finish.   I plan on stopping by Baxter's booth tomorrow afternoon before the doors open- and I'll be bouncing around working a couple other booths in the evening.  Saturday I'll be in a booth or two and helping out with the calling contest among other things.  Sunday we're hoping to wind it down early but we'll see how things go.  A couple of my buddies are waiting until Sunday to arrive so I'll stick around to see them at the very least.

I'm staying in the Sheraton- plan on having dinner with some very knowledgable coyote men and great guys on Friday & Saturday nights.  If anyone is interested in some steak, beer and good coyote discussion just speak up on Friday or Saturday and we'll keep you filled in on the plans/reservations!  I'm really looking forward to this expo now- wish more of you could attend!



Aaron, Rich and I are here. We have already started on the beer. Looking forward to everything. We'll keep ya'll posted.


Good luck guys, I hope you have a big time!!!!!!


Joe, drink one for me !!!   Is Jim going ?  get him all hammered and take pics lol...   :eyebrow: :roflmao:


Jim... you gotta do it:
QuoteI'm thinking I'll bring the web cam and laptop ...and broadcast live right from CCP's , Eastern Coyotes.com booth


You guys are killing me..........I wish I could go.  :sad:
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 :sad:       :sad3:       :sad2:
Gettin my daughter off to college tomorrow left me with about a 10% chance of makin it,
well wrench #2 just got thrown in and brings it down to about a 2% chance of goin.  :noway:


QuoteI'm thinking I'll bring the web cam and laptop ...and broadcast live right from CCP's , Eastern Coyotes.com booth
Yep, that would be a blast !!

Have a great time fellers but don't you boys stay out to late now, ya' hear  :laf:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


The web cam I have is from 1940 I think, not sure where it's even at. :wo: But that would be purty cool.
You know I'd have to walk around with the lap top, with the cam mounted to the bill of my hat :yoyo: :biggrin: :laf: :shrug:

Maybe next year if I get a better one.

Heading towards Kansas City at 4:30am. I'll take ya'll a bunch of pics though. :wink:
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Build us up.......bust our bubble........at least you will be behind the camera.......not in front of it....... :roflmao: :laf: :roflmao: