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Tennessee Coyote Hunting Contests

Started by DirtyDog, August 29, 2008, 06:24:16 PM

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There was not a hunt. Joe was at LBL.

George Ackley

Jimbo looks like he is praying or trying to take a poop :eyebrownod:
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump



George Ackley

I wouldn't have any problem with a contest taken place the same time i was at the LBL,

Not that the LBL should have a contest, all i am saying that it wouldn't bother me if there was one going on in that area at the same time we would be calling the LBL
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

Bills Custom Calls

Yes it was the week after the LBL and there was a post about it right here on FNF


Sometimes we just forget as time goes by

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Bill, thanks for the link. One week later... recon I missed that one... couldn't be a memory thing.  :nono:

According to info Joe pm'ed it was held around Milan,Tn (about 90 or so miles southwest of the LBL).  It sure looks to be a good area for coyotes... maybe we should move our little get together there this year?  :laf:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


  First I would like to say I have nothing against coyote contest. I was a competitive bass fisherman for years.

Now as far as saying the LBL hunters can bring there coyotes to the weigh in is asking the LBL group to be part of the contest. Here lies one of the problems. The LBL hunt was and still seems to be all about coyote hunters gathering to talk coyote hunting and get in a little friendly hunting. No contest or look at me I killed more than the next guy talk. Most drive around and BS with the boys no pressure. If it was a contest I would not do my normal 6 or so stands in 3 days but would do 10 or more a day for 3 days on the KY side to get the numbers. Now to do all those stands trying to win a contest does not leave me time to relax and meet and talk coyotes with the guys.

  Some people cant understand a group of guys that get together for a meet and greet type venue like we have at LBL. No organizers to look up to, no  look at me and what I did type people.

Some recent background to help see what I see on the coyote contest and youth hunt.

Joe was going to the expo and arranged his flight to get to Kansas around the same as ours. He is a board member and tries hard to be one of the boys and I felt bad for him after he got mixed up with Maidians. I told him I would give him a expo pass and he was welcome to hang out at the booth with us. My very first encounter with a vendor was rudely interrupted with Joe physically pushing in between us to introduce himself and talk about him and Rprinces youth hunt and free donations. This happened time after time. After having 2 vendors approach us about one of our guys talking to them about donations for the youth hunt I started getting irritated to say the least. It became very (painfully) obvious the youth hunt was created solely  for the purpose of creating sponsors and free publicity for the contest. Several vendors  told me they could see what was happening but were obligated to deliver the goods because they could not be seen as the guys that didn't give to the youth hunt.

  Me and Aaron do several things a year for youth and kids type stuff we have 2 youth hunts scheduled this year. We do not advertise it or look for pats on the back from our peers we pay out of pocket and our reward is seeing smiling faces.

I believe this is the 8th annual LBL coming up and I have always looked forward to going and will continue to go as long as I can. I for one don't want anyone on the outside to try to make a connection with us and the contest (real or imagined)
There are more than likely some great guys and great coyote hunters in the contest and most would probably make great friends. I just don't want the contest to over shadow something that has been going on for the past 8 years in that area.

I would still like to think Joe is a great guy and is miss guided by his quest to be one of the boys and be apart of something. After the expo I have to question the motives for being there.I think some guys were always last to get picked to be on the kickball team at school and in there quest to be noticed they turn many good people away.

I wish Joe and Rprince well in there search to be noticed and hope everyone in the contest especially the kids have a great time.


Jimmie in Ky

Gentlemen, I have to say there is not a thing we can do if some of the folks from the contest choose to hunt LBL on that weekend.

However, they cannot hold a money contest in the LBL propper without consent of the Lbl and a huge insurance policy. Nor can they bring in corporate sponsors without getting the crap sued out of them by the former owners or the descendants of the former owners of the LBL. This is where PM  wanted to go with this and one of the reasons I left PM. The LBL was not set up for the purpose of bussiness but recreation for all folks who are a part of this Nation.

The major reason for the LBL hunt was for a meet among hunters. Hunters who had developed friendships through th various boards we have all joined over the years. By the second hunt it had become something truly special. Friendships were strengthened and teaching others had begun. For me personally, seeing or killing a coyote is not what matters. What matters is showing others how to help themselves in this sport. By teaching them how to read sign and terrain they have something they can take home with them. Seeing th look in a mans eye when that light bullb goes off in his head is more than enough for me. And I take great pleasure in watching others share around the campfire at night what they have learned and teach to others. Have you ever had the oportunity to watch while some one shows a newbie how to work an open reed or other call ? I have and it is so good to see this sharing of knowledge. You won't see that in a contest situation where it's everyman for himself.

You don't know how many coyote hunters say to heck with beginers let them learn it the way I did, I have heard this many times. Those who have never been to th LBL hunt don't have a clue as to just how special it is.

Here is my take on some of th great people I have met through this hunt.

Kee and CCP want to go somewhere in this bussiness .  They are constantly learning more about this sport they love dearly and want to share it with others. If they make a few bucks OK, but they are about the knowledge passed on. they ask thier peers many questions wanting opinions on one thing or another both the bussiness and the sport.

Chet is a quiet man who wants to share what he knows so that it can be passed on to future generations. The sharing is what lights his fire to be there and the friendships he has made.

Reggie, he loves this sport and wants to hunt and learn all he can. Being with his friends here is icing on the cake for him.

Bopeye, He is insane and the life of th party  :biggrin: Being with his friends this one time of year is what matters most to him.

Stan and Brian are damned good at what they do. They hunt for the adventure and challenge of meeting this predator on it's terms and winning the game.  It's tough getting them to share but on occasion I can get a calling demo out of those two that will knock your socks off !!

