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Howling with the Hillbilly

Started by tomkat, May 22, 2009, 05:06:41 PM

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Me and the Hillbilly got together this past weekend to do some Coyote hunting on the first stand Hillbilly made three howls and this female came across the field.  I shot her about 250 yards.  We howled in six Coyotes for the weekend.  I was impressed with Hillbilly's howling.  I can see that howling takes a lot of practice and lots of time listening to coyotes and understanding them and their vocalizations.  Hillbilly gave me some lessons and things I need to work on, I think it will help me a lot on my calling.

Hillbilly overlooking one of the stands we made.

Bills Custom Calls

Looks like ya had a good time  some nice hunting ground also

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


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thanks for having me down tom had agood time see you in dec well kill the hell out of those kentuky dogs looks like you dont get much response on here when you post a kill maybe we better just do set ups  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Quote from: wvhillbillyhowler on May 25, 2009, 09:09:26 PM
looks like you dont get much response on here when you post a kill maybe we better just do set ups  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Sometimes its best not to say anything for the good of the forum, me thinks.   Are ya lookin' for an atta boy for whackin' that wet dog at night?  OK, atta boy.   :roflmao:


So where did ya end up finding the den at?


 i would give u one jon but u never call me anymore :shrug:  :noway:      ooooooooooo crap ataboy.   :roflmao:       

Todd Rahm

Sorry tomkat. I saw your post, but after 20,000 coyote kill post over the years, I just wasn't overwhelmed with the urge to reply. Doesn't make your hunt, story or coyote any less then the others, I was just kinda being lazy I suppose. Nice pictures.

Quotelooks like you don't get much response on here when you post a kill maybe we better just do set ups  

Mr. Howler I think you would fit in better over at Praise Masters also know as Predator Masters. There you'll get all the attention ya need, and from the post of yours, that I have came across, with your belly aching and self proclaimed howling ability and knowledge, you should be a moderator over there of the predator call forums in 2 months, and probably with in the year and 2500 post later you might just be an admin with Pro Staff status for one of several companies, 6 DVD's to your name, and a couple of magazine articles, and all the post replies you need for the next 10 years to boost your ego. If you need directions, just follow all the drama on anyone of the 12 predator call boards on the internet, or ask politely and I'll point ya in the right direction.

Tomkat sorry for using your post to reply to Mr. Howler, his reply just caught me at the right time of the morning.


I'll politely reply to the picture you guy's have posted  :shck:

It is very distasteful  :iroll:  You clearly have shot a wet bitch and have more than likely wiped out an entire den of puppies. If your one that could care less, about that happening, that's your perogative but don't expect to post them on a predator board to guy's that view a coyote as a trophy animal and get praised for it!


Coon hunter

I love to hunt and Trap yotes when I have the Time . I have one that is silver in the freezer .
Quality Whole sale and customer Taxidermy

Coon hunting  Its a passion .


I just hope you shot her during the daytime at 250yds seeings how night hunting with a rifle in West Va is illegal as far as I know. Otherwise that's a helluva shotgun you got there.  :yoyo:

Congrats on the coyote too.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I guess I should not have posted those pictures.  For what you would think, but some people think the worst. I don't never post anything anyway but I will not do it again, Sorry!  I killed the male dog back in December and this bitch raised her pups by herself.  I seen the pups and they was bigger than she was.  The farmer that owned the land was happy to see them gone and wished I would had killed all the pups.  Dead before she had the pups or dead after, he didn't care.  He just wanted them gone.   



I fully understand your position. If that had been stated in the original post that you were takin out coyotes for a farmer, rancher or homeowner. It was left wide open as if you all were out joy killin for the fun of it and posting pictures of a dead wet bitch for some kind of praisal from everyone here. I hope you continue to post successful pictures !



well boys that coyote was killed in ken was shot right before dark far has pup killen goes if you kill adog before its a year old your apup killer so dont be hunting no more your all pup killers yep your right  im the best coyote howlen sonofabitch there is  i make a dam fine howler but youfellers will never find that out you dont know what your missing im ahell of alot of fun to hunt with i kill the hell out of those dogs but i would not dig a den of pups and kill them but some of you do so what is a pup killer in the belly 6 weeks 10 months 12 months you fellas answer that and hug a dam tree dave i have been tied up sellen the hell out of calls i will call you brother well go kill us adog apup who give ashit you know will have ablast TOM YOUR HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD TALK ABOUT IT TALK ABOUT IT HELL WE GETTER DONE  NO NEED TO TALK ON HEAR CALL ME YOU MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING  YOU GOT MY NUMBER  HILLBILLY OUT  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :eyebrow: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Quote from: wvhillbillyhowler on May 26, 2009, 10:52:14 PM
well boys that coyote was killed in ken was shot right before dark far has pup killen goes if you kill adog before its a year old your apup killer so dont be hunting no more your all pup killers yep your right  im the best coyote howlen sonofabitch there is  i make a dam fine howler but youfellers will never find that out you dont know what your missing im ahell of alot of fun to hunt with i kill the hell out of those dogs but i would not dig a den of pups and kill them but some of you do so what is a pup killer in the belly 6 weeks 10 months 12 months you fellas answer that and hug a dam tree dave i have been tied up sellen the hell out of calls i will call you brother well go kill us adog apup who give ashit you know will have ablast TOM YOUR HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD TALK ABOUT IT TALK ABOUT IT HELL WE GETTER DONE  NO NEED TO TALK ON HEAR CALL ME YOU MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING  YOU GOT MY NUMBER  HILLBILLY OUT  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :eyebrow: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Besides being functionally illiterate you've established you are a "sonofabitch" (your words) to boot.  Thanks for clearing that up, hillbilly,  but there was never any doubt.   :innocentwhistle:




I'm curious???

You guys know, despite many of your best efforts, I still have trouble discerning the difference between coyote tracks and dog tracks.  My howling is frequently made fun of by the guys I hunt with.  My turkey hunting buddy says my attempt at box calling sounded terrible.  With all the above in mind . . .

How do you tell if a coyote in your sights for just a few seconds through the trees or grass is a wet bitch, a three month old pup, or a full grown mature animal??

I think a lot of the negativity in the above posts are a result of the photo of tomkat holding an obviously wet female coyote.  If that same coyote would have been turned around so that its back was visible in the photo instead of its belly then you might not be slamming these guys so hard.

In my short time hunting coyotes and reading and participating in these forums I have learned that one big bone of contention is weather or not to hunt coyotes at all this time of year.  Some choose not to.  Others choose to continue to hunt.  Some say they hunt this time of year only if they have complaints from the land owner. 

When I first got into coyote hunting I was looking for something I could hunt year round.  For two and half years I have been coyote hunting year round anytime I could find someone to go with me, and lots of times by myself.  During this time I have certainly not hurt the coyote population any.  But I also must admit that I hunt coyotes, not mature coyotes, or non-wet-bitch coyotes, just whatever coyote I see.  Of the ones I have been fortunate enough to get in my sights, I have to tell you that I never once considered if it was a pup, or a wet bitch, or a pregnant female or what.  I just made sure it wasn't the neighbors German Shepherd and took the shot when I had one.

When we hunt groundhogs, do we make such distinctions???  Their litters are also in the ground at this time of year.

I am fortunate enough to have lots of contacts with many landowners.  Most of them want the coyotes killed because of their predation of rabbits, deer, turkeys, livestock, and pets.

As to wvhillbillyhowler . . .

I have known him for a year or so.  He is a good guy.  He is also an excellent coyote hunter who has learned how to hunt coyotes pretty much on his own without benefit of computer forums till recently when he joined Fins & Fur.  He is the best howler I have ever heard, with the exception maybe,  of his son Donnie.  He has learned by getting out at night and listening to the coyotes night after night, not by watching videos, though I'm sure he does that too.   I know, I spent a few nights out with him and he can flat out talk coyote.  John is not as computer literate as some of us and I think we could all learn a lot from him if we would give him a chance.  He also makes some fine calls.  We all have our warts, failings, and negative sides of our personalities, but I don't think they should outweigh the positive things we can bring to the discussion.  I know I have learned a lot from the time I have spent with him and I look forward to hunting with him again.

I don't know tomkat at all, but I bet he feels like he just unintentionally stepped in pile of shit??  I know I felt that way after a couple of my early posts. 

I guess I just wish we could be a little more tolerant of one another and "just get along".

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I can agree with most of what Jim says in his post above.  The problem of posting pics of animals taken that may offend others is something everyone either learns to not do or after a bit they will take flack.  I snare and a lot of people don't like it so I refrain from posting pics of catch's that could be deamed as offensive.   I take no pride in shooting wet bitch's or small pups but it comes with what I do for people up here but you won't ever see a pic of it for the same reason.  tomkat did no wrong in posting and pretty much everybody was going to be able to let it slide, but someone else had to pipe up in order to preen his feathers and that is where people took offence.   I believe the man knows his stuff and I don't care as I learned all I know on my own and have never owned, watched or used any electronics to hunt or learn to hunt.   Everybody likes to think of themselves as the best[human nature] and when someone try's to ram it down my throat it leaves a most disagreeable taste that I won't try to live with.  I have enough pricks up here to deal with in real life so that I don't need anymore on the internet to amuse me.  Maybe, just maybe he should look at how he looks to other people when he comes off like that as it's got to hurt sales of his howlers.
I say what I think not think what I say.


It is tough to tell if the coyotes are wet or not from looking through the scope. But the time of year pretty much dictates that. It's a fifty fifty chance it's a male or a wet bitch.

I personally have never had a problem with year round hunting, killing wet coyotes, dry coyotes, young coyotes,  crippled coyotes, fat coyotes, skinny coyotes. :shrug:

I'm pretty sure that anyone on this forum that did have a problem with it, would most likely take it a lot better if it wasn't shoved down there throats like a dry tennis shoe with the back end of a broken broom handle for a tamping stick.

Yeah just dont read it right? Well were here to see the kills and read the stories... kinda hard to to see the story through the scope from that distance just like it is to see those sore tits through the scope. The issues were surrounded by is the overwhelming hammer fists of boasting and ego that goes with it.

It just needs to be toned down a bit. The ego that is. Were not maroons, and the majority of us have been a part of hunting forums all over the web, for many years.

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