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Tennessee Coyote Hunting Contests

Started by DirtyDog, August 29, 2008, 06:24:16 PM

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  I maybe wrong but I dont think Jimmy was meaning that coyote calling contest are bad. He was just pointing out some use them to propel themselves in the lime light so to speak. The ones you speak of sound like great hunts and everyone enjoys themselves. No problem at all with coyote contest.

QuoteJoe is a good guy and I am sure if you woulda asked him instead of bashing him in public this story would be different.

Ask him what??

Joe a good guy! I always kinda thought that of him. Just seen him miss guided a few times. Then at the expo seen something totally different. Maybe next year you can buy you and him a booth at the expo to use for getting free stuff for a contest hunt.

I don't think bad of you are anyone else for trying to come to the defense of a friend but it doesn't change what happened. If  100 people come on here and say Joe is a nice guy and CCP is a sumbitch it still want change what happened.

If I would have bluntly ask him to stop it wouldn't change what already happened. I only posted after seeing the plug for the hunt and felt after my experience I should let people know what was going on behind the scenes. After speaking with some people I watched as Joe called Prince and repeated word for word what was said.

Now after saying all that. I only post what went on you make the decision. Telling me,Jim and Aaron we have our panties in a wad or we should have said something different, doesn't change the actions of Joe that weekend.

As far as the hunt more than likely we will donate 100.00 and some videos to the youth hunt. The organizers actions will not stop me from supporting the hunt for the youth but people should know the reason behind it being in existence.



Dirty Dog, I've been camping all weekend & I'm sorry that I haven't been around to give my input on this thread.

Guys, I'm going to try & answer the comments that I've seen in this thread.

My name is Randy Prince & I'm the person responsible for the west TN coyote contest. The location of the contest is in my hometown (Gibson, TN). Gibson is a very small town (300 people) & everyone knows each other, I've lived here my whole life & both of my parents are from here.

The purpose of last years hunt was to have a gathering of hunters from this area, when we were planning the hunt I figured we'd be lucky to get 25 hunters, I was wrong & we ended up with 101 entry's that consisted of 41 teams. The hunters are responsible for their own hunting ground & they have to be back at the checkin point by 6:30pm, it is a one day hunt & hunters must hunt during the daylight hours. Last years hunt was very successfull & we had several young people in the contest...... enough that we wanted to have a youth hunt this year. We are also having a youth day this spring & the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is helping out by getting a firing range so the kids can bring thier guns & have a little fun at the range.

The date for last years hunt was Feb 9th, there are several reasons for that date:
1 Due to firearm restrictions in TN I will not plan the hunt during deer season, Tennessee's deer season closes around the middle of January.
2 Over half of the hunters from last years contest are duck hunters, duck season closes at the end of January & TN has a youth waterfowl weekend (last year the youth waterfowl was Feb 2nd & 3rd)
3 The furbearer season in TN closes on Feb 15th, I don't want a new hunter to shoot a fox or bobcat & get in trouble.

Feb 7th & Feb 14th are the only dates that I can have the hunts & not have any restrictions or conflicting dates with any other seasons, it is just the way that the calendar fell on this years hunt. I DID NOT set those dates to try & take away from the LBL hunt. I personally know at least 50% of the guys that entered last years hunt, they are guys that I grew up with & have hunted with my whole life, AS FAR AS I KNOW, NOBODY HUNTED AT LBL DURING LAST YEARS HUNT & I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT ANYONE WILL THIS YEAR.

As far as me or Joe getting something from this hunt, I cant beleive that anyone would think something like that. I spent money out of my pocket for last years hunt & I will spend money out of my pocket again this year, I don't get anything out of this hunt other than a "thank you" from the contestants.

Rich, I'm not looking to get noticed & I never will, I'm not a spotlight type of guy & I have a hard time speaking in front of people that I don't know, I will never get anything out of this hunt & I can't beleive that you said something like that without meeting me in person.

Some people don't like contests & I understand that but if anyone that attends the LBL wants to come to Gibson (about 1.5 hour's away) you are more than welcome, I would be glad to have you.

I don't do the best job of typing what I want/need to say, my # is (731) 787-6038, if you have any questions or comments please give me a call, I will try to answer them the best I can.


I think a lot of people responding to the second half of this topic are reading too far into it.
No one said anything about Joe, or you Randy, trying to get rich and famous off this hunt of yours. Or even trying to get gain anything for yourselves, monetary or material.

I and I'm sure I'm not alone here, ENCOURAGE this hunt. I think it's a great idea if your into contests. Personally I'm not, but that does not make your contest a bad thing.

This is the second time I've said this, and I'll keep saying it, the way it was;
The issue lies with what appear to be hidden intentions, after enduring a weekend at the expo with Joe as a guest of Rich and Aron's, and then him seemingly using that stature to exploit his hunt and site for donations....Maidens style.

Let me break it down and try to be very clear.

  • I do not believe Joe to be a bad guy.
    I honestly think he means well but just doesn't have the tact required to try and accomplish what he's getting into.
  • I sincerely do not think he even realized what harm he was doing at the expo. By pushing himself between sponsers and Rich when they were talking so that he could announce his Tennessee hunt. I'm serious when I say the first time I witnessed it, I thought Joe new the gentlemen and he was just trying to be funny. :shrug:
    But it did not end. Now we have to ask ourselves, does he not know better, do we say something and risk hurting his feelings or causing commotion here at the expo.
    When the vendors approach Rich and whisper to him asking him who the little guy is that keeps changing the subject to introduce his gig...you have to realize the position that puts everyone, very awkward.
  • I have no issues with the Tennessee hunt, none what so ever. I even encourage using the board here to keep people up to date on it. I just think that this whole approach could have been done with a lot more tact.

I'm not trying to cause any hard feelings, I'm trying to help out the guy some of you are accusing me of bashing. Like I said I dont think he did it on purpose and I want to believe that whole heartedly and help him. If i thought that he had plans the whole time to intentionally undercut Rich and Aron or Fins and Fur...he wouldn't be around to read this...and he is.

We all new letting this out into the open would stir some things up, many of you have become very close to Joe, and again there's nothing wrong with that, again I think he means well but just isn't sure about his own approach.

I'll put my number out there also for anyone that wants to discuss this, including you Joe.
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Quote from: FinsnFur on August 31, 2008, 11:08:02 AM
I dont think they want to have the contest AT the LBL Jimmy. There's just an offer for folks to transport their harvest TO there contest and enter them.

And to me that's not an issue...people are going to do what they want :shrug: It's not going to stop me from soaking up the comradry I'm there for if I can make it down this time.

The issue lies with what appear to be hidden intentions, after enduring a weekend at the expo with Joe as a guest of Rich and Aron's, and then him seemingly using that stature to exploit his hunt and site for donations....Maidens style.

We've already talked & I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me, I'm quoting you on this post just to try & clear the issue for any that may be concerned/involved.

To answer the first sentence, this hunt will not be at the LBL, it just happens that the 2 dates fall on the same weekend, if anyone wants to enter the hunt please do. The entry fee is $15 for 1 man, $20 for 2 men & $25 for 3 men, hunters under 16 don't pay a thing but they can still win the hunt & any prize that is given away.

I was reluctant about posting anything about the hunt on this site because I figured someone would say something about it being on the same weekend as the LBL,  the reason for the post about the contest was to let the LBL guys know about the contest & if they are interested it would be a 1.5 hour drive to the check in. This is not a bragging rights contest, it is strictly something for the predator hunters in this area to get involved & meet other hunters. I'm hoping that I can come to the LBL after the contest is over, it's only 1.5 hours from me & I would like to meet some of the guys on this board.

As for what I have to gain in this hunt:
Hunting in this area is quickly becoming a thing of the past, predator hunting is something that can get more hunters in the field & its a good sport for the youth. This past year there were many friendships made during the hunt, it was a good way for new predator hunters to meet others & learn what others are doing in this area. There were many father & son teams that entered, most of them had never predator hunted before, those kids will remember that day for a long time. I personally met guys in this area & I had no idea that they were predator hunters, I've hunted with a few of those guys since then & I'm sure that I will hunt with many more. All I have to gain is the personal satisfaction that this contest will spread the word about predator hunting & I truly think  there are several kids that will become predator hunters, without this contest that might not have happened. THIS HUNT IS STRICTLY FOR FUN, IT IS NOT A BIG $$$ CONTEST & IT NEVER WILL BE.

Concerning Maidens:
I've met Jeff 1 time in my life, he helped me last year & got several calls donated to give away to the kids. I know about some of the things that he was involved with in the past & although I don't agree with them I'm not going to bash him on the internet. He has never done anything to me & I don't have a problem with him, we just look at things a little different. He did help out last year & I'm grateful for that, but he is not an official of this hunt & I doubt that he will attend. He does have a son that I hope can come to the youth hunt. In my opinion I don't think his name should have even come up in this thread, he don't have a dog in this fight & he is not affiliated with this contest in any way.

As for Joe:
Anybody that has ever met Joe knows that he is a great guy, he will bend over backwards to help anyone do anything.
He has setup a website for the contest & he has not received a dime. I owe him a lot for the countless hours that he's devoted to helping me with the hunt, he has called several people asking for donations & as we have seen in this thread he used to expo to ask vendors for donations.
I know Joe & I know that he didn't mean to step on anyones toes at the expo, I really wish that someone would have said something to him at the expo instead of dragging his name across this board, Joe is the type of guy that would have apologized if someone would have just said something to him.
Joe is excited about this years hunt & the future hunts that will happen in Tennessee, he truly wants to help promote the sport in this area & even after this thread he will continue to be an asset to the predator hunters in Tennessee.
CAN WE PLEASE STOP RIGHT NOW & THINK ABOUT WHO WE ARE TALKING ABOUT???? Anyone that knows Joe should know that he is not the type of person that has been described in this thread & THERE ARE NO HIDDEN INTENTIONS IN HIS POST.

Rich, I think that Joe knows what he did wrong & I know that he wishes he could hit the rewind button on the expo, can we give him a break here please?


Everyone has given Joe a break Randy. It is now you that is keeping this thread alive. Why couldn't you just let it die. Now it's beginning to bother me.
I do know Joe and have known him for a couple of years now. I've went to bat for him several times on here and have tried to help him as well. Sometimes Joe was perceived wrong and I tried to change that. We have hunted together and I like him immensely. I honestly was shocked about how he did at the expo and I just didn't hear it from the guys he was with, but also from others. Dang shame too, because to tell you the truth I don't think the blame lies with him. It has looked to me like you were the one pushing his buttons now Randy. Please don't say that you don't have nothing to gain. That would be an insult to my intelligence.  :nofgr: You are either trying to be a pro staff for someone or something of that nature. Say any different and it will be looked at by me as nothing more than a lie. I have been running in these predator hunting circles for a decade or more now and had never heard of Randy Prince until Joe started talking about you. I was glad that he found a some guys (rprince, mdm, etc.) that he liked hunting with.
To be honest I don't care if you do make a name for yourself. Your no different than all the other boys that have done it. Chumming and sucking up to the big name boys. I've watched you rubbing elbows with the so called hot shots of our sport. Posting all over the net making connections. That's all cool, just don't tell me that you don't have an agenda.  :doh2:
It's just a shame that Joe got into it, because I know there are guys here that really do like him and I mean like him a lot.

You can go to some of these "bigger sites" that's just chocked full of new guys and wannabes and fool them and get your canned praise. The guys that come to this site are coyote hunters for real. When something gets to stinking they don't like it and neither do I.
I don't recall you being at the LBL when we started it many years ago. All those reasons you posted for having a contest is the same reasons we started the LBL hunt. The difference is that everyone leaves the LBL feeling like winners and not just three guys.  :rolleye:

So do us all a favor and let this thread die. I wish you the best in your contests and I MEAN THAT , but I'll take the slower lane myself and just enjoy the camaraderie of a nice little get together with my dear friends.

I will do my best to let this thread die now for Joe's sake.

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Where do I begin?
I find it strange that you call me out then ask to let the thread die "for Joe's sake"  :doh2:, the only reason that I posted to begin with was "for Joe's sake".
I've been gone all weekend, camping with my wife & kids, I get home & see this thread that is 3 pages long, it's kinda hard to let die, especially when my name is in the middle of it. My name is good Bop, it always has been & I plan on keeping it that way, anybody that knows me knows that what I say is good, I don't spout off at the mouth and I don't say anything that I can't back up.

I met Joe on the internet, he is the only person that I've ever hunted with that I met online. I've known him for about a year & I must say that he is a good guy & he's turned out to be a good friend, we've both helped each other & we will continue to do so. Since last years west TN hunt Joe has wanted to put on a hunt in Middle TN, I don't know anyone in that area but I agreed that I would try & help him if he ever does a hunt in that area.
Joe is not the only person that is helping out with the hunt, there are a few more guys from around here that are helping too, everyone's main agenda at this point is to try & get prizes donated to give away at the hunt, Joe was going to the expo & you & I both know that there is no better place to ask for donatins. He took it on himself to ask anyone for donations, I didn't put him up to anything. Did he go about it the wrong way...... apparently so, but you & I both know that he didn't mean anything by it.
Joe is fired up about doing something proactive for TN predator hunters, we all know that various people have put our name through the mud (on the internet) & our main agenda is to try & shed a POSITIVE outlook for predator hunters in Tennessee.

As for what I have to gain............... At this point -------- NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!
I have a feeling that I know what you're talking about & I will tell the whole story here for everyone to see, I have absolutely nothing to hide. There is a company that is located about 45 minutes from me, they make predator calls & decoys. They donated a few items to last years hunt & after the success of it they are interested in becoming a title sponsor for this years hunt. They are a local comanpy & they want to connect to the hunters in this area, the hunt is a good way to do that. I agree that we should let them be a part of it & I hope that we can work something out. I have NOT been asked to be a prostaff for the company & I probably never will. If it ever happens you will be the first person I call, I don't want you to think that I'm lying to you or anybody else.
Yes Bop, I do have an agenda, I want to promote this sport in a positive light, am I trying to get on someones prostaff........ NO        But let me ask you a question, what is so wrong with getting on someones prostaff? What is wrong with trying out someones product & letting them know what you think about it?
You say that I've "posted all over the net. Chumming & sucking up to the big name boys" I'm sorry Bop, I don't see it. I may have made a post about my Foxpro or a decoy but you're going too far to say that. I make a lot of comments on a lot of different topics but I don't suck up to anyone.

You're good with words James, I can't type anywhere near as good as you. But what I can do is get off the internet & do something for our sport. You're right, at the end of the hunt we only have 1st 2nd & 3rd place teams, that is one reason to try & get good prizes for the hunt, what is wrong with that???? 
The youth hunt is not a contest, it is strictly a hunt, I hope that every kid can walk away with a BIG prize & better yet I hope they can walk away with a BIG smile that won't go away.

I tried my best to answer all of your comments, I'm sure you can take anything I say & twist it into a thousand different directions, you're good at that.
But, for the record, I have told you & the rest of the world the truth, want to see for yourself....... come to the hunt, better yet if you can't break away from the LBL bring a kid to the youth hunt, I will do my personal best to put them on a coyote.

If ANYONE has any more comments to make about me personally please call me & talk to me in PERSON, I will tell you anything that you want to know, once again my # is (731) 787-6038.
Bop, I don't play games & I'm not playing now, I've told it all & there is nothing hidden in this thread. Have I used Joe???? YES I HAVE & I will continue to do so, he is in this for the long haul & so am I. On the same token Joe has used me & he will as long as he needs my help.


Kudoos to you Randy :congrats: Joe is right you are one hell of a promoter and PR man that's for sure. No wonder you picked up the torch from maidians.

Randy I aint never talked to or meet Hilary Clinton either and she can give some good speeches. Thing is I know her agenda . I guess under your guide lines I shouldn't say anything since I have not spoken to her personally.

Bop it does appear Randy was pulling the strings he is the one here being Joes mouth piece. :wo:

I guess you missed the point somewhere in all this. Re read the other post and say to yourself this is about something that happened it is real not imagined. Pictures of you and Joe feeding the homeless or with Mother Teresa want change the fact of what happened. I seen and heard what was going on and passed that on to my friends here. Nothing more nothing less I don't feel I bashed anyone.

QuoteBut let me ask you a question, what is so wrong with getting on someones prostaff?

Nothing at all wrong with that, its how someone gets there name out to  the point of being on someone pro staff that is usually the questions.

For the sake of not cluttering up the board with the same post over and over send a PM but keep in mine we both stand where we stand and going back in fourth doesn't do nuthing but go back in fourth.

I will support your hunt as I said before and hope all have a great time! Anything we can help with from here let me know.




I read all the posts, finished off my popcorn and now I'll tell it like it is.   (My version of how it is anyways)

Joe wanted free stuff from the vendors and used his friendship with Rich and Aaron to get it.  Promoting his contest, no matter how "good a cause", by using his friendship was wrong.   Pure and simple fact. 

Joe posted that he got a "Deal I Couldn't Pass Up" on a Western Rivers call.  Now we know how he did it.  He used his relationship with EasternCoyotes.com  to get that deal. 


This whole thing stinks, Joe.   


Quote from: CCP on September 02, 2008, 01:03:33 AM

No wonder you picked up the torch from maidians.

I'm proud to say this statement is false & this is the reason why.
The person you are talking about in my opinion wanted control over everything & he wanted to be the guy in charge, he didn't listen to other people. If you do a search on the MSPCA you won't see anyone else's name attached to it, it was all Jeff. He wanted the notariety & he got it.

We are having a meeting this month with the people that entered the hunt & anyone else that is interested. At this meeting we will discuss the future hunts but the main agenda is to elect officers. I WILL NOT BE A OFFICER.    I will continue to help in any way that I can (if they need me to) with the hunt & any future activities but I want the hunters to have control over the happenings of future events. For the past year I've worked hard to get the people together, it's time they took over, it doesn't need to be a one man show.

I don't know what Jeff got from the MSPCA, I wasn't around long enough to see what he did, but I can promise you that I haven't received anything from this hunt.


Quote from: Semp on September 02, 2008, 07:14:40 AM
I read all the posts, finished off my popcorn and now I'll tell it like it is.   (My version of how it is anyways)

Joe posted that he got a "Deal I Couldn't Pass Up" on a Western Rivers call.  Now we know how he did it.  He used his relationship with EasternCoyotes.com  to get that deal. 


I can't argue on the first comments but I think you're wrong on this one. Joe paid for that call when WR offered a special at the expo, he didn't receive a discount by being with CCP, he got the same deal as everyone else.
CCP, If I'm wrong, please correct me on this.


Alright, I have been quit enough.

Did I ask for some donations at the expo......yes

Did I interupt some conversations.......maybe.......explanation- I was awestuct by the people that were there. I was excited that I got to meet Arky, Rich Higgins, and some others. I don't remember asking any of them for anything. As a matter of fact, here is a list of the "numerous people" that I talked to. Kee's Calls, Minaska, Predator Sniper Sticks, Woods Wise, The American Outdoorsman. There were LOTS of others that I did not bother to talk to.

Did I act inappropriately.........reflecting back, yes


I sure wish you would have said something to me there. My feelings would have been hurt a bit, but I would have seen what I was doing, and been fine with it. Instead, you have humiliated me here on the board. I understand what that I was a jerk, but you acted as if nothing was wrong the whole rest of the trip and left me with a totally wrong sense of reality. I may have been the last kid chosen in dodge ball, but I am a grown man. I may fall, but I can dust myself off and get back up.

In closing, I want to say that there are still guys here that are freinds of mine (I think), if you ever want to get in touch with me. Just send me an email or a call if you have my number. If you don't, check with Bill, he has it. I don't feel wanted here any more, so I am going to bow out.

So ya'll take care.


Joe, as mentioned were not trying to to get you to leave, were trying to steer you in the right direction.
I'm taking the stance that you didn't know any better. And your currently learning that, THAT was the wrong way. :wink:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on September 02, 2008, 09:58:37 PM
Joe, as mentioned were not trying to to get you to leave, were trying to steer you in the right direction.
I'm taking the stance that you didn't know any better. And your currently learning that, THAT was the wrong way. :wink:

Bullcrap! You have let a parade of bashing Joe and Randy go on for too long!

Joe may have been in the wrong, but to let it go on at the expo was at the fault of the others who saw it going on and say nothing of it until you were able to go behind a key board.

Not one of you know Joe or Randy!

Joe and Randy are very fired up about the hunts for the predator hunting community. They are not in it for the lime light or to get noticed.
Joe is still a pup in the predator hunting world and he knows this.

Joe has been mislead in the past, but it wasnt by Maidens.
There are a few names here that I would put at the top of the list of misleading Joe.

As far as Randy Prince goes. He is one of the best predator hunters in Tennessee and could back it up if he really felt the need to. He is one of the most humble guys I have ever met and I guarantee he is not in it to be a pro staff member for anyone. If he wanted to be, he could easily do it and be successful.

It seems that every time someone wants to get something going, the people here want o drag them down and their name through the mud.


Thanks for you comments but I think it's best that we let this thread die.

I tallked to Bobeye on the phone yesterday & I'm going to try and talk to CCP too. I can't express what I want/need to say on tihs keyboard so it's better for me to talk in person or over the phone.

Let's let it go.

Guys, I'm hoping this is the last comment in this thread, I've been pissed off but I'm settled now. Any of you that want to check out the hunt are more than welcome to attend, even if a contest is not your "style" you're still invited to stop by & have a cup of Chili & meet some other hunters. This hunt will not always fall on the date of the LBL, there's a possibility that some of the hunters in this area may want to check out the LBL hunt in the future.

I'm done fellas, thanks for everyones input, I hope we settled some stuff & everyone hopefully knows that this hunt is not "competition" for the LBL.
