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tonights stand

Started by bigben, September 29, 2008, 06:54:58 PM

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Almost forgot.  I have know Bigben for about 5 years now.  He is an safe ethical hunters.  One of those young men that actually made Eagle Scout too.   Yep what I like about his research he has done on some of the things I learned from him about shooting.  Shotgun patterns and special things to add to lights to make the night time caller more stealth and safe.  Yep here in Pa we can hunt at night time.  I would feel real safe with Ben calling for me up wind with a gun and me down wind 100 yards of his position waiting for the coyote to come past me on his way to see Ben's dying rabbit. 

THO Game Calls

Since you brought up the Spin Machine Jason R Bruce, could you please put your spin on this one for us?

You said, you had known Rich Cronk for 7 or 8 years on line.   You said, you had talked to him 5 years ago on the phone.

How is it Jason R Bruce, that there is no mention of a JRBHunter on the internet prior to 2004, and since Mr. C was a Moderator at PM well before 2003, how is it that you, joining in May of 2004, have known him for 7 or 8 years on line?  How is it you spoke to him on the phone before you ever even knew him?

If you are embellishing these facts to bolster your image, your knowledge, your skill as a hunter, please explain why we should believe you would not embellish other facts as well, and why anyone should ever take anything you say in the future with more than a grain of salt.

In addition to trying to make a name for yourself by misrepresenting facts too easy to check,  you seem to have a complete disregard for basic hunting safety.  I know of no experienced hunter who would advocate climbing a tree stand without a safety harness.  No hunter who would point a firearm in the direction of his hunting partner under any circumstances with the exception of attempting to dispatch dangerous game in time of emergency.   Yet you scoff at those of us who would not condone such activities.  

I do not see how you can honestly justify these actions, the numbers, or the statements you have made in this thread.  What you could bring to the table in any discussion will now always be met with "is he telling the truth or just trying to make himself look good again?"  You've severely damaged your credibility by not doing as you suggested.  It might be high time for you to
Quotetake a deep breath and think about what you're posting

Your rude and arrogant manner has now caught up with you.  I am sure you are going to try and spin it till the cows come home, but the fact remains, you are just another guy who will do and say anything to make himself look good in the eyes of others in a vain attempt to feed his ego.  

I feel sorry for you Jason R Bruce.  If you were truly as good as you would have us believe you are, you wouldn't have to try to make yourself look better by making others look bad.  You have squandered what talents have been given to you in an effort to prove to the world that you are someone, and, to an extent, you have succeeded.  Unfortunately it is not someone many of us would want to associate with.


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


QuoteI think they're heading to a location where they can smell and/or see the sound source- via structure/cover/terrain that will keep them hidden.  I kill coyotes on their way to that location: not to a speaker.

I agree and anyone that has watched my video can tell you we usually setup for where the coyote checks up not at the sound source. This is from years of calling coyotes not a guess or what I think but from real world experience.

There are guys that find scat and tracks and say hey there are coyotes here. Lets set the call out there and we will set here by the tree line. In these cases a person should be able to see the caller at all times.

Then there are guys that see scat and tracks and spend the time putting it all together and know how the coyote is entering and leaving the area. These guys setup  and adjust there tactic's to funnel the coyote where they wont it to go.

If you set the caller out in the field at random and shoot a coyote at the first opportunity of a shot then you will more than likely not be able to understand what is being said here. By watching coyotes approach that last 80 yards you will see they are very predictable how they use the terrain. By using this predictability in your sets it will help produce more coyotes because you will make better stand selections.

QuoteEven the great Dennis Kirk will tell you that predators will get in the loudest or strongest part of the speaker.

This is so true!! I have seen several times coyotes stick there nose in the speaker with the volume turned all the way up. By having the sound pointed down wind and yourself down wind  is a win win situation in most cases.

QuoteMost times all I hear is the shot down wind of the electronic caller or my calling.

After awhile one realizes in my area coyote coming from up wind is 1 in 100 and I had rather have the 100 than the 1 any day.

edited for spelling



JRB, I'm going to give you a tip on photography. When you post a picture of a pile of coyotes, like you did on August 8th, and claim that you shot them, like you did on August 8th, you should turn the coyotes so that the trap marks on the legs are not showing in the picture. :roflmao:

Look close at the legs. That dosen't look like bullitt holes to me. :roflmao:
You've got about as much credibility here as Fanny Mae. :rolleye:


I have seen that pic on another forum by another person.....I said the same thing.......Trap marks, clear to see.


Quote from: weedwalker on October 07, 2008, 02:45:17 AM
JRB, I'm going to give you a tip on photography. When you post a picture of a pile of coyotes, like you did on August 8th, and claim that you shot them, like you did on August 8th, you should turn the coyotes so that the trap marks on the legs are not showing in the picture. :roflmao:

Look close at the legs. That dosen't look like bullitt holes to me. :roflmao:
You've got about as much credibility here as Fanny Mae. :rolleye:

Quote from: alscalls on October 07, 2008, 05:46:11 AM
I have seen that pic on another forum by another person.....I said the same thing.......Trap marks, clear to see.

OOPS!    :roflmao:


LOL!!!!!  This is why!!!   :roflmao:

Al, you're obviously an expert on credibility- seeing as how a swarm of suckups have kept you afloat and left you loosely perceived in this crowd as a legitimate predator caller.  That swarm gets thinner and thinner each time you try to take a poke at me, with emails and pm's and phone calls coming in to separate themselves from your squandered username.   It seems the backbone of your argument gets weaker and weaker each time too- all that remains is your venomous hatred of me and my success with few connections to predator calling or the discussion at hand.

We've been down this road before with the timing and dating of my JRB username and my appearance online: Mr. Cronk will not come here to deny speaking with me in 2003 about sponsoring a rendezvous with his calls (which he did in 04- thanks) nor speaking to me on an old forum for trappers and predator callers (Huntersite/Huntsite?).  He won't do it- because you've assumed the roll of aggressor here since he talked himself into a corner with the 300 Kentucky coyotes comment... you of all people know what its like to have your back against the wall Al.   Bait & Switch, duck & weave, spray & pray.  You've lived that way online for years- eventually ending up HERE to make your final stand in a community that doesn't laugh at you in unison (yet).  Every couple months you give up in shame and drift away into depression then resurface again full of spite- but we both know it's inevitable- you've put a lot of miles on those Velcro shoes.

On the issue of safety, I'm all for you and your suit of bubble wrap Al.  To each their own, myself and many others prefer to live differently.  I've seen you ridicule a dozen people on these forums in your true internet-expert way... with advice on safety and barks about dangerous situations.  The real world doesn't work the way you see on the Sportsmen's Channel Al... Harnesses are extremely rare, helmets aren't commonplace and earmuffs are near non-existent on hunters in the field round these parts.  Lifejackets, Hans Devises, Steel Toes & Hardhats all serve a purpose in some applications... but most of us in the real world take an assumed amount of risk on a daily basis and live to tell about it.

I hope the bandwagon gets full off that post- because it's certainly taboo to discuss anything but the most extreme safety measures on an internet forum.  Wouldn't be the first time my realistic approach and brutal honesty wedged me up against the rocks.  LOL!  Have at it!  Your diversionary tactics and apparent "side-bets" never pan out in these discussions Al.

As for the trap line picture... man you guys busted me!  LOL!   :roflmao:  Weedwalker, Alscalls & Semp you just put yourself out in left field with that one!  That photo is actually the property of a young man named Alan from Michigan that I hardly know- he was a client that I guided for two days and he snapped that picture as we wrapped up his hunt.  Great guy with a level head and willingness to learn.   He posted that picture on his home state forums, and on Midwest Predator Hunters, and I stole my copy from that thread.  I never took a picture of those coyotes myself.  He and one other FNF member watched each those kills take place in the field (as in bang/flop)... and a few more MPH guys inspected those animals (for 22-250 fur damage) when we set them up for skinning.

I'm sure ole' Woodard remembers those threads popping up here and there- further deflating his hopes I was all talk- or he would've jumped on this bandwagon of fake pictures.   He probably said "oh shit" when he saw this trapmark conspiracy theory develop because he knew it'd be quickly squashed like all his other loosely wound rants over the years.  Absolutely zero substance to the trapping claims- zilch.  (Mental Note) The only coyote traps I own are custom built for live market trappers and you'll find that rarely does any coyote I trap have visible foot damage whatsoever.  A mark on that leg would make an $80 coyote worth $8 so live market guys take those offsets & laminating real serious!

The simple facts, I do a pretty respectable job of killing coyotes in my area... and I'm confident in where I stand on these discussions of tactics and technique regardless of who disagrees.   Truth is, Rich Baxter and I have probably brought more good solid calling discussion to the table here in this thread than Semp & THO have in their history of FNF membership combined.  Seriously.  This thread has been very interesting and worth the read: right up to the point THO saw an opportunity to try and creep back up that make believe ladder of his with the help of some conspiracy theories.  Now AL stands corrected, now the peanut gallery has egg on their face, and the thread is forever doomed.

Egocentric?  Self Centered?  Know-it-all? Cocky?  A little yes, but not nearly in the way it comes across online!  I see how my comments are taken, I understand that, and honestly it's not entirely accidental.  Why don't I just change the way I post and conform with mainstream predator gab?  Why not turn belly up anytime someone twice my age post in contradiction?  If I were here to make friends or build alliances I would do just that and avoid these discussions- but I'm here to learn from others and question my own methods in hopes of getting better at what I do.

You'll notice that very rarely, if ever, will these shitstorms attacking my character involve a coyote hunting related issue. They usually derive from someone's ego getting bruised, someone's ties to a particular product, or an old online grudge that someone can't let go.  These shitstorms will often be full of accusations about my income, my family, my age, false photos or my neighbor's cousin's ex-wife being accused of check deception. 

I'll take those attacks all day long- as they've lead me to some of the best coyote information I've ever seen.  Just last night I had great discussions about coyotes with two successful hunters simply because of the ignorance you boys have showed here- tickles me to death.  I scribbled down three ideas that I'd never thought of before last night, and I hope like hell they pay off at least once this fall.


Quote from: Jrbhunter on October 07, 2008, 09:00:03 AM
If I were here to make friends or build alliances I would do just that and avoid these discussions-

At least you have admitted that you are NOT here to make friends.   That's the point I have been making for some time now.   My issue with you has never been about what you know or don't know about coyote hunting.  Your narcissistic attitude and abrasive personality is the issue.  But you are only 26 years old so you've got time to learn.........the hard way. 

Good hunting.



I've yet to see you make a point in these discussions Semp- you've been a constant voice of emotion and a puppet on a string for Al Woodard over the last year or so and nothing more.  You've repeatedly argued my advice and tried to shoot holes in my credibility then looked up to Al with a puppy dog face waiting for a head pat- that has nothing to do with your newfound "point" that I'm not here for group hugs.

We all visit these forums for our own reasoons.  Some of us are serious about coyote hunting and enjoy the company of others of similar interest and various experience levels.  Some of us are good ole' boys that enjoy bullshitting with other good ole' boys and this predator calling website somehow seems to be a fine place to get the daily fix of socializing. 

A quick review of your "Previous Post" will show where your intentions lie Semp: we are what we are and I make no apologies for where I stand anymore than you do.  I hunt coyotes, I talk coyotes, research coyotes and I enjoy getting to know those who do the same.   I visit many other forums that, like here, hold a variety of friends and aquaintences in the predator calling world.  I have far more friends than adversaries in this crowd, I'm just one of the few willing to take the time and slug my way thru a good conversation on occasion while most remain silent and laugh under their breath.  Since this is the last place ole' Al Woodard resides... my posting here is like walking a minefield of emotional IED's that interejct diversions into otherwise great coyote discussions.  I'll take the collateral damage of Al's chemical emballance so long as I continue to learn more about coyotes and hone my skills as a hunter.

You're right that I have plenty of time to learn... and I'm grateful to be where I am in life.


CCP, and others interested in learning,

The technique of placing a shooter down-wind of the caller is not new, and it is a very good way to kill some  wised up or otherwise "spooky" coyotes.  If you hunt with a pardoner and use electronic caller, you would be wise to have one hunter cross-wind of the caller so that he can whack the coyotes that  approach from a direction other than directly down-wind.  When calling solo like I do about 99 percent of the time, you need to set up in a way that you can see the area around the caller. Search out small clearings like the one in CCP's earlier video clip. If you watch the clip, and read CCP's explanation of the wind blowing from left to right, you will better understand the caller placement I recommend in that particular situation. They had expected the incoming coyotes to check up on the hilltop which appears to be about top center of the video screen.  I would place the caller to far left of the screen, and about 50 yards out in the field. I would park my butt up against a tree on outside edge of the timber, rather than hiding inside the timber like CCP and crew did. I would do this so that I would not have to shoot through trees and brush when the coyote showed up. You do take the chance of a coyote or two catching your scent or seeing you when you walk out cross-wind to set the caller down, but  you always take the chance of spooking a coyote or two everytime you walk into their living room.  Someone needs to be watching the area around the caller. That is my best advice.  If you choose to ignore my advice, that is your choice. No hard feelings on my part. This will be my last attempt at giving calling advice on a public forum. I have learned from experience that giving good advice on a public board is almost always followed by someone giving BAD advice. Now a new guy who is hungry for calling information does not know who to believe.
Foxpro Field staff


JRB, Here is what you posted with the picture on August 8th....

Two years ago I had a client come in from Michigan in early February.  I'd had a good year locally... but that meant most of my productive farms had been pounded all winter so I was leary about our chances of getting him his first coyote in just one day of hunting.   I knew I would have to mix it up a little in order to put coyotes in front of him.  By using crow and hawk sounds in a series of wooded and partially wooded stands we managed to get him his first coyote and his first double that day.   He also put some lead in what was apparently the toughest coyote on the continent: we tracked what appeared to be gallons of blood before we lost it.   

I cashed in on the change-of-pace myself by killing several that got around him or came in on top of me.   All-in-all, we had a great day despite an incredible amount of calling pressure on those coyotes... and in several cases it was the ambient sounds that killed those coyotes.   There are a lot of factors that go into succesfully calling coyotes- even more factors involved in CONSISTANTLY being succesful.   There aren't any silver bullets out there that make things easy but as you develop more and more coyote knowledge you will feel like the stars simply align and things start clicking for you.

Here is a picture of the truck before my Michigan friend went home- the Red Fox and two of the buried coyotes were actually taken the day before he arrived.  I was on cloud 9 when this picture was snapped because I had just gunned down a 3 legged female on a farm that had been jynxed for me for years.  She came in 5 minutes into the stand- solely to a crow call.

Quote from: weedwalker on October 07, 2008, 02:45:17 AM

Quote from: Jrbhunter on October 07, 2008, 09:00:03 AM

As for the trap line picture… man you guys busted me!  LOL!   :roflmao:  Weedwalker, Alscalls & Semp you just put yourself out in left field with that one! 

JRB you also used the same picture back on April 15th and claimed you killed those coyotes with squirrell sounds. I'm looking forward to another one of your exciting hunt stories with that picture again. :biggrin:
JRB you're so full of BS it's starting to drip off of my screen.


I guess I'm confused here... are they trapped coyotes or are you perplexed by the use of more than one sound on a day of calling?   You can't even pick a platform on which to argue.  What seems to be the descrepency?

It says right there in your August quote- as in the April quote- as with any time I've discussed that hunt- that ambient sounds and "Change of pace" distress sounds killed those coyotes.  That is solid calling advice from a productive late season tactic- you can't spin that out of context and derive any deception on my part. 

Weedwalker, you are apparently looking at the dark shin colorations on a couple of those coyotes and calling them "trap marks".  That says enough for your ignorance that no respectable coyote hunter or trapper has read another word of your post.  Do you think fur bruises? LOL! 

You dug this picture up from months ago because it stuck in your throat when I posted it and is lodged in your brain yet today.  You're not the only eastern guy that despises pictures like that, pictures that debunk the myths folks purpetuate on these forums about uncallable and educated Eastern Coyotes.  I have a few more that catch people's eye- but I'm not foolish enough to take those pictures without plenty of references and witnesses! LOL! 

After looking up his old threads on that hunt I have a couple clarifications- for those interested in the fact checking.

His name is Aaron L, not Alan.   He came in February of 2007, 21 months ago but not "a couple years" as I stated.  I killed 2 coyotes behind another hunter the evening before he arrived and the Red Fox the morning before.  That should clarify "a couple coyotes and the fox" for the doubting Thomas's.

Aaron and I killed 5 coyotes together... there were 3 extras in the truck before we started calling not 2... one was a nasty one refused by a furbuyer after the IPC.  Also, we called 9 in a day and a half he was here not 8.  He wounded one, I believe we both missed at least one, and my partner from the day before also missed one.

Here's a picture of the 3 legged coyote with a twisted up ball for a stub... in case that was also disputed!  LOL!!

Pick your battles a little more wisely Weedwalker.  You've just hit the end of your rope.


JRB, you posted the pics, not me. I'm only pointing out the inconsistency in your statements. I'm no expert coyote hunter, and unlike you, I don't claim to be. But I am pretty good a picking out people that are full of shit. And I have you pegged there.
You do a lot of typing to not say anything. It's like you have an overpowering urge to impress people with your fantasies. Well, I'm not impressed. :rolleye:


Show me the inconsistancies... show me the trap marks... show me some form of logic behind the content you have added to this thread.


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: I don't see how you can defend that pic. It speaks for its self. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, it shows that your words don't mean squat.


Oh... now I understand where you're coming from!   :whew:




I am probably the worst coyote hunter on all these boards combined. My 1st coyote came after FIVE years of trying. It would have been a double had I not MISSED the 2nd one.   :eyebrow:  I used a hand call for this pair. Now my 2nd coyote came about 17 months later over my FX3. So now I'm up to 2(TWO) coyotes in 6 1/2 years. 7 years ago this past June was when I started calling them. I was in a tree stand with the tape player speaker on the ground BELOW me. Which I believe makes it downwind correct? Within the 1st 3 minutes a coyote came up over the hill from behind & on my right. I'm right handed & couldn't turn far enough to get the shot. But I was hooked. Since then I know FOR A FACT I've called in 14 other coyotes because I have seen them but not gotten the shot. So all in all I've called in 17 coyotes that I HAVE SEEN. I killed 2 & missed one (3) plus the 14 I've seen makes 17 for the scorekeepers.

Now having said that you don't read ANY of my posts about how great I am at NOT calling & killing coyotes. I don't feel the need to brag to anybody that I've probably made OVER 350 stands with a Western Rivers tape player, a 416B & an FX3 plus many many stands with hand calls only. I also do not like to post pictures of my hunts. Especially with NO dead coyotes in them.  :nofgr:  Now I defy anybody to come forward with the numbers I've put up here & tell me they are worse than me. 

I just want to have fun & enjoy nature while I'm out. But I also never go out without a serious intention of killing a coyote. I try to do everything right but it's tough when you're in the hills with constantly swirling winds but that doesn't stop me from adding to my pathetic numbers. But on the bright side,, I highly doubt ANYBODY has made as many dry stands as I have & I STILL GO OUT & TRY TO KILL COYOTES.

So if anybody doubts my colossal number of futile attempts,,  I'm extending an invitation out to anybody that wants to see 1st hand how bad I really am. Stop by & we'll screw up a set or 3 in a matter of about 2hrs with driving time. And maybe even lunch in between the 1st 2 stands.

I'm done now & I challenge anybody to a duel of pathetic numbers of coyotes per stand/year(s) because I know FOR A FACT how pathetic I really am. I just don't like to brag much tho.

I gotta go now. My arm hurts from smacking myself in the head for giving away the best kept secret on the internet.   :sad:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Carolina Coyote

HaMer, With all the expertize I see on this tread I'm sure someone can help you get your Kill ratio up, sounds like you are doing a pretty good job calling them in and I sure you have had a lot of fun making all those setups and beside you got to spend valuable time in the Great outdoors, I'm sure you, VV and Bill can lay them on the ground.CC  :biggrin:


"Mr. Cronk will not come here to deny speaking with me in 2003 about sponsoring a rendezvous with his calls (which he did in 04- thanks) nor speaking to me on an old forum for trappers and predator callers (Huntersite/Huntsite?).  He won't do it- because you've assumed the roll of aggressor here since he talked himself into a corner with the 300 Kentucky coyotes comment"
I actually DID donate a few calls to JRB's site, and I may have talked to him over on the HuntSeek board a few years ago. I don't recall talking with JRB over there, but it is certainly possible. I had an enjoyable online trading of calling techniques with JRB and others on his Indiana site for awhile.  JRB is actually pretty knowledgeable about coyote calling. I don't know when or where he picked up the idea  that it is a good idea to place the call behind him where he can't see it, but it really surprised me to learn that JRB actually swallowed that notion. I didn't back myself into a corner with a 300 Kentucky coyotes remark though. I only stated that I know an old guy down in Kentucky who has probably called and killed more coyotes already this fall than the great JRB has called in his entire career. Now understand that JRB is just a 26 year old kid, so his career can't be all that long of a time period. JRB has a very large ego that he needs to stroke by talking loud, and showing disrespect for his elders. He is unable to admit that he may well be wrong about anything coyote, but then I have decided to consider the source. JRB has insulted me with loud and unseemly language here for all to see. He has inferred that I have a closed mind, and he actually believes that he has defeated me here. I have been defeated a few times, but not by the likes of JRB. I am trying to tame my temper these days. I have become older and wiser with my advancing age. JRB will one day learn that he isn't as wise as he once thought. I would love to speak with him face to face one day. Maybe I will get that chance. Things are mighty different in real face to face conversations than you see while sitting behind a key board.  :wink:
Foxpro Field staff