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Started by pitw, August 31, 2008, 10:27:56 PM

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Been reading about hunting and was getting the itch with all the calls I've gotten since last year hanging in my face everyday.

The wife kinda sorta hates these in the road.

So at 4pm I loaded up the boys and their new calls.  Bob[10] the bonehead didn't take a call to go calling coyotes and had to borrow one from Don[7] who had grabbed three.  Don called the first stand and all that came was a predator.

After a half hour of listening to coyotes howl and Donny being quiet :madd: we moved over here.

Bob's turn to call and on his second sequence [sounding like something from outer space] in comes a coyote running from the west [kinda where my gun's pointing in the pic above.  Bob don't quit calling and he's up high enough by this time that low flying aircraft have to detour around him.  That coyote went right on past and into the bush north of us.  Look back west and another is galloping in and I decided with both son's higher than the sun [trying to see] that I'd better shoot.  80 yards he came to a collapse.

right on a trail he had been running across.

One for size

and one to show the caller and call.

On the way home they had to see the school their great grand dad hauled in and helped build in 1913

Still has the desk's in it.

And then the barn he built on his place 1 1/2 mile from the school

Lotta fun and thanks for looking at my rambling.
I say what I think not think what I say.


That is awesome!! I love that whole story. The kids won't know how fortunate they are for a long time and then presto........it'll all be so fond to them.  :congrats:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Congrats pitw !!!!  Thanks for the story and all of the pics bud !  :yoyo: :congrats: :congrats:


Not enough calls Hmmmmmmmmm  :wo:
I think that is great :yoyo: I love kids getting involved.


That is too cool :yoyo: Now there's two more addicted boys.

Cool pics of the school. Kinda weired it still has everything inside. Looks like they just up and left.
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Nice job. Congrats to you and your boys. :yoyo:


That is AWESOME! Successful hunt and seeing the school and barn. What is the story with the school house still having the desks in it? A historical site?


Well to start with we have way less people around here than possibly any where in the lower 48.  The school was built in 1913 and closed in 1955.  The community held dances and such till about 67.  We painted her in 75 for a local homecoming and put new shingles on in 88[the  original ones lasted 75 years and were not leaking when we changed them].  Everybody in the community still respects the old place and kinda look after it.  The barn granddad built in 17.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Bills Custom Calls


It won't be long your gonna be doing the calling and the boys will be doing the shooting.

Great story and pics
Thanks for sharing

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call



Great story and pictures, but where do you live? I noticed the kids having jackets on already. It was still 90 degree's here yesterday.

Come on cold weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard for me to get the ambition to go when its this hot.
Ronnie Cannon



Congrats to everyone!  :congrats:

Great story and pics!   Good lookin boys ya got there.   :yoyo:

"Bob's turn to call and on his second sequence [sounding like something from outer space] in comes a coyote"

What!?   :shck:   10 years old and NO $600 e-caller?  FauxproMinaskerWT ain't gonna be happy about that!   :biggrin:   :roflmao:

Way to go Bob!!!!!!!   :highclap:


centerfire_223  we live in Alberta where the temp is 42F this morning and was 54F last evening.

Semp you won't find a $2 ecaller around me :madd:.  Me and mine learn to do everything for ourselves.  Our motto is "if you can't do it the hard way, you ain't trying".  Any damb fool can use an "easy" button but only the prople who want to better themselves don't use it.
Thanks for the reply's guys.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Hawks Feather

Neat pictures and even better story.  I liked seeing the school and hearing that it is being taken care of is great.



     Great story and pics.  Good to see you and the boys got out.  Looks like a good time for all.  Nice coyote!!!  Good callin,  Good shootin.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Cool deal!! Thanks for sharing!! Those boys look to be hooked completely if they weren't before!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Bills Custom Calls

My Grandmother started  teaching in a 1 room school house and when she retired from teaching she taught 1 more year in a one room school house

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


That is great Pit...its good to see some boys being brought up with those values. They will most certainly appreciate it down the road.

Alberta huh...you do any waterfowling up that way :eyebrow: :innocentwhistle: :biggrin:



QuoteThat is great Pit...its good to see some boys being brought up with those values. They will most certainly appreciate it down the road.


I think this is the best story and pics I have seen all year. PLEEEZZZZZZZZ keep the stories and pics  a comin  :yoyo: :yoyo:

Edited for slpelingg



That's my favorite part of hunting, sharing it with the young guys and gals.  Congrats to you and the boys!  Keep up the good work and send us some more pictures and stories. :congrats: :congrats:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Todd Rahm

Cool story!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet the kids hooked now.  :sneer: And I'm sure Braz is jazzed too.  :congrats: