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AR15 ?

Started by nastygunz, September 06, 2008, 09:50:00 AM

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I think ya nailed it Dan  :bowingsmilie:


Quote from: securpro on September 07, 2008, 05:46:45 PM
I started out this year at LBL using my AR with a 5 round magazine that I purchased a week before the LBL hunt at a gun show. When I got to my first stand I loaded that Mag with 5 soft point rounds , I killed one coyote at LBL in Febuary and one here at home in August, I just checked that mag and there are 3 rounds left in it  :confused: so my question is WHY DO YOU NEED MORE THAN 5 ROUNDS ANYWAY  :shrug: IMO if you need more than 5 rounds in any hunting rifle or more than three arrows in your bow..... YOU NEED MORE RANGE TIME !!!! :readthis:   I dont want anybody thinking that im not a fan of high cap mags because I am thats why I have about 25 30 round mags ready for use in a moments notice... :eyebrow:  I just prefer to carry a mag that is five times lighter than those big mags when I'm hunting.  and thats my .02

Well call me weird but I always use a 20 round mag, but never put over 5 in it. In KY its ok but in Ohio its not.
             I prefer the feel of the gun with this magazine. Many times Ive shot while having a firm grip on it. A 5 round magazine just doesn't do it for me. Maybe petty, but to me.....an AR15 just "Just don't look right" with a bitty 5 round mag in it. As far as the laws go...I think they are  senseless. If you got an idiot with a gun, it doesn't matter weather he has a single shot Ruger or a Bushmaster with a 30 round clip.......Hes probably gonna do somthin stupid. I know a guy uses 20 magazines in Ohio that are plugged and wont hold over 5 rounds. I wonder what would happen, if you were caught with a magazine that  ( cosmetically )  looked like a 20 but in essence was a 5. The guy hasn't put this to the test yet, but id say its just a matter of time. The whole thing is a bit like the assault weapons ban of the past. If it looks nasty......ban it !  God help us if ........you know who ends up in the White House.


If my AR isnt welcome...Neither am I! :yoyo:

ARShooter...I'm with you! An AR just doesnt look right without at least a 20rounder!

I sometime's like to tape two 30's together just In case I get into a whole herd of yote's :iroll:
"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"



I will agree my AR looks real nice with  a 20 rounder in it!!! I also understand the limitation of the 5 rounds, doesn't mean I agree with it. Here in Iowa we have a limit on DEER rifles, but not others. Hell, I use an extended mag tube on my shotgun for deer season and thats legal, and yes I have needed all 8 rounds, not because I am a bad shot but because I had that many deer to shoot at. WE hunt in groups and drive deer during the shotgun season. I have put down several deer, not just bucks, during a drive and the extra rounds do come in handy. I hunt with 10 guys in my group and we fill about 18 to 20 tags in 2 days. I also hunt coyotes with an AR and 20 round mags and have never fired more than one round at a coyote! I guess self restraint and proper training keep me from doin the spray and pray thing, maybe we as hunters and gun owners need to make sure people that are using these types of guns understand how to properly handle them instead of just pointing fingers and saying they were the problem. I have helped many young people learn to shoot properly and how to control themselves. If we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem.

George Ackley

I like the plastic 5 round clip,, try and keep them light as I can, I don't think I ever shot my 5 round mag empty wail on a stand
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: George Ackley on September 09, 2008, 10:01:05 AM
I like the plastic 5 round clip,, try and keep them light as I can, I don't think I ever shot my 5 round mag empty wail on a stand
Ive only fired 2x while on stand. (Missed both times). :madd:

George Ackley

witch AR you shooting
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: George Ackley on September 09, 2008, 07:10:27 PM
witch AR you shooting
All that follows is IMHO :
Lately Ive been using a Bushmaster Predator for my coyote callin. Cant say enough good about the gun, or Bushmasters service. Any good AR15 with a quality barrel, that's floated along with hand loads  that are worked up (for that particular gun) and a good shooter of course, should be capable of AT LEAST .75 - 1.0 MOA. The attached target is TYPICAL for my Predator AR. Its basically around a .50 -.75 gun..... ( When I'm on and no wind ) .( I'm not the best wind reader ). The scope used was a 3X9 Leupold. On this day : I was in my groove and there was Zero wind. This was the last of 5 targets and the barrel was HOT. None of the other targets were over .75.
  I have custom built AR's that are MUCH more accurate  however. Two of which are a White Oak Varmint and Compass Lake Varmint. Both of these guns on a good day - with little if any wind - and I'm on.... will easily shoot .40 and below..............ALL DAY LONG. One of the targets below was shot using the White Oak. 5 shots with a group that measures .27 is a better group that I ever shot with a bolt gun..... (that Ive personally owned). Gas guns are GREAT ! If this particular gun ever goes over .50, I know its either me or my loads.....NOT THE GUN.
  I only own 1 bolt gun now. I haven't had it out for 2 years. A few years ago after reading the book "Black Magic The Ultra Accurate AR-15" by John Feamster, I started shooting AR'S and haven't looked back. I love the things. I'm not into the shootem up rambo para military crap. I shoot High Power Rifle Competition occasionally, but more than anything I'm a hunter and an accuracy NUT. The AR15 satisfies this old squirrel in that area fur sure.
The Bushmaster Predator is my totin calling gun. I didn't really need it but it was such a SUPER DEAL, I just couldn't say no. Its a bit lighter than my others and its accuracy is more than adequate for Coyote hunting in KY - OH - WV. Of all my coyotes Ive only killed 2 that were over 150 yards. Most shots in my parts are rarely over 85 -100 yards. However with my Predator shooting prone off a pod I would bet $$ on bustin a standing coyote @ 250 yards (using a scope in say the 4X12 range). With my White Oak Varmint and 18X scope,  Id go 350 without blinking.(with very little if any wind of course). However......Any QUALITY AR even without a floated barrel, should be capable of 1.50  MOA  with good hand loads.( As long as you don't have the barrel so hot its about to melt ). That's plenty accurate for coyotes under 150 yards with a decent shooter.
   When I can I'm going to post some PRAISES for 5 companies. Bushmaster - White Oak Armament - Compass Lake - Dillon Precision and Badlands Packs. On forums many times  people are upset at companies. Ive had my share of bad luck too. But NOT with any of these.
   Well Ive rambled a good bit here but cut me a bit of slack....I'm old and I just LOVE huntin and shootin ! Ive tried to attach some pictures. A Predator target - Me with the Predator and a coyote and  my White Oak Varmint.

George Ackley

Yea I am sold on my AR also,, I don't really try any shots with over 150 yard if I don't have to but it shoots well

the photo was a cold windy night on my high rack  ,, went out after dinner shot the coyote as it ran in front of the truck and up on a brim of a tank, stopped him and made the shot.
the cat was at the first stand I made after killing the coyote , called in a small pack of coons and this cat worked its way in to about 30 yard and sat down. then back to the heated house I went..

can get cold up in the rack ,,,took couple more cat and 2 badgers the next day

here is good early season eastern,

couple more week and it will start up again this year
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Couple more pictures. Shot this hog @ 290 Yards off my truck hood and sand bag with my White Oak Varmint. Yep...I was going for a head shot.
If you want one of the best most ultra accurate AR'S out there, give John Holliger a call at 309-376-2288. A great guy and one of the VERY BEST in the business. It may cost you just a bit more at first,  but its like a good scope......you'll only cry once. (Johns trigger work is also fantastic).

Notice 20 round magazine. Why the mag pull if I'm not into the paramilitary thing ? I hang my Foxpro remote on it.

George Ackley

good photos, I cant use the AR here in PA ,  I think i am going to talk to Dan Carry
In AZ about my next one i am looking for a long range large caliber for long shots on hog down south.
I dont even know witch cal. i am looking for just yet,
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


   Great shootin. Great pictures too !

   What part of the country are you in ?


   Sorry about that. I was distracted by the TV.

   So your in the beautiful state of PA.

   I do a lot of kayaking on the Yough. One wild river.

   That's how I got my bionic arm.......kayaking.

   Was Creekin .....(doin waterfalls and such) down in N.C.

   But I can still blow a call and pull a trigger....Thank the Lord !


Quote from: George Ackley on September 09, 2008, 10:46:10 PM
good photos, I cant use the AR here in PA ,  I think i am going to talk to Dan Carry
In AZ about my next one i am looking for a long range large caliber for long shots on hog down south.
I dont even know witch cal. i am looking for just yet,
Give John a call. He might be able to help you out.

George Ackley

We do a lot of canoeing, every spring from the Delaware Water gap down to Philly, I would think its around 60 miles  . we camp right on the little islands on the river . good time . but I am having a harder time with the canoes I am looking at getting a good white water rafted for me and the gear.   The Delaware Has some good water nothing crazy but spotted with some small fast water.

A nd good fishing all the way down to the city
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump