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Live from the Predator Expo

Started by FinsnFur, August 22, 2008, 06:35:39 PM

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I heard talk of "Black Market" calls being sold?  Any truth to the rumor?    LOL!
Sorry Bop, I couldn't resist!


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: OMG.........WHOOOOOO!!........ :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laf: :laf:


I know you couldn't help yourself Dave, BUT that doesn't mean you didn't earn a great big, fat BITE ME!!  :eyebrownod:

Lot's of love.  :biggrin:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Also, Jimbo better never talk about my pictures again.  :nono: :rolleye: :whew:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


So if you blow that call technically your blowing............. :innocentwhistle:


Yep!  You would be blowing a  LBL Legendary Member Award call!
Still not a good image no matter how you slice it!  LOL!

Bills Custom Calls

  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


HaMeR there's so many people fondling that camera, I cant keep the batteries in it. That's why the dates are off. :doh2: Got tired of fixin it.

The food here is so unbelievably priced, that's why I had Kyle go get a pic of the menus. Last night I told Kyle to go grab us two cheeseburgers, nothing else, just two cheeseburgers. Guess what the bill was for those two cheeseburgers....$13.00 :mad2: And I am not kidding they were so dry and horrible you couldnt even finish one.
We been hitting the highway now and bringing food back for the gang :laf:

Kyle took most of the pics...sorry about the blurryness. He must be busy eyeing up his next shot while snapping the picture.

Yeah that was Bearman setting in his booth :laf:

Byron is here but he's hanging tight with the Fauxpro crowd. Glenn Guess is walking around with a hanky on his head. We took a couple candid shots of him without his consent.

Randy Watson even made it to the expo! From Texas....man I was tickled pink when he approached me...couldnt beleive it was him. Been several years since I seen him in person. That was a real treat for me.

So far Securpro showed his face, along with ilcoyote and his gang, Dan Carey, Arky Yoter, couple other I can't recall at the moment.

ALSO...this just in!!

The first calling competition mentioned earlier was for distress. The howling competition has just now come to an end and JD (canine) has officially won first place in that.
Brent Saxton took 3rd.
I can't recall whon they said the 2nd place went to...I didnt know him anyway.

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Dang!! JD beat Brent? That's outstanding! I remember a couple of years ago at the LBL howling along with Brent. He's a good howler.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Todd Rahm

Thanks for the pics Jim. Randy and Jay are look'n fair to middle'n  :biggrin: I must have missed Ricks pic I better go check again.  :wink:


 :laf: :laf: I'll give you a pass this time Jimbo!!  :laf:
Kyle took most of the pics...

There ya go Bop!! Use that one next time you take a picture!!  :biggrin:   :laf: :laf:

I thought maybe that was him.  He seems to be a bit lonely there. He does make a nice call. I have a small cowhorn he made.

Glad you got to see RW too. I've heard he's a real cool guy to talk to.

Congrats to JD & Brent as well.  :yoyo:

Thanks for the pics!!  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Thanks for the photos.

How was the overall attendance in your opinion? Does GG look like the 5'1" version of Hulk Hogan in real life?


Cool pics, thanks for posting them !


JD beat Brent!  :roflmao:
Brent will never hear the end of that.  :laf:



I had one heck of a good time at the show.  It was good meeting everyone that I got to talk to and putting faces to names.  I got to meet Rich and Aaron at the CCP booth, but Champion was back at the hotel for a nap when I passed through.  Rich was taking pics of all of the FnF folks as well.  Just look out when Rich photoshop's all of our pics! :huh:

The crowd wasn't overly huge, but it was sized just about right to be able to walk up to any booth at any time and talk to anybody working the booth right then.  At some shows there are so many people, and you stand in line for about 30 minutes just to get up to the booth to see what they have.  Everyone working the booths I stopped at were very nice folks and easy to talk with.  The show didn't have the feel of a big commercial type of show, but more of a gathering of people that just wanting to meet other predator hunters.  I would definitely go back again next year. :congrats:

Lots of good merchandise was available at the show.  And most of the folks were selling it at prices below what they normally sell the items for.  Predator hunters helping out predator hunters was pretty much the underlying theme of the show.


hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech

George Ackley

Jimmy said

food back for the gang

I thought Randy Black pack a lunch :confused: its cool that you hooked him up with some grub Jimbo!
Good looking out budyboy
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


I forgot to add , Congrats to JD and Brent !!!  Good job !!! :highclap: :highclap:


Watson and I didnt go for lunch George...I was just saying he showed up at the expo for the event. :wink:

Just got home an hour and a half a ago....here's some more pics, while I get caught up.

JD and Brent with their awards

I spotted this on RagnCagn's back and just couldnt resist the shot. He's wearing a target. You may have noticed this is cropped from one of the pics in the slide show

CCP getting a taped interview with Predator Extreme.

DirtDog trying to regain some composure....he was quite full for this portrait, in fact CCP just pulled him out of a corner in the hotel room. Not sure if he was trying to stand on his head or if he lost a contact...but he poured him self into the corner head first and kinda just laid there upside down. :roflmao: :roflmao:

Then as if he hadn't caused enough rucas he decided to kick over one of the coolers. So we all got to walk in sopping carpet the erst of the trip.  :laf:

CCP trying to prevent something from entering his windpipe and lungs.  :innocentwhistle: :innocentwhistle: :shrug:

CCP lured some Western Rivers staff back to the room after midnight. This feller half pickled, dozed off and woke up right before the flash :doh2:

We had a real good time. Met some real nice folks and did some catching up with old acquaintances. And lots of cool stuff to look at. :yoyo:
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Glad all had a good time. Special kudos to J.D. & Brent, two howling rascals!  :highclap: :highclap:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff