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What do I do?

Started by Hidehunter, February 24, 2009, 09:49:02 PM

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Well I just walked through the door from my 3rd coyote hunt.  My first I had a Bobcat in my lap, my 2nd turned up nothing, and this evening I had 2 yotes all tore up.  I'm having a blast out here  :yoyo: The only problem is I really dont have any idea what I'm doing  :shrug:

My first stand I got blinked but my 2nd I was using a rabbit distress and a yote about 400yards over the hill started what I believe to be some type of cha howl.  I just shut up and this progressed for about 2 minutes.  I didnt know what to do.  It finally shut up so I cha howled back at it and it barked just a couple more times.  Everything was quite for a while and I didnt know if it was coming in or what.  After I waited (for what seemed to be forever) I tried a howl with no response.  I was scared all I was going to do was educate it so I just shut up with the yote calls.  After about 10 minutes I used a rabbit distress again and it started answering with the same cha howl in what seemed to be the same location.  After that I just packed up and snuck out trying not to do more damage than good.

What should I have done?


Was this at night or in the daytime?

Maybe try moving a little closer.  I'm pretty new at this too.  Some of the more experienced guys will surely post some suggestions!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


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Quote from: Frogman on February 24, 2009, 10:03:47 PM
Was this at night or in the daytime?

It was at night, just a little bit ago.

Quote from: FinsnFur on February 24, 2009, 10:12:21 PM
Whats a cha howl?

It sounded kinda like a few yips and then a longer bark and just kept doing it.   :roflmao: I really dont know?


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! the CHA Howl! :nono:


Well, I'm gonna pop a guess and say it sounds like a warning howl and he busted you. But again thats just a guess on my part.

How was the wind? Was he down wind from you? If he was...there ya go, busted.  :wink:
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No the wind was perfect.  I honestly dont believe we were busted.

Jimmie in Ky

That depends on the type of terrain you were in whether the wind was right or not. Steep areas can fool you badly.

On the other hand working at night with lights you may have done something to trigger his warning response. If you were working with a white light you boogered it. Jimmie


Ya shoulda left sooner sounds like you got busted.  :eyebrownod:


Wish I could of left sooner...The whole work thing interferes to much with my hunting.

The wind seemed perfect and we were on top of the hill and the yote was down in the hollar.   I guess it could have shifted on me. :doh2:  :madd:

If I was busted would it just stay over there and bitch and yell at me as long as it did?  I would think it would just leave but Im just learning. 

Also what should I have done as far as calling?  Maybe just got up and left right there.

And do yotes get vocal often before they come in.  I would think they would want to sneek in :shrug:


Were you hunting in Tennessee? If so it was prolly Bopeye trying to call you in using his secret mating call... :biggrin:
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



Quote from: securpro on February 25, 2009, 08:58:16 AM
Were you hunting in Tennessee? If so it was prolly Bopeye trying to call you in using his secret mating call... :biggrin:

:roflmao:  :roflmao: Not Tennessee, Bopeye hasnt made any trips to WV lately has he?


Quote from: Hidehunter on February 25, 2009, 08:47:52 AM

If I was busted would it just stay over there and bitch and yell at me as long as it did?  I would think it would just leave but Im just learning. 

No, thats not how it works all the time. :nono:
They will warn the other coyotes that your there, hence the term "warning howl".  And when they do it, unless you've got a clear shot at the squealer, there's nothing you can do.
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I believe the "thermals" rolling down off the hill carried your scent to him if he was below you.  In the evenings and night, the scent drops down the hills.  Then in the morning as the sun warms the hills, it will start to rise up. 


Quote from: FinsnFur on February 24, 2009, 10:22:44 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! the CHA Howl! :nono:

OK...here is something for you guys to make fun of me about.  I've got a bunch of yote sounds I've been listening to trying to learn the language so to speak.  I'm really wanting to be good at this coyote hunting.  So once I got home last night I listened to everything and found the one that sounded just like what the coyote was saying.  When I found it I looked at what is was called and I had typed in Cha Howl.  What I didnt realize untill just now was that I was in a hurry when I wrote everything down.   :roflmao:  Cha howl = Challenge Howl.

So go ahead and give me a hard time, I'm ready for it. 

How does that change things as far as what I should have done?


The challenge howl is often mistaken with the warning howl.
An honest mistake committed by even the best of em. :wink:
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Good question.........Challenging him back right now could work or run him off.........Depends on the dog.
Submissive sounds are a good choice or not again up to the dog. It aint easy just go for it and see what happens.


I've often wondered who came up with names for all the different coyote vocalizations....  :confused: and how does anyone really know what a coyote is thinking or saying?  :shrug:

I'm really not much of a howler person myself. Bop is the one that is pretty good at working coyotes with his Kee/Elk howler, this I've seen so I know howling does work, at times anyway. :eyebrownod:   

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


If they were 400 yards away I think I would have tried to move a little closer and try some distress sounds or maybe female estrous sounds??  Especially if they sounded like they were staying in one place and not getting closer to you.  It all depends on the situation.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


yotes do that when you start off calling to loud when their close to you I know I call loud myself try to start out lower Im guilty of this myself


I forgot to give you away out move 4 to5 hundred yards two barks long high pitch howl dont do anything else with in one hour you will kill you ayote or leave come back next night go to place were dogs howled give out three lone howls wait wait wait long wait you will kill you a yote