Big Mike , Ronnie Cannon, Ed,  The JOE'S , Bill count ,Semp , Kyfishrman, and many others want to be the best at this sport they can be. They love th challenge this critter has thrown at them and thrill in it. They happily share what they have learned and are thirsty for more knowledge. These guys have more questions than Carter has liver pills  :eyebrownod: They want to be good at this and enjoy it to the fullest .

This is what the LBL is about, Friendships , love of a sport, and the sharing of knowledge so that our hunting future can conitnue. So the next generation has an oportunity to do something we all love so much. Jimmie


I dont think they want to have the contest AT the LBL Jimmy. There's just an offer for folks to transport their harvest TO there contest and enter them.

And to me that's not an issue...people are going to do what they want :shrug: It's not going to stop me from soaking up the comradry I'm there for if I can make it down this time.

The issue lies with what appear to be hidden intentions, after enduring a weekend at the expo with Joe as a guest of Rich and Aron's, and then him seemingly using that stature to exploit his hunt and site for donations....Maidens style.

I like ya Joe...had a good time with ya down there. But things just seem to be fitting together all to well, forming a not so pretty picture.
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Jimmie in Ky

 I believe Joe is a good kid and has good intentions. It's real easy to get caught up in th bull and forget what is most important in life. That youth hunt is a fantastic idea and I wish him well on it.

But the other does not truly support our sport, it promotes secrecy among hunters and that is something we don't need for the hunting sports to continue well into the future. Some folks see these things as a way of promoting themselves and thier future in bussiness ( getting rich) or fame and glory. They are using the sport and promoting themselves, that does us no good. Jimmie

George Ackley

 Well I am guessing you have had bad times at contest,,, contest are full of comradery and good times.
  In killing contest in the East we ant using the sport for promoting are selves, most are done to raise moneys for clubs or other outdoor issues in the area of the hunt.. I don't know where you came up with all that :confused:   

you said,,,
But the other does not truly support our sport  WHAT!!! :confused:
it promotes secrecy among hunters and that is something we don't need WHAT!!! :confused:
Some folks see these things as a way of promoting themselves and thier future in bussiness WHAT!!! :confused:
( getting rich)WHAT!! :confused:

:roflmao: :roflmao:
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump



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Quote from: FinsnFur on August 31, 2008, 10:11:57 PM
Johnny, your gonna get fat. :doh2:

Yeah Johnny........don't wanna look like that Bopeye fella do you?  :shrug:

Lay off the fat guys Jimbo.......... :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


When I seen big George "tellin it like it is"  (his version of how it is anyways) ,  I gets hungry  knowin there's a "you're full of shit" post or a "way to go tell it like it is, George" post commin from somebody  real soon.      :roflmao:   :roflmao:

George Ackley

here is my  version of how it is anyways

Most the contest we have are Run by people like the volunteer fire department,schools ,hunt clubs ,all to raise moneys to help someone or something. We don't have no predator call contest promoters,, there are no Don King of the killing contest here .. we meat for dinner the first night, Its alaways great to shoot the shit with the boys that you don't see all year , then we have a good time every night after hunting withthe same guys and newones, there are many new guys that come to the contest to learn.  if they ask a question we will explain what ever they need to know.  then the last day we all get to gather once again to mostly laugh .... so yea I say WHAT to jimmies comments..

I don't need to call people out , but if no one said there apposing thought then Jimmie would have everyone believe that killing contest where a bad thing everywhere...

Now i am done with this and I am off to shoot at the range with the new back stop and eyebrow paid for by hunters that help by participating in the contest killing contest.
I will meat with 5 or 6 guys, we will tell lies, drink coffee ,laugh and have a great time. to shoot at this range partially financed by killing contest you must be a member of the NRA, you need to have a gun,, you bye the gun  from a sporting good shop, you need bullets , targets ,cleaning solutions , 

all this contributions to the hunting and shooting industry that will be made today at the range partially financed by contest may not be possible if every one had the same mined set as some have,

know get a drink and don't choke on the popcorn


Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: Semp on September 01, 2008, 06:18:27 AM
When I seen big George "tellin it like it is"  (his version of how it is anyways) ,  I gets hungry  knowin there's a "you're full of shit" post or a "way to go tell it like it is, George" post commin from somebody real soon.  :roflmao:   :roflmao:

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Way to go tell it like it is, George... but you're still full of .... :laf:   :roflmao:

:laf: There ya' go, Uncle Semp, pass the popcorn  :corn:  :laf:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.





I guess i'll chime in. 1 year ago i knew nothing about a predator hunting and was asking questions on other boards trying to find out a little info to see what its all about. Well Joe was always one of the first ones to reach out and give advice in what he knew. Joe came down to my area and went hunting with me on my first predator hunt. We didnt call anything in but we walked around and talked and he taught me the signs to look for to know if coyotes was in the area. While scouting we found some scat with fur in it so i learned a few things that day. when we were done that day he left me some of his handcalls to tinker around with and he left me a video to watch and get some info from. Since that day i have killed my first yote and called in a few others. Joe and i since then have hunted several times calling in yotes, bobcats , turkeys, crows and have even had some fun fishing. What has Joe asked for in return from me? nothing he just enjoys the thrill of the outdoors and sharing the experiances with others.

Some of the comments i have read in this thread i feel is being exaggerated. He is all about this youth hunt and looking to make sure the youth today carry on the traditions of hunting whether it be for predators or something else. If he is asking for donations for a youth hunt i can assure you it is only to give the kids something to go home with to help further expand their excitement of the sport and give them something they can use in the field along with the knowledge he shares with others just like he shared with me. And i can also assure you he is not just trying to "get famous or rich" from any of this  :iroll: