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Started by bigben, September 29, 2008, 06:54:58 PM

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Quote from: Semp on October 08, 2008, 03:26:29 PM
JRB has already admitted he's not here to make any friends.  He's here to tell lies and more lies and piss people off.  

Let's see how he spins and lies his way out of this one.

Have at it, JRB.  Tell us a another good 'un.   :innocentwhistle:

What exactly is "this one" Semp?   You're embarassing your buddies Semp... just wait until one of them pats you on the shoulder and gives you the nod.   Then come in barking.   :roflmao:

Please point out a lie, or simply sit there in silence and hope folks forget that you were once again pointed out.


Spin and lie is all you do, JRB.  You have no credibility.  But your ego won't let you see that.   You want no friends here.  All you want to do is LIE and play the troll.

So tell us another lie and post another bullshit pic but make it sound good this time.   


"I'm a humble student in this game, and I continue to learn with each discussion like this.  My mind is open to all new ideas and I'll gladly try a handful of new tactics each season that I picked up from guys all across the country.  What you've done here is walked into a discussion on Eastern coyotes and hypothosized that what I "DO" with moderate success simply will never work"
I didn't say that it would NEVER work. I simply stated that placing the caller behind you where you can't see the area around it is never a good idea.

"I thought I had made myself clear, but I'll try again.  On a very small percentage of the stands I make... stands in thick cover... when hunting alone... I PERSONALLY found it advantageous for me to be between the sound source and the coyotes likely approach route.   Let's not complicate this- we're now talking about 5 stands a year... maybe 10... out of hundreds."
I see that your tune has changed quite a lot Jason. At first you made it sond like the one and only best method, and now it is one out of 50 stands, or maybe even one out of  hundreds of stands? Interesting, but is starting to make a little bit better sense. If you go to same stand three times, and have the same coyote bust you from the same place every time, we are talking about a whole nother  problem. I have dealt with that problem a time or two myself.  I return to the area another day, place the caller where I normally would sit my big butt down.  Then I walk to one side some 50 yards or so, but can still see the caller. It sometimes works.

"This is something I have never understood- why in the hell would things be different in a face to face meeting?   It just blows me away how many guys will make this comment... then walk up and shake my hand and discuss coyotes at one function or another.  It's asinine to think that I would type something here that I wouldn't say to your face, or on the phone Mr. Cronk,"
You already know the anwer to that one Jason. It is pretty safe to hide behind a key board and insult a man. To do the same while face to face could be very dangerous indeed. I went to an Orthopedic surgeon this morning. He thinks I hve a torn  meniscus in my right knee. Tomorrow night at 9:00 I am scheduled for an M.R.I
If surgery is needed, I will be out of comission for awhile but will be healed up before snow is flying. I will be taking myself out calling before long. Maybe we will meet face to face one day Jason. Maybe we will. The more insults you make, the sooner that day will come.  I am very calm and collected right now Jason. How about you taking your own advice?
Foxpro Field staff


Quote from: Jrbhunter on October 08, 2008, 02:35:46 PM
I'll give THO and Browning204 a full week COMBINED to match those numbers.  Anybody want to take odds?   :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:  You guys are too much fun!

Now Jason, was that really needed? why would you drag me into this? I have all I can do to watch my stream and think about wind!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

THO Game Calls

Jason R Bruce

Give recent events, and based on your dwindling credibility on this board, I have to pass.   

There is no proof Jason R Bruce, that you actually shot that coyote.  The picture could have been taken from any number of small obscure web sites on the net.  The picture could be years old.  It could be a picture of a coyote that a friend shot recently.   It could be, Jason R Bruce, the only coyote you ever shot.  I don't know.  We only have your word, and as has already been stated Jason R Bruce, your word, based on the photographic evidence you have posted recently is in question.

I hunt coyotes for the fun of it.  Not to prove anything to anyone else.  If you want us to believe that you shoot 100 coyotes a year, and that makes you happy, wonderful.  It is your choice.  If you want us to believe you are the greatest coyote hunter that ever lived, fine.   If that's what you want, I wont argue with you.  One can never win an argument with another man who has no integrity, because he just keeps changing his story, until, as in the photo posted earlier, it all unravels and comes apart, which sooner or later, it surely will.   So since we have reason to believe that your stories sooner or later tend to unravel Jason R Bruce, there is no reason to play in the middle.   It's just a waste of time and bandwidth.

As for this statement

QuoteThis is something I have never understood- why in the hell would things be different in a face to face meeting?   It just blows me away how many guys will make this comment then walk up and shake my hand and discuss coyotes at one function or another

I'm sure that most men who meet you for the first time and get a good look at you, just feel so damn sorry for you that they just have not got it in them to screw you up any more than you already are.     Most of us have a sort of "man code".  We dont hit women, children, or the mentally challenged.   Which gets you pretty much off the hook in a couple of categories if not all three. 

You, your ego, and your bogus pictures need to go find a new sand box to play in.

I hope you have a wonderful night. 



Browning204 - you are becoming quite the wise guy.   How is the coyote hunting going?

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

THO Game Calls

Perhaps Jason R Bruce, you will tell us how it is you come here today, October 8th, and post a photograph of a coyote that you, Jason R Bruce, claim to have shot today, October 8th 2008, when the Indiana Coyote season does not even open until October 15th?

Did you, Jason R Bruce, shoot this coyote out of season?

Did you shoot it as Animal Damage Control, and if you did, please tell us the exact location of the kill, weather you own the property or not, and if not, please provide some eveidence that you had, prior to the taking of the coyote, written land owner permission to do so?  Remember, proof.  Your word, because it is already in question, will not sufuice.  Proof that you are a licensed wildlife damage control officer will also suffice.   Scanned copes should fill the bill as long as they can be verified by an independant source.

Or, are you just a poacher?

Have a wonderful night

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


dang this thread turned to a shitpile quick.  there is some good info in there for those that like to read.  but for the ones saying that those coyotes where trapped have some dang good vision.  I have been trappin for 10 years now and I could not see any disturbance where the jaws would catch a coyote on the paw.  as much as I think that JRB is cocky I hate to say I do not believe he caught them coyotes.  there seemed to be alot of chit throwin and when ya got someone that really does not give a chit who they piss off or on then it keeps going.  I aint gonna ask JRB to stop though however.  I feel that anyone has the right to defend their thought or opinion.  so with that onward.

THO I will get some pics this weekend of the first setup just so I can put your mind at ease about my safety.

George.  you have explained your way of callin to me in pm's and unless you plan on walking down the steep side of the mountian to call which is more then a 45 deg slope ya aint gonna call it effectivly.  and no place to park the whole way.  

CCP thanks a bunch for the posts,  ya helped me a good bit

uncle buck.  glad to see ya make yer way over here.  hope ya like it and stay a bit.

Rich.  I respect your opinion but I will have to tell ya keepin the call in sight has produced for me but I will never know what I might be missin if I do not try it.  the more I think about it the more the original setup that ccp posted makes sense.  I do know however that I would never shoot towards or anywhere in the vacinity of my hunting partner.  no coyote is worth it.
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Quote from: THO Game Calls on October 08, 2008, 05:10:38 PM

Browning204 - you are becoming quite the wise guy.   How is the coyote hunting going?

Wise guy? How?

Coyote hunting?

Again, couldn't tell you. To busy with the kids and family, sucks to be me if I wanna hunt I guess.

But when I do hunt this year, I have a couple spots up north to try out. Some private some public. Seems like all the land around here has had claims laid on it already.  :sad:

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

THO Game Calls

There are over 20,000 acres of land just 20 minutes from you to hunt.   Public land.  I'm sure you could find many many places that would be productive.   No one has or can lay claim to it.  A fact which you expertly exploted by hunting the 1/2 acre spot you were shown within that 20,000 acres, time and time and time again.

That is just "not cool" as you would say.   It has nothing to do with laying claim, and everything to do with honor and respect.


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.  ~Albert Einstein


Every dog has it's day. It only takes one time for someone to be less than affable to change a certainty.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: THO Game Calls on October 08, 2008, 06:05:46 PM
time and time and time again.

No Pissing match, that would be "not cool" but I must ask. Could you please explain the above?

As I said to you before, that spot I have hunted twice (2) without you. Once with Omega ( which you ran off of FNF) and once with my bro-in-law. My bro-in-law in fact which lives in Derry, owns his own business AND works at Logan Airport to provide insurance to his young family. He works 6 days a week, EVERY week. We needed a spot that MIGHT just might produce something so the poor guy can say that he got out, held his new AR and saw a critter. Soon real soon after we sat down and started to call, we heard automatic gun fire from that trash pit. Needless to say we quickly packed up and left to go to Chester rod and gun to kill paper.

First you give me the dickens about the spot that I am talking about and then you give me the dickens about the raccoon spot that you posted HERE for all to see. Nasty came in and knew the area. So to help me he went out and took pics and wrote about its location to help me, we have never even met but he tried to help. I know you realized your errror and I am fine with that but come on man, I can't remember the last time I went hunting other than in my Parents land and the powerlines and swamp than run along 28 in Derry/Londonderry.

Please don't say that I disrespected anyone, I don't play that game. Omega has got me access to TONS of private land WAY up off 93. He has gotten me night and bait permits for other areas up there also. All I had to do is E-mail him my name, address and contact # for the paper work. I didn't ask, he offered. I don't ask to go, he calls me when he wants company because I don't step on anyones spots unless it is " totally cool" with them.

I am sorry that we don't see this issue in the same light!  :shrug:

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


tho, I wont get into this too "deep".....but it wasnt me that you pushed into the pond which I heard is pretty "shallow" anyways  :roflmao:


Quote from: Jrbhunter on October 08, 2008, 02:35:46 PM

Quote from: Rich on October 07, 2008, 04:19:09 PM
Things are mighty different in real face to face conversations than you see while sitting behind a key board.  :wink:

This is something I have never understood- why in the hell would things be different in a face to face meeting?   It just blows me away how many guys will make this comment... then walk up and shake my hand and discuss coyotes at one function or another. 

Trust me JRB when I tell you that your day is coming.  :eyebrownod:
NOW, I know that a vaginal blister such as yourself will sue and have a man put in jail, but I reckon that's just the way it will have to be.

I will warn you ahead of time though. If we meet, DO NOT put your hand out to shake mine. You better swing and I do mean quick.
Not a threat my little Ceasar Milktoast buddy..........it's just reality staring you dead in the face.  :sneer:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


When Baxter and I were in Kansas we met a guy that we had never met before, and upon discussing the Fins and Fur Forums, he claimed that he had indeed heard of us, but only lurked.

Baxter told him he should sign up and participate, check things out and ask some questions, that we'd be happy to have him around.

You know what his reply was?
I thought about it, but it seems like every other topic I read someone is smashing someone else for the way they do something or for what they posted about the way they hunt. It's like everyone is fighting with everyone. I really dont wanna get involved in that.

How many other people are lurking and getting the same impression? How long are we going to continue to do this?

And just for the record, there is no ONE person at fault for all this horseshit. There might be some carrying more then the next but, there is no one person.

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Young person let me tell ya this......I saw it on there posted by someone else!!!!!! If you would climb down off your soap box for a second any one could see I did not mean you posted it.
I was not calling any one a anything I was just stating that that pic has been abused.
I am sure you know a lot about Hunting.......but after seeing all your hatred for people I would question your ethics..LOL
I have always thought those were trapped and I will sleep OK......
You take your money and get some anger management or some shells or something and enjoy OUR sport and support it...dont bash it :nono:
I am sure you know a lot...I did too....But I do know you will need someone someday and they may remind you of when you knew a lot and walk away.  :biggrin:<<<NOTICE THIS ......  :roflmao:  LOL
http://wvsportsman.net/smf/index.php?topic=1124.0<<<This guy even says he stole it.......see the date?
http://wvsportsman.net/smf/index.php?topic=4615.msg39982#msg39982 <<<<<He claimed he shot em


FinsnFur ,

You are correct of course. I have said more than enough to get my point across, and others involved have said their piece also. Any further discussion regarding this subject should be done in private E mail or a face to face conversation.  I have decided to do the right thing and walk away from it.
Foxpro Field staff


I'm glad I took a moment to sign up for that blocked WV forum and read your link Alscalls, it appears you're being mocked pretty harshly and didn't even realize it.   If you think he was seriously trying to convince you he killed all "my" coyotes with a crossbow in one day- you're just as gullible as they hoped you were! LOL!  A couple guys were having fun at your expense... although I don't know any of them.  I do find all your calling advice on that forum interesting- I'll continue to check back on occasion in hopes of learning more.

This fight-talk is simply laughable.  If anyone here has cooked something up in their head, that was derived from the Internet, that you believe is worth fighting for... then you're banking wayyyy too much of your livelihood on this online atmosphere.  This is supposed to be an environment of fun and conversation and learning- nothing you take home at night and wake up with in the morning.  Geeze!  :doh2:

Bopeye, I'll paraphrase some of your friends and longtime acquaintances with "it's all he's got"... so I understand your humiliation from previous arguments we've had here.  You've stooped all the way down to being saved by Christ on a Sunday- calling me to repent and apologize for all you've wronged me- thanking me for all I've done for you- and now you're back up to physical violence.   You confidentially lashed out at THO about his imbalanced behavior and utter ignorance and now you're flying right under his wing again.  I give up with you bud.  :)  I'm sure we'll all cross paths next year at the World Predator Expo wherever it may be... or perhaps even sooner at a rendezvous this winter.  We're obviously both unafraid and confident so like all things- it'll work itself out.

Jim, I apologize once again if my part in this has caused trouble for your board as a whole.  Posting here, for me and a few others, is definitely a game of choosing battles.  I try to stick to what I know and defend only what I need too- but I'll focus even harder on that in the future.   I've pledged to remain only "reactionary" to THO's regular attacks on me, and I'll do the same with any new fledglings he takes on in his mission.  As we've discussed in the past, the ebb & flow will inevitably wash away the culprits in any community.  Not necessarily the minority or the least popular, but the turds always float in time.   You've taken a lot of heat from a couple "top posters" wanting to have me banned- and your integrity impresses me quite a bit.  Perhaps I was wrong to have questioned you in the past with other members, it appears you stand for your convictions more than most, can't hold that against a man.

PS: Yes Al that coyote was killed yesterday morning, and perfectly legally, by yours truly, but I wouldn't expect you to publicly acknowledge that.   If you'd like to delegate someone to come take a look at my camera phone's time stamp on the file... or the rotting carcass in my sinkhole... or the tacky bloodstains on my truckbed... please shoot me a PM.  Otherwise just remain calm and everyone will likely forget you've been called out again.   Thanks;


Quote from: Jrbhunter on October 09, 2008, 07:46:56 AM
  I'm sure we'll all cross paths next year at the World Predator Expo wherever it may be... or perhaps even sooner at a rendezvous this winter.  We're obviously both unafraid and confident so like all things- it'll work itself out.

Yep, it'll work itself out. I can assure you that the attempt I had made with you to mend fences will never be extended again. I look forward to meeting you.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free