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The First World Predator Hunting Expo

Started by FinsnFur, March 15, 2008, 09:42:48 AM

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I was talking with ole CCP this evening, and he asked if I was goin, and I said I was for sure, but I hadn't booked yet. I started lookin, and lo and behold  :shck: $127.50 round trip airfare from Nashville. So, I have the first thing booked. I have hotel points I can use for the hotel, and a free car rental for the weekend.  :eyebrow: So I may make out pretty cheap on this trip.  :yoyo:



Wish I could go.  I have a locked-in commitment for that weekend or I would be going for sure.  Y'all are going to have a great time!



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Brad H

I usually don't pay any attention to these things. Mainly because they're always scheduled when I have to work...and this one is too...

But think since Bop put this bug in my ear it's gotten the gears turning and I may just take the time off anyway and drive down for the three days. Don't know if I'll be going alone or what yet?

14 hours and 990 miles. I'll be going straight east to Fargo, then south along the state lines. If there's anyone in between that might need a ride let me know, we might be able to work something out.

I'll see what's around online for hotels and prices, but if any of you guys have any recommendations shoot'em my way.



  I'm thinking to go down for a night( 2 days).  Where is eveerybody staying? The convention center?


This is the first I heard of the expo.... :readthis: I am gonna try to make it down (my kids love to take them weekend trips) Is there a list of people that are coming to the expo? , Is there a place that we can all get together and have a beer or something? :eyebrow:
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



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Dan Carey

I'll be there, and would like to meet all the F&F members that come.
Life's tough, it's tougher if you're a nasty, fat, unemployable, drunk, socialist. To say nothing of the fact you are an embezzler.




Me too!  :sad:  :sad3:
It seems things like this are usually several States away,
now it's only about 4 hrs away and I can't make it.  :sad2:
We have to move our daughter up to college that weekend.
I wonder if she'd,,,,,, oh never mind.  :nono: :nono:  :laf:


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 Is there a schedule of events somewhere?? Or a get together planned? :shrug:


We should kinda work out a meeting place or something yeah. The schedule of events is pretty much the expo in itself :wink:
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Quote from: nailbender on July 31, 2008, 06:44:07 PM
Is there a schedule of events somewhere?? Or a get together planned? :shrug:

Uh!!!! I think thats your cue Jim  :readthis:
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



Yeah, the schedule of events is laid out by the staff of the Predator Expo, and the meeting place is the Eastern Coyotes.com booth #713

I'll buy the first round ........for FnFr's only :biggrin:
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Nothing against Brent Rueb, but who ever made that web page must have slept through half of it. There is not a single key word or even a meta tag to help anyone find that page on the internet.

If you dont get the link to the site from a friend, you'll have your work cut out for you. Pretty poor advertising.
A dead nuts Google search on "Predator Expo" still buries it half way down the page. :rolleye: And that's because the search engines have absolutely nothing to go on, without those tags.
I can't even begin to imagine the amount of  patrons or revenue that's going to cost them in the long run. :doh2:
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 :yoyo:Well it looks like my buddies and I are going to make it. We decided to go about a week ago. I was really hoping my friend Rich would try the calling contest, but he says he does not care to have a title or even compete for it. He is damn good, but no matter how much I try and prod him he won't do it. Maybe I will get to meet some of you guys.


OK......so I get off of work here in about an hour and a half, and am gonna get home, finish packing, then get to bed cause my plane leaves at 6:53 which means I will need to be at the about an hour and a half earlier.  :shck: Anyways.....you all behave and we'll see you on the flip side.  :wink: